Alla la moolu la tankoo
Moolu ka ñiŋ suukuwo le laa, niŋ ì be Alla Batudulaa Buŋo* waliŋ na.
1 Moolu mennu ye ì jikoo loo Yaawe* kaŋ
ka munta le ko, Siyoni* Konkoo meŋ te jiijaa noo la,
a be tu la looriŋ ne fo abadaa.
2 Komeŋ konkoolu ye Yerusalaamu murubeŋ ñaameŋ,
Yaawe ye a la moolu murubeŋ wo le ñaama,
ka bo saayiŋ na, ka taa fo abadaa.

3 Moo kuruŋolu te tu la maraloo ke la
moo tilindiŋolu la bankoo kaŋ.
Niŋ wo nte,
moo tilindiŋolu si duŋ noo kuu jawu baaroo to le.

4 Yaawe, kuu kendoo ke moolu ye,
mennu mu moo kendoolu ti,
mennu ŋaniyoo seneyaata.
5 Bari moolu mennu ka taa ì fansuŋ sila jenkeriŋolu la,
i si wolu niŋ moo kuruŋolu kasaara ñoo la.

Kayiroo ye tara Banisirayila fee.
(A song for worship.)
The Lord's People Are Safe
1 Everyone who trusts the Lord
is like Mount Zion
that cannot be shaken
and will stand forever.
2 Just as Jerusalem is protected
by mountains on every side,
the Lord protects his people
by holding them in his arms
now and forever.
3 He won't let the wicked
rule his people
or lead them to do wrong.
4 Let's ask the Lord to be kind
to everyone who is good
and completely obeys him.

5 When the Lord punishes
the wicked,
he will punish everyone else
who lives an evil life.
Pray for peace in Israel!