1-2 Nte Kiilaa* Pawulu niŋ baadiŋolu* mennu bee be m fee jaŋ, m̀ be Yeesu la kafoolu kontoŋ na, mennu be Kalatiya tundoo kaŋ. Nte maŋ ñiŋ kiilaariyaa dookuwo soto ka bo niŋ hadamadiŋolu la, sako ì la yaamaroo, bari ka bo Yeesu Kiristu* la, aniŋ Alla la, m̀ Faamaa, meŋ ye Kiristu wulindi ka bo saayaa kono. 3 Hiinoo niŋ kayiroo be ali fee ka bo Alla, m̀ Faamaa, aniŋ Maarii Yeesu Kiristu bulu, 4 meŋ ye a faŋo dii ǹ na junuboolu kamma la, ka m̀ firiŋ ñiŋ jamaani jawoo kono ka bo niŋ Alla, m̀ Faamaa, la lafoo la. 5 Tenturoo niŋ jayiroo be ate le ye fo abadaa. Amiin.
Kibaari bete koteŋ te keriŋ
6 A keta n ye teremma kuwo le ti ka a je ko, ali jenketa tariyaake ñaameŋ Alla la siloo la, meŋ ye ali kumandi Kiristu la hiinoo kono nuŋ. Ali bulata kibaari doo le nooma, meŋ niŋ ñiŋ maŋ ke kiliŋ ti. 7 Bari kibaari bete koteŋ te keriŋ! Moo doolu le be ali kono jee, mennu ka ali sondomoolu jakasindi, aduŋ ì lafita le ka Kiristu la kibaari betoo faliŋ. 8 Bari hani ntolu faŋolu waraŋ malaayikoo ka bo Arijana kono naata kibaari doo fo ali ye, meŋ niŋ kibaari betoo maŋ kiliŋ, ŋà meŋ kawandi ali ye nuŋ, Alla la dankoo si tara a kaŋ. 9 Aduŋ ko ŋà a fo ali ye ñaameŋ nuŋ, m be a seyinkaŋ na ali ye le kotenke: Niŋ moo-wo-moo ye kibaari doo fo ali ye, meŋ niŋ ali ye meŋ soto maŋ ke kiliŋ ti, Alla la dankoo si tara a kaŋ.
10 Saayiŋ, fo nte ka hadamadiŋolu la soŋo le ñini baŋ, fo Alla taa? Fo n ka kata le ka moolu seewondi baŋ? Niŋ n ka tu moolu la seewoo le ñini la, wo to n te ke noo la Kiristu la dookuulaa ti.
Pawulu la kumandiroo kiilaariyaa to
11 M baadiŋolu, n lafita ali kalamutandi la ñiŋ na le ko, kibaari betoo n ka meŋ kawandi, a maŋ ke hadamadiŋo la kumoo ti. 12 M maŋ a soto hadamadiŋ bulu, aduŋ moo maŋ n karandi a la, bari Yeesu Kiristu le ye a lankenema n ye.
13 Ali ye a moyi le, m baluuta nuŋ Yahuudoolu la diinoo kono ñaameŋ: Ŋa Alla la kafoo toorandi jawuke, ŋa katoo bee ke ka a kasaara. 14 Ŋa Yahuudi diinoo loŋ ne ka tambi m fulaŋ jamaa la. Ñinnu ye n na hamoo la waroo le yitandi, ka m̀ mumuñolu la karandiroolu muta. 15 Bari Alla ye n tomboŋ ne, janniŋ n wuluu waatoo be sii la, aduŋ a ye n kumandi ka bo niŋ a la hiinoo la. 16 A seewoota le ka a Dinkewo yitandi n na fo n si a la kuwo kibaaroo kawandi moolu ye, mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti. Wo to, m maŋ yaamaroo ñini hadamadiŋ bulu, 17 aduŋ m maŋ taa Yerusalaamu moolu yaa, mennu keta kiilaalu ti n ñaa, bari n taata Araabuduu le. Wo koolaa, m muruta Damasiku saatewo kono. 18 Sanji saba koolaa, n taata Yerusalaamu ka Kefas kumpabo fo n si a loŋ, aduŋ n sabatita a fee fo tili taŋ niŋ luulu. 19 Bari m maŋ kiilaa doo tara jee, fo Yankuba doroŋ, meŋ mu m̀ Maariyo doomaa ti. 20 M be ñiŋ kumoolu mennu safee kaŋ ali ye, Alla ñaatiliŋo la, ì maŋ ke faniyaa ti!
21 Bituŋ n naata taa Siriya niŋ Silisiya tundoolu kaŋ. 22 Bari wo tumoo la, Kiristu la kafoolu mennu be Yudeya tundoo kaŋ taariŋ, ì maŋ nte faŋo loŋ foloo. 23 Ì ye kibaaroo doroŋ ne moyi n na kuwo to ko, “Kewo meŋ ka ǹ toorandi nuŋ, a ka wo lannoo le kawandi saayiŋ, a ye a kata nuŋ ka meŋ kasaara.” 24 Bituŋ ì ye Alla jayi n na kuwo kamma la.
1-2 From the apostle Paul and from all the Lord's followers with me.
I was chosen to be an apostle by Jesus Christ and by God the Father, who raised him from death. No mere human chose or appointed me to this work.
To the churches in Galatia:
3 I pray that God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace! 4 Christ obeyed God our Father and gave himself as a sacrifice for our sins to rescue us from this evil world. 5 God will be given glory forever and ever. Amen.
The Only True Message
6 I am shocked that you have so quickly turned from God, who chose you with his gift of undeserved grace. You have believed another message, 7 when there is really only one true message. But some people are causing you trouble and want to make you turn away from the good news about Christ. 8 I pray that God will punish anyone who preaches anything different from our message to you! It doesn't matter if that person is one of us or an angel from heaven. 9 I have said it before, and I will say it again. I hope God will punish anyone who preaches anything different from what you have already believed.
10 I am not trying to please people. I want to please God. Do you think I am trying to please people? If I were doing that, I would not be a servant of Christ.
How Paul Became an Apostle
11 My friends, I want you to know that no one made up the message I preach. 12 It wasn't given or taught to me by some mere human. My message came directly from Jesus Christ when he appeared to me.
13 You know how I used to live as a Jew. I was cruel to God's church and even tried to destroy it. 14 I was a much better Jew than anyone else my own age, and I obeyed every law our ancestors had given us. 15 But even before I was born, God had chosen me by his gift of undeserved grace and had decided 16 to show me his Son, so I would announce his message to the Gentiles. I didn't talk this over with anyone. 17 I didn't say a word, not even to the men in Jerusalem who were apostles before I was. Instead, I went at once to Arabia, and afterwards I returned to Damascus.
18 Three years later I went to visit Peter in Jerusalem and stayed with him for 15 days. 19 The only other apostle I saw was James, the Lord's brother. 20 And in the presence of God I swear I am telling the truth.
21 Later, I went to the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22 But no one who belonged to Christ's churches in Judea had ever seen me in person. 23 They had only heard that the one who had been cruel to them was now preaching the message that he had once tried to destroy. 24 And because of me, they praised God.