Yuuba la diyaamu labaŋo
1 Yuuba tententa a la diyaamoo la ko:

2 M be lafi la n na kuwo ye tara,
ko a be nuŋ ñaameŋ,
waatoo meŋ na, Alla tarata n na kuwo hatiriŋ,
3 waatoo meŋ, a la neemoo tarata malariŋ n kaŋ,
niŋ diboo dunta, a la maloo le ka n tambindi,
4 waatoo meŋ, m be bambandiŋ,
waatoo meŋ, Alla ye n na koridaa neemandi
a faŋo la kafuñooyaa la,
5 waatoo meŋ, Alla Tallaa be m fee,
n diŋolu be n dandaŋo la,
6 nonoo be siyaariŋ m bulu,
fo labaŋo n si n kuu noo a kono.
Hani n na olifu* yiroolu tuloo
ka soronto naŋ berehuwo la le ko baajiyo,
7 waatoo meŋ, n niŋ saatee alifaalu ka beŋ,
n ka sii ì teema,
8 waatoo meŋ, fondinkewolu ka wuli n ye,
keebaalu ka loo ka buuñaa dii n na,
9 ñaatonkoolu ka i deyi diyaamoo la,
ì ka ì daalu muta,
10 hani moo kummaalu kaŋ buka moyi,
ì neŋolu ka tara sorondiŋ ì daalu kono.

11 Moo-wo-moo ye n na kuwo moyi wo waatoo la,
a ka n kumandi neema moo le la.
Moo-wo-moo ñaa boyita n kaŋ,
a ka kuma kendoo le fo m ma.
12 Kaatu n ka fuwaaroolu le tankandi mennu ka woosii,
aniŋ aliyatiimoolu mennu maŋ maakoyilaa soto.
13 Moo bataariŋolu ka tara duwaa kaŋ n ye le,
aduŋ n ka furuyaamusoolu jusulandi le.
14 Tooñaa dendikamaa le ka tara dundiŋ n na,
aniŋ tiliŋo warambamaa niŋ a naafamaa.
15 Nte le keta finkintewolu ñaa ti,
n keta lanjuurutoolu siŋolu ti.
16 Nte le keta fentaŋolu faa ti,
n keta tooñaa londilaa ti tumarankewolu ye.
17 Nte le ye moo jawoolu ŋaaŋaa kuloolu kati,
ŋa feŋolu tanka, ì ñiŋolu be sorondiŋ mennu fee.

18 Wo to nte ye a miira,
n ñanta siimaayaa la le ko duwaforoo,
ŋa naa faa ñaŋo kono.
19 N na kuwo ka muluŋ ne komeŋ yiroo,
meŋ suloolu be janjandiŋ jiyo kono,
komboo ka jii a buloolu kaŋ suuto-wo-suuto.
20 Moolu la m buuñaa keñaa buka talaa,
aduŋ n na beñoo ka tu kutayaariŋ ne.
21 Niŋ m be yaamaroo dii kaŋ,
moolu ka tara deyiriŋ ne,
ì ye tara i lamoyi kaŋ m fokumoo la.
22 Ì buka kuma laa m fokumoo kaŋ,
m fokumoo ka ì kontaani le ko neemajiyo.
23 Ì ka tara m batu kaŋ ne ko samaajiyo.
Ì ka tara hameriŋ m fokumoolu la le ko samaajii labaŋo.
24 N ka tara muyi la ì ye le,
niŋ ì maŋ jiki soto ì faŋ to,
n ñaatoŋo la diyaa le ka ì jikindi ì faŋ to.
25 Nte le mu ì la kuu laañaa folaa ti,
ka ì la kuwo ñaatonkayaa,
ko mansakewo ka a la kelediŋolu ñaatonkayaa ñaameŋ.
Niŋ moo niyo kuyaata, nte le ka a jusoo ñabu.
Job Continues
I Long for the Past
1 Job said:
2 I long for the past,
when God took care of me,
3 and the light from his lamp
showed me the way
through the dark.
4 I was in the prime of life,
God All-Powerful
was my closest friend,
5 and all of my children
were nearby.
6 My herds gave enough milk
to bathe my feet,
and from my olive harvest
flowed rivers of oil.
* 7 When I sat down at the meeting
of the city council,
8 the young leaders stepped aside,
* 9 while the older ones stood
10 and remained silent.
Everyone Was Pleased
11 Everyone was pleased
with what I said and did.
12 When poor people or orphans
cried out for help,
I came to their rescue.
13 And I was highly praised
for my generosity to widows
and others in poverty.
14 Kindness and justice
were my coat and hat;
15 I was helpful to the blind
and to the lame.
16 I was a father to the needy,
and I defended them in court,
even if they were strangers.
17 When criminals attacked,
I broke their teeth
and set their victims free.

18 I felt certain that I would live
a long and happy life,
then die in my own bed.
19 In those days I was strong
like a tree with deep roots
and with plenty of water,
20 or like an archer's new bow.
21 Everyone listened in silence
to my welcome advice,
22 and when I finished speaking,
nothing needed to be said.
23 My words were eagerly accepted
like the showers of spring,
24 and the smile on my face
renewed everyone's hopes.
25 My advice was followed
as though I were a king
leading my troops,
or someone comforting
those in sorrow.