Yeesu ye balajawutoo kendeyandi
(Maaka 1:40-45Luka 5:12-16)
1 Kabiriŋ Yeesu jiita naŋ konkoo santo, kafu baa ye a nooma. 2 Wo to le balajawutoo naata a kaŋ, a ñoyita a ye. A ko a ye ko, “M Maariyo, i si n seneyandi noo le i la lafoo kaŋ.”
3 Wo to le Yeesu ye a buloo tiliŋ, a ye a maa. Bituŋ a ko, “N lafita le. Kendeyaa!” Wo loodulaa kiliŋo to, a la balajawoo bee seneyaata a bala. 4 Yeesu naata a fo a ye ko, “I hakiloo tu, kana ñiŋ kuwo fo hani moo kiliŋ ye. Bari taa, i faŋ yitandi piriisoo* la, aniŋ i ye sadaa* bondi, Annabilayi Musa ye meŋ yaamari, ka ke moolu ye seedeyaa ti ko, i seneyaata le.”
Kelediŋ kuntiyo la lannoo
(Luka 7:1-10)
5 Kabiriŋ Yeesu dunta Kapanawumu saatewo kono doroŋ, kelediŋ kuntiyo naata a kaŋ ka a daani ko, 6 “M Maariyo, n na dookuulaa kuuranta le fo a buka taama noo. A be laariŋ suwo kono, a niŋ dimi baa.” 7 Bituŋ Yeesu ko a ye ko, “M be naa le ka a kendeyandi.” 8 Bari kelediŋ kuntiyo ye a jaabi ko, “M Maariyo, nte maŋ jari ite ye naa nte la buŋo kono. Kumoo fo doroŋ, aduŋ n na dookuulaa be kendeyaa la le. 9 Kaatu nte fanaa be kantiyolu le koto, aduŋ ŋa kelediŋolu soto n koto le. Niŋ n ko meŋ ye ‘Taa’, a ka taa le. Niŋ n ko doo ye, ‘Naa’, a ka naa le. Aduŋ niŋ ŋa n na dookuulaa yaamari meŋ na, a ka wo le ke.”
10 Kabiriŋ Yeesu ye ñiŋ moyi, a jaakalita. A ko moolu ye mennu be a nooma ko, “Tooñaa, m be a fo la ali ye, hani Banisirayila kono, m maŋ ñiŋ ñoŋ lanna siifaa je jee. 11 Aduŋ m be a fo la ali ye, moo jamaa be bo la naŋ tiliboo aniŋ tilijiyo la. Ì niŋ Iburayima, Isiyaaka aniŋ Yaakuba be sii la le ka domoroo ke Arijana mansabaayaa kono. 12 Bari moolu mennu ñanta tara la Alla la mansabaayaa kono, wolu be fayi la banta le diboo kono, kumboo niŋ nimisoo be daameŋ.”
13 Wo to le Yeesu ko kelediŋ kuntiyo ye ko, “Taa, a be ke la i ye le ko i laata a la ñaameŋ.” Aduŋ dookuulaa kendeyaata wo waati kiliŋo le la.
Yeesu ye moo jamaa kendeyandi
(Maaka 1:29-34Luka 4:38-41)
14 Kabiriŋ Yeesu dunta Pita la buŋo kono, a ye Pita bitammusoo tara laariŋ, a niŋ balakandoo. 15 Yeesu ye a buloo maa doroŋ, balakandoo ye a bula. A wulita ka a jiyandi.
16 Wo wulaaroo la, ì ye seetaanitoo jamaalu samba a ye naŋ. A ye seetaani jawoolu bayi niŋ kumoo le la, aniŋ a ye kuurantoolu bee kendeyandi. 17 Ñiŋ keta le fo Annabilayi Yesaya la kumoo si timma ko:
“Ate faŋo le ye ǹ na kuuraŋolu taa,
aniŋ a ye ǹ na jankaroolu samba.”
Ka Yeesu nooma
(Luka 9:57-62)
18 Kabiriŋ Yeesu ye moo jamaa je kururiŋ a la, a ye yaamaroo dii ka teyi baa kara doo la. 19 Wo to le Luwaa karammoo* naata, a ko a ye ko, “Karammoo, nte be i nooma la le, i taata daa-wo-daa.” 20 Bituŋ Yeesu ko a ye ko, “Kunkuwuloolu ye dinkoolu soto le, ì ka tara daameŋ to. Aduŋ kunoolu fanaa ye ñaŋolu soto le, ì ka tara daameŋ to. Bari Moo Dinkewo* maŋ hani dulaa soto, a be a kuŋo laa la daameŋ.”
21 A la saayibe doo ko a ye ko, “M Maarii, nte bula foloo, ŋa taa m faamaa baadee.” 22 Bari Yeesu ko a ye ko, “N nooma! Furewolu bula, ì ye ì ñoŋ furewolu baadee.”
Yeesu ye foño baa tenkundi
(Maaka 4:35-41Luka 8:22-25)
23 Kabiriŋ Yeesu bulata kuluŋo kono, a la saayiboolu ye a nooma jee. 24 Bituŋ foño baa naata wuli baa kono, fo jiibaliŋolu lafita kuluŋo tunendi la. Bari wo waatoo la Yeesu be siinoo le la. 25 Ì naata ka a kuniŋ, ì be a fo kaŋ, “M̀ Maarii, ǹ kiisa! M̀ be kasaara kaŋ ne.” 26 Wo to le a ko ì ye ko, “Ali ka muŋ ne sila? Alitolu moo lanna dooyaariŋolu!” Bituŋ a wulita, a ye foñoo niŋ baa baliŋolu jalayi. Wo to le ì tenkunta tek.
27 Bituŋ saayiboolu jaakalita, ì ko, “Muŋ moo siifaa le mu ñiŋ ti, fo hani foñoo niŋ baajiyo ka a la yaamaroo muta?”
Yeesu ye seetaanitoo fula kendeyandi
(Maaka 5:1-20Luka 8:26-39)
28 Kabiriŋ Yeesu futata baa kara doo la Kerasene tundoo kaŋ, a niŋ seetaanitoo fula benta. Ì ka bo berehuwolu le kono, ì ka moolu baadee daameŋ to. Ì saŋarata baake le, fo a ye a tinna, moo buka tambi noo niŋ wo siloo la. 29 Ì wuurita santo ko, “I be muŋ ne ke la ntolu la, ite Alla Dinkewo*? Fo i naata jaŋ ne ka ntolu toora, janniŋ waatoo be sii la baŋ?”
30 Seewu kooree baa le tarata nuŋ daañinoo la ì ñaato jee. 31 Bituŋ seetaani jawoolu ye a daani, ì ko, “Niŋ i ye m̀ bayi banta, wo to i si m̀ bayi wo seewu koorewo kono.”
32 Aduŋ a ko ì ye ko, “Ali taa!” Ì naata finti ka duŋ seewoolu kono. Aduŋ seewu koorewo bee borita ka jii konkoo jindaa la, ì naata joloŋ baa kono. Ì bee faata jiyo kono jee. 33 Bituŋ seewu kantalaalu borita, ì taata saatewo kono. Ì ye kuwo bee saata, aniŋ meŋ keta seetaanitoolu la. 34 Aduŋ saatee moolu bee naata ka Yeesu benduŋ. Kabiriŋ ì ye a je, ì ye a daani, fo a si bo ì la tundoo kaŋ.
Jesus Heals a Man
(Mark 1.40-45Luke 5.12-16)
1 As Jesus came down the mountain, he was followed by large crowds. 2 Suddenly a man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus. He said, “Lord, you have the power to make me well, if only you wanted to.”
3 Jesus put his hand on the man and said, “I want to! Now you are well.” At once the man's leprosy disappeared. 4 Jesus told him, “Don't tell anyone about this, but go and show the priest that you are well. Then take a gift to the temple just as Moses commanded, and everyone will know that you have been healed.”
Jesus Heals an Army Officer's Servant
(Luke 7.1-10John 4.43-54)
5 When Jesus was going into the town of Capernaum, an army officer came up to him and said, 6 “Lord, my servant is at home in such terrible pain that he can't even move.”
7 “I will go and heal him,” Jesus replied.
8 But the officer said, “Lord, I'm not good enough for you to come into my house. Just give the order, and my servant will get well. 9 I have officers who give orders to me, and I have soldiers who take orders from me. I can say to one of them, ‘Go!’ and he goes. I can say to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes. I can say to my servant, ‘Do this!’ and he will do it.”
10 When Jesus heard this, he was so surprised that he turned and said to the crowd following him, “I tell you in all of Israel I've never found anyone with this much faith! 11 Many people will come from everywhere to enjoy the feast in the kingdom of heaven with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 12 But the ones who should have been in the kingdom will be thrown out into the dark. They will cry and grit their teeth in pain.”
13 Then Jesus said to the officer, “You may go home now. Your faith has made it happen.”
Right then his servant was healed.
Jesus Heals Many People
(Mark 1.29-34Luke 4.38-41)
14 Jesus went to the home of Peter, where he found that Peter's mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever. 15 He took her by the hand, and the fever left her. Then she got up and served Jesus a meal.
16 That evening many people with demons in them were brought to Jesus. And with only a word he forced out the evil spirits and healed everyone who was sick. 17 So God's promise came true, just as the prophet Isaiah had said,

“He healed our diseases
and made us well.”
Some Who Wanted To Go with Jesus
(Luke 9.57-62)
18 When Jesus saw the crowd, he went across Lake Galilee. 19 A teacher of the Law of Moses came up to him and said, “Teacher, I'll go anywhere with you!”
20 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens, and birds have nests. But the Son of Man doesn't have a place to call his own.”
21 Another disciple said to Jesus, “Lord, let me wait till I bury my father.”
22 Jesus answered, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.”
A Storm
(Mark 4.35-41Luke 8.22-25)
23 After Jesus left in a boat with his disciples, 24 a terrible storm suddenly struck the lake, and waves started splashing into their boat.
Jesus was sound asleep, 25 so the disciples went over to him and woke him up. They said, “Lord, wake up! Save us before we drown!”
26 But Jesus replied, “Why are you so afraid? You surely don't have much faith.” Then he got up and ordered the wind and the waves to calm down. And everything was calm.
27 The men in the boat were amazed and said, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him.”
Two Men with Demons in Them
(Mark 5.1-20Luke 8.26-39)
28 After Jesus had crossed the lake, he came to shore near the town of Gadara and started down the road. Two men with demons in them came to him from the tombs. They were so fierce that no one could travel that way. 29 Suddenly they shouted, “Jesus, Son of God, what do you want with us? Have you come to punish us before our time?”
30 Not far from there a large herd of pigs was feeding. 31 So the demons begged Jesus, “If you force us out, please send us into those pigs!” 32 Jesus told them to go, and they went out of the men and into the pigs. All at once the pigs rushed down the steep bank into the lake and drowned.
33 The people taking care of the pigs ran to the town and told everything, especially what had happened to the two men. 34 Everyone in town came out to meet Jesus. When they saw him, they begged him to leave their part of the country.