Daniyeli jawoolu ye feeroo siti a kamma
1 Mansa Dariyusi faŋo la lafoo kaŋ, a ye kumandaŋ keme niŋ muwaŋ ne londi a la mansamarali bankoo muumewo kaŋ, ka maraloo ke. 2 Bituŋ a ye kuntii saba tomboŋ, Daniyeli tarata mennu kono, ka mara kumandaŋolu ma. A ye ñiŋ ke le, i si a je tiñaaroo kana ke. 3 A maŋ hani mee Daniyeli ye a la dookuu noo yitandi ka tambi kuntii doolu la, aniŋ kumandaŋolu, kaatu a keta moo hakilimaa baa le ti. Bituŋ mansa lafita ka a ke a la mansamarali bankoo bee la kuntiyo ti. 4 Bituŋ kuntiyolu niŋ kumandaŋolu ye a kata fo ì si sila soto noo ka kuma fo Daniyeli ma, a la dookuwo to mansamarali bankoo kaŋ. Bari ì maŋ sila soto a la, kaatu a tilinta le, aduŋ ì maŋ jenkoo je a la kuwo to waraŋ sootaaroo. 5 Wo to le kewolu ñinnu ko ñoo ye ko, “Ǹ te sila soto noo la ka kuma fo Daniyeli ma niŋ a maŋ ke a la diinoo kuwo ti.”
6 Bituŋ kuntiyolu niŋ kumandaŋolu kambenta, ì naata mansa kaŋ, ì ko a ye ko, “Mansa Dariyusi, Allamaa i mee la! 7 Ntolu mennu mu i la mansamarali bankoo kuntiyolu ti, kumandaŋolu, maralilaalu, yaamarilaalu, aniŋ mansakundaa alifaa koteŋolu bee kambenta le ko, i si kaŋo dii, aduŋ i si a taamandi niŋ forisee baa la. A kaŋo si ke ñiŋ ti ko, tili taŋ saba wucoo kono, moo kana duwaa, ka batufeŋ daani waraŋ hadamadiŋo, niŋ a maŋ ke ite Mansa doroŋ ti. Niŋ moo-wo-moo ye ñiŋ kaŋo soosoo, ì si a maarii fayi jatoolu la koloo kono. 8 Wo to saayiŋ, Mansa, ñiŋ kaŋo londi, aduŋ i si a tampu, i si a je a te faliŋ noo la, a ye ke Mediyankoolu niŋ Perisiyankoolu la luwaa ti, meŋ buka faliŋ noo.” 9 Bituŋ Mansa Dariyusi ye luwaa kayitoo ñiŋ tampu.
Ì ye Daniyeli fayi jatoolu la koloo kono
10 Daniyeli ye a loŋ ne ko, luwaa kayitoo ñiŋ tamputa le, bari wo ñaa-wo-ñaa, a ka taa a la buŋo kono le, a ye sujudi ka duwaa, ka a la Alla daani, aniŋ ka a tentu siiñaa saba luŋ-wo-luŋ, ko a dalita a ke la ñaameŋ. A ka a ke a la buŋ santonkoo le kono, meŋ palanteeroolu be tilindiŋ Yerusalaamu la. 11 Bituŋ Daniyeli jawoolu kambendiŋo naata, ì ye a tara a be duwaa kaŋ, ka Alla daani maakoyiroo la.
12 Wo to le ì taata mansa kaŋ, aduŋ ì ye a hakiloo bulandi a ye kaŋo meŋ dii. Ì ko a ye ko, “Mansa, i ye luwaa kayitoo le tampu, i ye a dii, i ko tili taŋ saba wucoo kono, moo kana duwaa ka batufeŋ daani waraŋ hadamadiŋo, niŋ a maŋ ke ite Mansa doroŋ ti. Niŋ moo-wo-moo ye ñiŋ kaŋo soosoo, ì si a maarii fayi jatoolu la koloo kono.”
Mansa ye ì jaabi ko, “Kaŋo ñiŋ be looriŋ ne, ko Mediyankoolu niŋ Perisiyankoolu la luwaa be ñaameŋ, meŋ buka faliŋ noo.”
13 Bituŋ ì ye mansa jaabi ko, “Wo Daniyeli, meŋ bota Yahuudoolu kono, mennu be mutoo kono jaŋ, maŋ ite Mansa la kuwo muta feŋ ti, sako a si soŋ i la kaŋo la, i ye meŋ dii. A ka duwaa le siiñaa saba luŋ-wo-luŋ.”
14 Kabiriŋ mansa ye ñiŋ kumoo moyi, a niyo kuyaata baake, a ye a kata ka Daniyeli kanandi. A tuta a kata kaŋ ne fo tiloo boyita.
15 Bituŋ Daniyeli jawoolu kambendiŋo muruta mansa kaŋ, ì ko a ye ko, “Mansa, i ye a loŋ ne ko, ka bo niŋ Mediyankoolu niŋ Perisiyankoolu la luwaalu la, niŋ mansa ye kaŋ meŋ dii, a buka faliŋ noo.”
16 Wo le to mansa ye yaamaroo dii ko, ì si Daniyeli samba, ì ye a fayi jatoolu la koloo kono. A ko Daniyeli ye ko, “Allamaa i la Alla ye i tankandi, i ka tu meŋ batu la waati-wo-waati.” 17 Bituŋ ì ye beroo taa, ì ye a laa koloo daa kaŋ, aduŋ mansa ye a faŋo la mansa notoo ke beroo kaŋ aniŋ a la ñaatonkoolu la notoo, ñiŋ kamma moo te Daniyeli kanandi noo la. 18 Wo to le mansa taata a la mansasuwo kono, a maŋ domori ke suutoo muumewo. A maŋ soŋ ì ye nii seewondiraŋ feŋ samba a ye naŋ, a maŋ siinoo noo fanaa.
Alla ye Daniyeli tankandi jatoolu ma
19 Fanoo keta doroŋ mansa wulita, a korontotoo taata jatoolu la koloo to. 20 Kabiriŋ a futata jee, a niikuyaariŋo sarita, a ye kumandiroo ke, ka a fo ko, “Daniyeli, Alla baluuriŋo la dookuulaa! Fo i ka tu Alla meŋ batu la, a ye i tankandi jatoolu ma le baŋ?”
21 Daniyeli ye jaabiroo ke ko, “Mansa, Allamaa i mee la! 22 N na Alla ye a la malaayikoo le kii naŋ, a ye jatoolu daa muta, aduŋ ì maŋ kuu ke n na, kaatu a ye a loŋ ne ko, m maŋ sootaari soto a la karoo la. Aduŋ m maŋ kuu kuruŋ ke ite Mansa fanaa la.”
23 Bituŋ mansa kontaanita baake, a ye a la dookuulaalu yaamari ka Daniyeli fintindi naŋ jatoolu la koloo kono. Wo le to ì ye Daniyeli fintindi naŋ, aduŋ ì ye a je le ko, hani kuu maŋ ke a la, kaatu a laata Alla la le. 24 Wo to le mansa ye yaamaroo dii ko, ì si wo moolu bee muta, mennu ye Daniyeli tuumi. Mansa la kaŋo kaŋ, ì ye ì samba naŋ, ì ye ì fayi jatoolu la koloo kono, ì niŋ ì la musoolu niŋ ì diŋolu. Janniŋ ì ka futa koloo duuma, jatoolu ñapita ì kaŋ, ì ye ì faraŋ-faraŋ, ì ye ì niŋ ì kuloolu bee domo.
25 Bituŋ Mansa Dariyusi ye safeeroo ke, a ye a kii duniyaa banku-wo-banku kaŋ, sii-wo-sii, aniŋ moolu bee. A ko:
“M be kayira baa duwaa la ali ye.
26 “Ŋa kaŋo dii le ko, moolu mennu bee be n na maraloo kono, si horomoo niŋ buuñaa dii Alla la, Daniyeli ka meŋ batu.
Ate le mu Alla baluuriŋo ti,
a be tu la keriŋ ne fo abadaa.
A la mansabaayaa te buruka la muk,
aduŋ a la noo le be tu la fo fawu.
27 Ate le ka tankandiroo niŋ kiisandiroo ke,
a ka kaawakuwolu baara saŋo santo le,
aniŋ duniyaa kono.
Ate le ye Daniyeli tankandi jatoolu ma.”
28 Bituŋ Daniyeli ye ñaatotaa soto Dariyusi la mansayaa waatoo kono, aniŋ Perisiya mansa Kirusi fanaa la waatoo kono.
Daniel in a Pit of Lions
1 Darius divided his kingdom into 120 states and placed a governor in charge of each one. 2 In order to make sure that his government was run properly, Darius put three other officials in charge of the governors. One of these officials was Daniel. 3 And he did his work so much better than the other governors and officials that the king decided to let him govern the whole kingdom.
4 The other men tried to find something wrong with the way Daniel did his work for the king. But they could not accuse him of anything wrong, because he was honest and faithful and did everything he was supposed to do. 5 Finally, they said to one another, “We will never be able to bring any charge against Daniel, unless it has to do with his religion.”
6 They all went to the king and said:
“Your Majesty, we hope you live forever! 7 All of your officials, leaders, advisors, and governors agree that you should make a law forbidding anyone to pray to any god or human except you for the next 30 days. Everyone who disobeys this law must be thrown into a pit of lions. 8 Order this to be written and then sign it, so it cannot be changed, just as no written law of the Medes and Persians can be changed.”
9 So King Darius made the law and had it written down.
10 Daniel heard about the law, but when he returned home, he went upstairs and prayed in front of the window that faced Jerusalem. In the same way that he had always done, he knelt down in prayer three times a day, giving thanks to God.
11 The men who had spoken to the king watched Daniel and saw him praying to his God for help. 12 They went back to the king and said, “Didn't you make a law that forbids anyone to pray to any god or human except you for the next 30 days? And doesn't the law say that everyone who disobeys it will be thrown into a pit of lions?”
“Yes, that's the law I made,” the king agreed. “And just like all written laws of the Medes and Persians, it cannot be changed.”
13 The men then told the king, “That Jew named Daniel, who was brought here as a captive, refuses to obey you or the law that you ordered to be written. And he still prays to his god three times a day.” 14 The king was really upset to hear about this, and for the rest of the day he tried to think how he could save Daniel.
15 At sunset the men returned and said, “Your Majesty, remember that no written law of the Medes and Persians can be changed, not even by the king.”
16 So Darius ordered Daniel to be brought out and thrown into a pit of lions. But he said to Daniel, “You have been faithful to your God, and I pray that he will rescue you.”
17 A stone was rolled over the pit, and it was sealed. Then Darius and his officials stamped the seal to show that no one should let Daniel out. 18 All night long the king could not sleep. He did not eat anything, and he would not let anyone come in to entertain him.
19 At daybreak the king got up and ran to the pit. 20 He was anxious and shouted, “Daniel, you were faithful and served your God. Was he able to save you from the lions?”
21 Daniel answered, “Your Majesty, I hope you live forever! 22 My God knew that I was innocent, and he sent an angel to keep the lions from eating me. Your Majesty, I have never done anything to hurt you.”
23 The king was relieved to hear Daniel's voice, and he gave orders for him to be taken out of the pit. Daniel's faith in his God had kept him from being harmed. 24 And the king ordered the men who had brought charges against Daniel to be thrown into the pit, together with their wives and children. But before they even reached the bottom, the lions ripped them to pieces.
25 King Darius then sent this message to all people of every nation and race in the world:

“Greetings to all of you!
26 I command everyone
in my kingdom
to worship and honor
the God of Daniel.
He is the living God,
the one who lives forever.
His power and his kingdom
will never end.
27 He rescues people
and sets them free
by working great miracles.
Daniel's God has rescued him
from the power of the lions.”

28 All went well for Daniel while Darius was king, and even when Cyrus the Persian ruled.