Hesekiya ye Alla batuñaa murundi a ñaama
1 Kabiriŋ juuraloo kumfaata, Banisirayilankoolu mennu bee maabeeta jee, taata Yahuuda saatewolu to ka jalaŋ bere samasiŋolu boyi, ì ye Asera* jalaŋ dokoolu kuntu. Ì ye jalaŋ batudulaa tintiŋolu* niŋ sadaabodulaalu* buruka Yahuuda bankoo bee kaŋ ka taa fo Benjamini tundoo, Efurayimu* tundoo, aniŋ Manase tundoo. Wo koolaa, ì bee muruta ì la saatewolu to, moo-wo-moo seyita a yaa.
2 Bituŋ Mansa Hesekiya ye piriisoolu* niŋ Lewi lasiloo moolu talaŋ-talaŋ kafoolu ti, ko ì moo-wo-moo la dookuwo be ñaameŋ. Itolu le marata jani sadaalu* niŋ kayira sabatindiraŋ sadaalu bondoo la, ka baturoo niŋ dookuwo ke Yaawe Batudulaa to aniŋ ka jayiroo niŋ tenturoo dii. 3 Mansa la karoo la, a ye lafaari ke jani sadaalu to, meŋ ka ke soomandaa-wo-soomandaa aniŋ wulaara-wo-wulaara, aniŋ Loobula Luŋ-wo-Loobula Luŋ, Kari Kuta Juuraloolu* aniŋ juurali luŋ looriŋolu, ko a be safeeriŋ Yaawe la Luwaa to ñaameŋ.
4 Aduŋ a ye moolu yaamari mennu be sabatiriŋ Yerusalaamu ka piriisoolu niŋ Lewi lasiloo moolu niyo dii ì la, fo ì si Yaawe la Luwaa muta noo ì bulu fuloo la. 5 Jee niŋ jee, ko yaamaroo janjanta ñaameŋ, Banisirayila moolu bee ye a dati ka diiroo ke famfaŋ, ka bo naŋ ì la siimaŋ kuŋ foloo la, wayini* kutoo, olifu* tuloo, liyo, aniŋ siimaŋ toomaalu, ì ye mennu kati kunkoolu to, aduŋ ì ye feŋolu bee siidulaa tanjaŋo fanaalu samba naŋ ne. 6 Banisirayilankoolu niŋ Yahuuda moolu mennu be sabatiriŋ Yahuuda saatewolu to, fanaa ye ì la ninsoolu niŋ saajiyolu, aniŋ ì ye feŋolu mennu kerekere Yaawe ye, ì la Alla, bee le jakoo samba naŋ, ì ye ì jurumiŋ-jurumiŋ. 7 Ì ye a dati ka ñiŋ feŋolu jurumiŋ-jurumiŋ saŋo kari sabanjaŋo le la, ì ye a kumfaa a kari woorowulanjaŋo.
8 Kabiriŋ Hesekiya niŋ a la ñaatonkoolu naata, ì ye ñiŋ jurumoolu je, ì ye Yaawe tentu aniŋ a la moolu, Banisirayilankoolu. 9 Hesekiya ye piriisoolu niŋ Lewi lasiloo moolu ñininkaa ñiŋ jurumoolu la kuwo la. 10 Bituŋ Asariya, piriisi kuntiyo, meŋ bota Sadoki kaabiiloo to, ye a jaabi ko, “Kabiriŋ moolu ye a dati ka diiroo ke Yaawe la Batudulaa Buŋo* to, ŋà domoroo jamaa le soto, aduŋ jamaa le too tuta. Yaawe neemata a la moolu ma le, wo le ye a tinna ñiŋ too jamaa baa tuta teŋ.”
11 Hesekiya ye ì yaamari ka buntuŋolu parendi Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo to. Biriŋ ì ye ì parendi, 12 ì ye ñiŋ jakoolu, fankadaŋ sadaalu aniŋ feŋolu mennu kerekereta, bee samba naŋ jee tiliŋo kono. Konaniya, Lewi lasiloo moo le marata ñiŋ feŋolu la, Simeya be a nooma, a baadiŋo. 13 Mansa Hesekiya niŋ Asariya, meŋ mu Alla Batudulaa piriisi kuntiyo ti, ye ñiŋ moolu tomboŋ ka Konaniya niŋ a baadiŋo Simeyi maakoyi, wolu le mu Yehiyeli ti, Asasiya, Nahati, Asaheli, Yerimoti, Yosabadi, Eliyeli, Isimakiya, Mahati, aniŋ Benaya.
14 Kore, Imuna dinkewo, Lewi lasiloo moo, meŋ marata Batudulaa Buŋo Tilibo Dundaŋ Daa kantoo ma, le marata fankadaŋ sadaalu fanaa ma, aniŋ mennu kerekereta Yaawe ye, aniŋ ì talaañaa.
15 Edeni, Miniyamini, Yesuwa, Semaya, Amariya, aniŋ Sekaniya le ka ì maakoyi saatewolu to, piriisoolu be sabatiriŋ daameŋ. Itolu le ka ì baadiŋolu niyo dii ì la tiliŋo kono, biriŋ a dindiŋ fo a keebaa, ko ì la kafoolu be ñaameŋ. 16 Dookuu kafoo meŋ ka dookuwo ke luŋ-wo-luŋ Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo to, ye ì niyo soto Yerusalaamu. Kewolu mennu bee ka ñiŋ dookuwo ke, ì toolu be safeeriŋ bonsuŋ saatari kitaaboo le kono, ka bo sanji taŋ saba ka taa wo ye santo. 17 Ì ye ì niyo dii ì la le, ko ì toolu safeeta ñaameŋ. Piriisoolu toolu safeeta le, ko ì la kaabiiloolu be ñaameŋ. Bari ì ye Lewi lasiloo moolu toolu safee ka bo sanji muwaŋ ka taa wo ye santo la, ko ì la dookuwo niŋ ì la dookuu kafoo be ñaameŋ. 18 Ì ye piriisoolu too safee, ì niŋ ì musuñolu, ì dinkewolu, ì dimmusoolu, aniŋ ì la kafoo bee. Kaatu ì ka ì hakiloo tu le waati-wo-waati ka ì faŋolu seneyandi Yaawe la kuwolu ye.
19 Haaruna koomalanka piriisoo doolu be sabatiriŋ ì la saatewolu la beeyaŋ daañini dulaalu le to. Kewolu kumandita ì too la ì ye ì tomboŋ saatee-wo-saatee ye, ka piriisoolu niyo dii ì la, kee-wo-kee ì la dimbaayaa kono, aniŋ Lewi lasiloo moolu mennu toolu be safeeriŋ bonsuŋ taarikoo kono.
20 Yahuuda bankoo bee kaŋ, Mansa Hesekiya baarata kuu betoo niŋ kuu tilindiŋo le la, aduŋ a foroyaata Yaawe a la Alla ma. 21 A ye dookuu-wo-dookuu dati ka a ke Alla Batudulaa Buŋo to, aniŋ meŋ be dendiŋ luwaa niŋ yaamaroolu la, a ye a ke niŋ a sondomoo bee le la ka Alla batu, aduŋ a ye yiriwaa soto.
The People Destroy the Local Shrines
(2 Kings 18.4)
1 After the Festival, the people went to every town in Judah and smashed the stone images of foreign gods and cut down the sacred poles for worshiping the goddess Asherah. They destroyed all the local shrines and foreign altars in Judah, as well as those in the territories of Benjamin, Ephraim, and West Manasseh. Then everyone went home.
Offerings for the Priests and Levites
2 Hezekiah divided the priests and Levites into groups, according to their duties. Then he assigned them the responsibilities of offering sacrifices to please the Lord and sacrifices to ask his blessing. He also appointed people to serve at the temple and to sing praises at the temple gates. 3 Hezekiah provided animals from his own herds and flocks to use for the morning and evening sacrifices, as well as for the sacrifices during the Sabbath celebrations, the New Moon Festivals, and the other religious feasts required by the Law of the Lord.
4 He told the people of Jerusalem to bring the offerings that were to be given to the priests and Levites, so that they would have time to serve the Lord with their work. 5 As soon as the people heard what the king wanted, they brought a tenth of everything they owned, including their best grain, wine, olive oil, honey, and other crops. 6 The people from the other towns of Judah brought a tenth of their herds and flocks, as well as a tenth of anything they had dedicated to the Lord. 7 The people started bringing their offerings to Jerusalem in the third month, and the last ones arrived four months later. 8 When Hezekiah and his officials saw these offerings, they thanked the Lord and the people.
9 Hezekiah asked the priests and Levites about the large amount of offerings. 10 The high priest at the time was Azariah, a descendant of Zadok, and he replied, “Ever since the people have been bringing us their offerings, we have had more than enough food and supplies. The Lord has certainly blessed his people. Look at how much is left over!”
11 So the king gave orders for storerooms to be built in the temple, and when they were completed, 12-13 all the extra offerings were taken there. Hezekiah and Azariah then appointed Conaniah the Levite to be in charge of these storerooms. His brother Shimei was his assistant, and the following Levites worked with them: Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah. 14 Kore son of Imnah was assigned to guard the East Gate, and he was put in charge of receiving the offerings voluntarily given to God and of dividing them among the priests and Levites. 15-16 He had six assistants who were responsible for seeing that all the priests in the other towns of Judah also got their share of these offerings. They were Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah.
Every priest and every Levite over 30 years old who worked daily in the temple received part of these offerings, according to their duties. 17 The priests were listed in the official records by clans, and the Levites 20 years old and older were listed by their duties. 18 The official records also included their wives and children, because they had also been faithful in keeping themselves clean and acceptable to serve the Lord.
19 Hezekiah also appointed other men to take food and supplies to the priests and Levites whose homes were in the pastureland around the towns of Judah. But the priests had to be descendants of Aaron, and the Levites had to be listed in the official records.
20-21 Everything Hezekiah did while he was king of Judah, including what he did for the temple in Jerusalem, was right and good. He was a successful king, because he obeyed the Lord God with all his heart.