Alla ye a la moolu laahidi kotenke ka ì murundi ì ñaama
Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness.
1 Wo waati kiliŋo kono, tumoo meŋ na ì ye nte Yeremiya soroŋ kelediŋ kantarilaalu la luwo to, Yaawe* la kumoo naata n kaŋ siiñaa fulanjaŋo la. 2 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo, ate meŋ ye duniyaa daa, a ye muluŋo ke a la, a ye a londi, aduŋ ate le too mu Yaawe ti, a ko: 3 “N kumandi, m be i danku la le, m be kuu baalu fo la i ye le mennu be nukundiŋ, i maŋ ì loŋ. 4 Nte Yaawe, Banisirayila la Alla ye ñiŋ ne fo buŋolu la kuwo to, mennu be ñiŋ saatewo kono, aniŋ Yahuuda mansakee buŋolu la kuwo to, ì ye mennu janjaŋ ka ì jooraŋolu taa, ka saatewo sansaŋo bambandi, 5 ì niŋ Babiloninkoolu la keloo to: Wo buŋolu be faa la niŋ moolu furewo la le, m be mennu faa la n na jusukandoo niŋ n na kamfaa baa kono. M be n koo dii la ñiŋ saatewo moolu la le, ì la kuu kuruŋolu kamma la.
6 “Wo ñaa-wo-ñaa m be jaaraloo niŋ kendeyaa naati la ñiŋ saatewo ye le. M be a tinna le ì ye ì faŋ je kayira baa niŋ yiriwaa kono. 7 M be Yahuuda niŋ Banisirayila murundi la naŋ firiŋo kono le, ka ì seyinkaŋ loo ko ì be nuŋ ñaameŋ folooto. 8 M be ì seneyandi la le ka bo ì la junube kuwolu bee kono, ì ye mennu ke n na. M be yamfa la ì la balaŋo junuboolu bee le la, ì ye mennu tiliŋ n na. 9 Ñiŋ Yerusalaamu saatewo too si ke n ye seewoo ti, duniyaa banku koteŋolu bee ye n jayi, ka n horoma baake, niŋ ì ye a moyi nte ye kuu kendoo meŋ bee ke ñiŋ saatewo moolu ye. Wo moolu be kuu kendoo niŋ firiŋo je la le, ŋa meŋ dii ñiŋ saatewo la, fo ì ye sila ka jarajara.
10 “Nte Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: Ì ka a fo ñiŋ saatewo ma le ko, ‘Tumbuŋ kenseŋo le mu, hadamadiŋ te jee, sako beeyaŋ.’ Bari hani wo maakaŋo be ke la le kotenke Yahuuda saatewolu kono, aniŋ Yerusalaamu mbeedoolu kaŋ, mennu kenseŋyaata, moo maŋ tara siiriŋ jee, sako beeyaŋ. 11 Maadiyaa niŋ seewoo kumakaŋolu be ke la jee le, aniŋ maañoo niŋ a keemaa la maañoobiti maakaŋo, ka taa moolu kumakaŋo, mennu be kali tenturulaŋ sadaalu* samba la nte Yaawe Batudulaa Buŋo* to, ka suukuwo laa ko,
‘Ali Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo* tentu,
kaatu Yaawe beteyaata le,
a la kanu bambaloo be tu la le fo abadaa.’
M be ñiŋ bankoo moolu la firiŋo murundi la a ñaama le ko ì be nuŋ ñaameŋ folooto.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
12 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: “Ñiŋ dulaa meŋ kenseŋyaata saayiŋ, aduŋ moo te jee sako beeyaŋ, beeyaŋ daañini kenoolu be tara la jee le, aduŋ kantarilaalu be ì la beeyaŋolu daañini la jee le. 13 Ì be kali ì la saajiyolu tambindi la le, ka ì kiliŋ-kiliŋ yaatee ì buloo la saatewolu kono mennu be konkotundoo* to, saatewolu mennu be Sefela* tundoo la, ka taa saatewolu mennu be Nekefu* tundoo maafaŋo la, Benjamini tundoo kaŋ, Yerusalaamu dandanna saateeriŋolu kono, aniŋ Yahuuda saatewolu kono.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
14 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: “Luŋolu be naa le, tuma meŋ m be n na laahidoolu timmandi la Banisirayila niŋ Yahuuda ye.
15 Wo luŋolu la,
m be yiribulu tilindiŋo sorondi la
Mansa Dawuda ye le a waatoo la.
Wo le be kiitii tooñaa niŋ tiliŋo taamandi la bankoo kaŋ.
16 Wo luŋolu la Yahuuda be kiisa la le,
Yerusalaamu ye tara siiriŋ tankoo kono.
Ì be kali a kumandi la ñiŋ too le la:
Yaawe le mu ǹ ye Tiliŋo ti.
17 Nte Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: Dawuda nene te foo la moo la a koomalankoolu kono, meŋ be sii la a noo to Banisirayila mansasiiraŋo kaŋ ka maraloo ke. 18 Piriisoolu* mennu bota Lewi lasiloo kono fanaa te foo la koomalanka la ka jani sadaalu bondi, siimaŋ sadaalu, aniŋ ka beeyaŋ sadaa koteŋolu bondi n ñaatiliŋo la luŋ-wo-luŋ, fo fawu.”
19 Yaawe la kumoo naata n kaŋ tukuŋ ko: 20 “Nte Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: Ŋa kambeŋo le siti n niŋ tiloo niŋ suutoo teema, ñiŋ kamma la ì kali naa ì la naa waati londiriŋolu la. Wo kambeŋo nene te tiñaa la. 21 Wo ñaama fanaa, ŋa kambeŋo le siti n niŋ n na dookuulaa Dawuda teema ko, a be kali tu la mansakewo soto la a koomalankoolu kono le, aduŋ ŋa kambeŋo siti n niŋ Lewi lasiloo fanaa teema le ko, ì be kali tu la piriisiyaa dookuwo ke la n ye le. Wo kambeŋolu nene te tiñaa la. 22 M be n na dookuulaa Dawuda koomalankoolu siyandi la le, aniŋ Lewi lasiloo moolu, mennu ka piriisiyaa dookuwo ke n ye, ka ke komeŋ looloolu, moo te mennu yaatee noo la, waraŋ baa daala keñoo, moo te meŋ sumaŋ noo la.”
23 Yaawe la kumoo naata n kaŋ kotenke ko: 24 “I ye i hakilitu le baŋ, moolu ka meŋ fo ko, ‘Yaawe ye a koo dii Banisirayila dimbaayaalu la le, aniŋ Yahuuda dimbaayaalu, a ye mennu tomboŋ?’ Wo mu ñiŋ ne ti ko, ì jututa n na moolu la le, fo a ka munta ì fee ko, ì maŋ ke sii ti. 25 Bari nte Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko: N te n koo dii la n na moolu la kotenke, ko n te luwaalu faliŋ na ñaameŋ suutoo niŋ tiloo taamañaa kaŋo be looriŋ mennu kaŋ, aniŋ saŋo niŋ bankoo. 26 N nene te n koo dii la Yaakuba waraŋ n na dookuulaa Dawuda koomalankoolu la fereŋ, sako n si ñiŋ laahidoo faliŋ ko, Dawuda koomalankoolu le be mara la Iburayima, Isiyaaka, aniŋ Yaakuba koomalankoolu ma. M be meŋ ke la, wo le mu ka ì murundi naŋ ì la firiŋo kono, ŋa balafaa yitandi ì la.”
The Lord Promises To Give the Land Back to His People
1-2 I was still being held prisoner in the courtyard of the palace guards when the Lord told me:
I am the Lord, and I created the whole world. 3 Ask me, and I will tell you things that you don't know and can't find out.
4-5 Many of the houses in Jerusalem and some of the buildings at the royal palace have been torn down to be used in repairing the walls to keep out the Babylonian attackers. Now there are empty spaces where the buildings once stood. But I am furious, and these spaces will be filled with the bodies of the people I kill. The people of Jerusalem will cry out to me for help, but they are evil, and I will ignore their prayers.
6 Then someday, I will heal this place and my people as well, and let them enjoy unending peace. 7 I will give this land to Israel and Judah once again, and I will make them as strong as they were before. 8 They sinned and rebelled against me, but I will forgive them and take away their guilt. 9 When that happens, all nations on earth will see the good things I have done for Jerusalem, and how I have given it complete peace. The nations will celebrate and praise and honor me, but they will also tremble with fear because of the powerful things I have done.
10 Jeremiah, you say that this land is a desert without people or animals, and for now, you are right. The towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem are deserted, and people and animals are nowhere to be seen. But someday you will hear 11 happy voices and the sounds of parties and wedding celebrations. And when people come to my temple to offer sacrifices to thank me, you will hear them say:

“We praise you,
Lord All-Powerful!
You are good to us,
and your love never fails.”

The land will once again be productive. 12-13 Now it is empty, without people or animals. But when that time comes, shepherds will take care of their flocks in pastures near every town in the hill country, in the foothills to the west, in the Southern Desert, in the land of the Benjamin tribe, and around Jerusalem and the towns of Judah.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
The Lord's Wonderful Promise
14 The Lord said:
I made a wonderful promise to Israel and Judah, and the days are coming when I will keep it.

15 I promise that the time will come
when I will appoint a king
from the family of David,
a king who will be honest
and rule with justice.
16 In those days,
Judah will be safe;
Jerusalem will have peace
and will be named,
“The Lord Gives Justice.”

17 The king of Israel will be one of David's descendants, 18 and there will always be priests from the Levi tribe serving at my altar and offering sacrifices to please me and to give thanks.
19 Then the Lord told me:
20 I, the Lord, have an agreement with day and night, so they always come at the right time. You can't break the agreement I made with them, 21 and you can't break the agreements I have made with David's family and with the priests from the Levi tribe who serve at my altar. A descendant of David will always rule as king of Israel, 22 and there will be more descendants of David and of the priests from the Levi tribe than stars in the sky or grains of sand on the beach.
23 The Lord also said:
24 You've heard foreigners insult my people by saying, “The Lord chose Israel and Judah, but now he has rejected them, and they are no longer a nation.”
25 Jeremiah, I will never break my agreement with the day and the night or let the sky and the earth stop obeying my commands. 26 In the same way, I will never reject the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob or break my promise that they will always have a descendant of David as their king. I will be kind to my people Israel, and they will be successful again.