Elihu la diyaamu sabanjaŋo
1 Elihu tententa diyaamoo la, a ko Yuuba ye ko:

2 Fo ite ye ñiŋ miira tiliŋo le ti baŋ,
ka a fo ko, ite tilinta Alla ñaa koto le?
3 I ye naa Alla ñininkaa ka a fo a ye ko,
junube kebaliyaa, wo ye muŋ nafaa le soto?
4 Nte be i jaabi la,
aniŋ i teeroolu mennu be i fee.

5 Saŋo santo juubee, i ye jeroo ke,
minaayoolu juubee mennu be i kunto.
6 Niŋ i ye junube kuwo ke,
wo be Alla toora la muŋ ne la?
Niŋ i la junuboo siyaata,
wo be muŋ ne ke la a la?
7 Niŋ i mu moo tilindiŋo ti,
fo i ye feŋ ne dii Alla la baŋ?
A ka muŋ feŋ ne soto i bulu?
8 I la kuruŋyaa kuwo ye i ñoŋolu doroŋ ne toora.
I ye kuu kendoo meŋ ke,
wo ye hadamadiŋolu doroŋ ne maakoyi.

9 Niŋ hadamadiŋo dunta mantooroo kono,
a ka woosii le.
A ka woosii maakoyiroo le la,
sembetiyolu ye bataa kuwo meŋ laa a kaŋ.
10 Bari a hakiloo buka muru Alla kaŋ, ka a fo ko,
“N Daamansoo lee,
meŋ ka jikoo dii bataa waatoo kono,
11 meŋ ye ntolu so londoo la
ka tambi wulakono daafeŋolu la,
meŋ ye ñaameŋo dii ǹ na
ka tambi kunoolu la?”
12 Bituŋ a si naa maakoyiri ñini Alla bulu,
bari Alla te a danku la,
kaatu faŋ wara moo le mu, aniŋ kuruŋo.
13 Tooñaa-tooñaa,
Alla Tallaa te i danku la a la woosii kuma kenseŋo la,
a te i lamoyi la a la.

14 Yuuba, i ko, i ñaa te Alla je noo la,
bari sabari doroŋ, i ye i lamoyi,
i la kuwo be laariŋ a ñaatiliŋo la le.
15 Kaatu Alla la kamfaa maŋ jii i kaŋ ka i jarabi,
aduŋ a maŋ tara looriŋ i la kuruŋyaa kuu nooma,
16 ite ka naa i daa yele ka kuma kenseŋolu fo,
i maŋ londi soto mennu to.
Elihu Continues
Are You Really Innocent?
1 Elihu said:
2 Job, are you really innocent
in the sight of God?
3 Don't you honestly believe
it pays to obey him?
4 I will give the answers
to you and your friends.
* 5 Look up to the heavens
6 and think!
Do your sins hurt God?
7 Is any good you may have done
at all helpful to him?
8 The evil or good you do
only affects other humans.

9 In times of trouble,
everyone begs the mighty God
to have mercy.
10 But after their Creator
helps them through hard times,
they forget about him,
11 though he makes us wiser
than animals or birds.
12 God won't listen to the prayers
of proud and evil people.
13 If God All-Powerful refuses
to answer their empty prayers,
14 he will surely deny
your impatient request
to face him in court.
15 Job, you were wrong to say
God doesn't punish sin.
16 Everything you have said
adds up to nonsense.