Yaawe ye a la moolu laahidi ka ì murundi ì la bankoo kaŋ
1 Yaawe* la ñiŋ kumoo le naata n kaŋ ko: 2 “Nte Yaawe, Banisirayila la Alla ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: Yeremiya, kumoolu bee safee kitaaboo kono, ŋa mennu fo i ye. 3 Kaatu luŋolu be naa le, m be n na moolu, Banisirayila niŋ Yahuuda murundi la ì la firiŋo kono. M be ì murundi la bankoo kaŋ ne, ŋa meŋ dii ì mumuñolu la, aduŋ ì be a taa la le kotenke, ka ke ì taa ti.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
4 Yaawe ye ñiŋ kumoolu le fo Banisirayila niŋ Yahuuda la kuwo to: 5 “Nte Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
Kumboo kaŋo, n ka wo le moyi, silaŋo kamma la,
aniŋ kijafaroo, a maŋ ke kayiroo ti.
6 Ali ñininkaaroo ke, ali ye a juubee baŋ,
muna kewo si deenaanoo wuluu noo?
Wo to muŋ ne ye a tinna
ŋa kee kanaŋ-wo-kee kanaŋ je,
a buloo be a konoo to,
ko tiŋ ye musu maa?
Muŋ ne ye moo bee ñaadaa yelemandi,
ko saata kuurantoo?
7 Kooni! Wo le be ke la luŋ baa ti.
A ñoŋo te soto la.
A be ke la Yaakuba koomoo ye jarabi waatoo le ti,
bari ì be kiisa la a kono le.”

8 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* ko:
“Wo luŋo la, m be joŋyaa yookoo* kati la le
ka bo ali toŋo to,
ŋa ali la joŋyaa juloolu kuntu,
ali te ke la luntaŋolu ye joŋolu ti kotenke.
9 Bari ali be nte Yaawe, ali la Alla le batu la,
aniŋ ali la mansakewo Dawuda koomalankoo,
m be meŋ wulindi la ali ye.

10 “Wo to ali kana sila,
alitolu Yaakuba koomalankoolu, n na dookuulaalu,
sako ka jikilateyi, alitolu Banisirayilankoolu.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
“Kaatu ko, m be ali kiisa la naŋ dulaa jamfariŋo to le,
ka ali koomalankoolu bondi naŋ ì mutadulaa bankoo kaŋ.
Yaakuba koomoo be muru la naŋ ne
ka tenkuŋo niŋ tankoo soto,
aduŋ moo te a silandi noo la.
11 M be ali fee le ka ali kiisa.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
“M be wo bankoolu bee le buruka la,
ŋa ali janjandi mennu kaŋ taariŋ,
bari n te alitolu buruka la.
M be ali kuluu la le ko a ñanta ñaameŋ.
N te ali bula la muk, m maŋ ali kuluu.”

12 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Ali la dimiŋo te jaara noo la,
ali la baramoo te kendeyaa la noo.
13 Moo te jee meŋ si loo ali la kuwo la,
boori te ali la dimiŋo la,
jaarañaa te ali la.
14 Ali niŋ mennu bee be laariŋ nuŋ ñoo kaŋ,
ì ñinata ali la le,
ì buka hani ali hati kotenke.
Ŋa ali busa ko n jawoo,
ko konnantee balafaabaloo la kelendiroo,
kaatu ali la boyidaa warata le,
aduŋ ali la junuboolu siyaata.
15 Muŋ ne ye a tinna ali ka kumboo
ali la dimiŋo kunna,
ali la dimiŋ kuwo,
jaarañaa te meŋ na?
Ŋa ñiŋ kuwolu ke ali la le,
kaatu ali la boyidaa le warata,
aduŋ ali la junuboolu siyaata baake.

16 “Bari silaŋ, mennu ye i baluu ali la,
ì fanaa be ke la baluutaa ti le,
aduŋ ali konnantewolu kiliŋ-wo-kiliŋ be taa mutoo kono le.
Mennu ye ali ke ñapinkaŋ feŋo ti,
ì be ke la ñapinkaŋ feŋo ti le.
Mennu ye ali ke buusi feŋo ti,
ì be ke la buusi feŋo ti le.
Is anyone among you sick Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
17 M be ali murundi la jaatikendeyaa to le,
ŋa ali la dimiŋolu jaara.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
“Kaatu ì ka ali wulubayi le ka a fo ko,
Siyoni* moolu le mu,
moo daa te mennu la kuu to.”
18 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“A juubee, m be Yaakuba koomalankoolu murundi la le
ka tara firiŋo kono,
aduŋ m be balafaa soto la ì ye
ì sabatidulaalu la kuwo to le.
Yerusalaamu saatewo be lookuu la
a tumbuŋ noo to konko tintoo kaŋ ne,
aduŋ mansasuwo be seyinkaŋ loo la
a noo kotoo to le.
19 Tenturu suukuwolu le be kali kuma la naŋ ì kono,
aniŋ moolu la seewoo wuurikaŋo.
M be ì yaatewo siyandi la le, ì kana dooyaa,
ŋa ì buuñandi, moo kana ì malundi kotenke.
20 Ì diŋolu be ke la le ko ì tarata ñaameŋ kotooke,
ì jamaa moolu ye londi kuu n ñaatiliŋo la.
M be ì toorandilaalu bee jarabi la le.
21 Ì la ñaatonkoo be ke la ì fansuŋ moo le ti,
ì la maralilaa be bo la ì faŋolu le kono.
M be a katandi la le, ka a sutiyandi n na,
kaatu niŋ wo nte,
jumaa le si haañi ka sutiyaa n na?”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
22 “Wo to le ali be ke la n na moolu ti,
ŋa ke ali la Alla ti.”

23 A juubee, Yaawe la kamfaa turubaadimaa le mu,
a saafoñotomaa le mu.
A be feteŋ na moo kuruŋolu le kuŋo kaŋ.
24 Yaawe la kamfaa saŋaroo te sumayaa la,
fo niŋ a ye a la feeroolu taa, a ye ì taamandi,
mennu be a sondomoo to.
Wo luŋo la, labandulaa to,
ali be a kuwo fahaamu la le.
The Lord Will Rescue Israel and Judah
1-2 The Lord God of Israel said, “Jeremiah, get a scroll and write down everything I have told you. 3 Someday I will let my people from both Israel and Judah return to the land I gave their ancestors.”
4-5 Then the Lord told me to say to Israel and Judah:

Screams of terror are heard,
with no word of peace.
6 Can men give birth?
Then why do I see them
looking so pale
and clutching their stomachs
like women in labor?
7 My people, soon you will suffer
worse than ever before,
but I will save you.

8 Now you are slaves
of other nations,
but I will break the chains
and smash the yokes
that keep you in slavery.
9 Then you will be my servants,
and I will choose a king for you
from the family of David.

* 10 Israel, you belong to me,
so don't be afraid.
You deserved to be punished;
that's why I scattered you
in distant nations.
But I am with you,
and someday I will destroy
those nations.
11 Then I will bring you
and your descendants
back to your land,
where I will protect you
and give you peace.
Then your fears will be gone.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
The Lord Will Heal Israel and Judah
12 The Lord said:

My people, you are wounded
and near death.
13 You are accused of a crime
with no one to defend you,
and you are covered with sores
that no medicine can cure.
* 14 Your friends have forgotten you;
they don't care anymore.
Even I have acted like an enemy.
And because your sins
are horrible and countless,
I will be cruel
as I punish you.
15 So don't bother to cry out
for relief from your pain.

16 But if your enemies try to rob
or destroy you,
I will rob and destroy them,
and they will be led as captives
to foreign lands.
17 No one wants you as a friend
or cares what happens to you.
But I will heal your injuries,
and you will get well.
The Lord Will Rescue Israel and Judah
18 The Lord said:

Israel, I will be kind to you
and let you come home.
Jerusalem now lies in ruins,
but you will rebuild it,
complete with a new palace.
19 Other nations will respect
and honor you.
Your homes will be filled
with children,
and you will celebrate,
singing praises to me.

20 It will be just like old times.
Your nation will worship me,
and I will punish anyone
who abuses you.
21 One of your own people
will become your ruler.
And when I invite him
to come near me
at the place of worship,
he will do so.
No one would dare to come near
without being invited.
22 You will be my people,
and I will be your God.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

23 I am furious!
And like a violent storm
I will strike those
who do wrong.
24 I won't calm down
until I have finished
what I have decided to do.
Someday, you will understand
what I mean.