Muñoo niŋ dankeneyaa yaamaroo
Dawuda la Jabuuroo.
1 Kana diminnaa moo jawoolu la kuwo kamma la.
Kana ñaabo kuu kuruŋ kelaalu fee.
2 Sambii ì be yeemaŋ na komeŋ ñaamoo,
aduŋ ì be noro la le komeŋ fita juu kitiŋo.

3 Dankeneyaa Yaawe* la, i ye baara kuu betoo la,
fo i si baluu ñiŋ bankoo kaŋ tankoo kono.
4 Seewoo Yaawe la kuwo la,
aduŋ hame kuwolu mennu be i sondomoo to,
a be ì dii la i la le.

5 I faŋ seyi Yaawe ma,
i ye laa a la, aduŋ a be i maakoyi la le.
6 A be i la tiliŋo yitandi la le, a ye koyi lewu,
aniŋ i boloo, komeŋ tilikuntewo.

7 Muña Yaawe ye, i ye a batu.
Kana diminnaa moolu la kuwo la, mennu ka ñaatotaa soto,
mennu ka feere jawoolu taamandi,
aduŋ a ka ì wati.

8 Kamfaa bula, i ye i koo dii saŋaroo la.
Kana diminnaa,
wo ka kuu jawoo doroŋ ne saabu.
9 Kaatu moo kuruŋolu be wafati la ñiŋ bankoo kaŋ ne,
bari moolu mennu jikita Yaawe la,
wolu le be ñiŋ bankoo keetaa la.

10 Hani a te mee la, moo kuruŋolu be yeemaŋ na.
I si ì ñiniŋ, bari i te ì je la.
11 Bari fammajiilaalu le be bankoo keetaa la,
aduŋ ì be tara la seewooriŋ firiŋo le kono,
aniŋ kayira baa.

12 Moo jawoo ka feeroo siti moo tilindiŋo kamma le,
fo a ka i ñimmakiŋ a kamma.
13 Bari Maariyo ka jele moo jawoo la le,
kaatu a ye a je le ko,
sambii a la luŋo be sii la.

14 Moo jawoolu ka ì la hawusaroolu* buusi le,
ì ye ì la kalabeñoolu saba,
ka paree fuwaaroolu faa la,
aniŋ moo bataariŋolu,
aniŋ ka moolu kanateyi,
mennu ka taama tiliŋo la.
15 Bari ì la hawusaroolu be ì faŋolu jusoo le soo la,
aduŋ ì la kalabeñoolu be kati la le.

16 Moo tilindiŋolu ye domandiŋo meŋ soto,
wo le fisiyaata moo jawoolu la soto baa ti.
17 Kaatu Yaawe be moo jawoolu fankoo baŋ na le,
bari a be moo tilindiŋolu kanta la le.

18 Yaawe ka sootaaribaloolu le la baluu tiloo kanta,
aduŋ ì la keetaafeŋo be tu la le fo abadaa.
19 Ì te bula la maloo kono koleyaa waatoo la.
Konkoo waatoo la, ì konoo be faa la le.

20 Yaawe be moo kuruŋolu kasaara la le.
A jawoolu be ke la le komeŋ wulakono firoo,
ì be yeemaŋ na le komeŋ siisiyo.

21 Moo jawoo ka dontoroo ke le, aduŋ a buka a joo,
bari moo kendoo buloo warata sooroo to le.
22 Yaawe neemata mennu ma,
wolu le be a la laahidi bankoo keetaa la,
bari a ye mennu danka,
wolu be wafati la bankoo kaŋ ne.

23 Yaawe le ka moo kanda a taaraŋ siloo kaŋ,
aduŋ niŋ meŋ na kuwo ye a kontaani,
a ka a maarii tanka le.
24 Hani niŋ a takita, a te boyi la,
kaatu Yaawe le ye a buloo muta.

25 Kabiriŋ m be dindiŋ, fo saayiŋ n keebaayaata,
n nene maŋ a je Maariyo ye a koo dii moo tilindiŋo la,
waraŋ ka a diŋolu je domori daanoo la.
26 A ka sooroo ke kendeke le, aniŋ ka moolu donto,
aduŋ a diŋolu ka ke neema moolu le ti.

27 I bo kuu jawoo to, i ye kuu kendoo baara,
fo i si tu bankoo kaŋ fo abadaa.
28 Kaatu Yaawe ye tiliŋo le kanu,
aduŋ a te a koo dii la a la moo tilindiŋolu la.
A ka ì kanta le fo abadaa,
bari moo jawoolu koomalankoolu,
a be wolu wafati la bankoo kaŋ ne.
29 Moo tilindiŋolu le be bankoo keetaa la,
ì koomoo be tu la jee le fo abadaa.

30 Moo tilindiŋo daakumoo mu ñaameŋo le ti,
aduŋ a ka meŋ fo a neŋo la,
wo mu tiliŋo doroŋ ne ti.
31 A ka a Maarii Alla la karandiroo muta a sondomoo kono le,
aduŋ a buka a lamfee.

32 Moo jawoo ka tara moo kendoo koroosi kaŋ ne,
ka siloo ñini ka a faa.
33 Bari Yaawe te a tu la a ye a semboo taamandi a kaŋ,
waraŋ ka a bula ì ye a muta kiitiyo kono.

34 I lamoyi Yaawe ma, i ye taama a la siloo la,
aduŋ a be horomoo dii la i la le,
ka bankoo keetaa,
aduŋ i ñaa be moo jawoolu wafati luŋo je la le.

35 Ŋa moo jawoo je le, meŋ tilimbaliyaata,
aduŋ a ye buŋ ka jaŋ,
komeŋ Libanooni sedari* yiroo.
36 Bari ñaato, biriŋ m be tambi la, a te keriŋ kotenke,
ŋa a ñini ñaa-wo-ñaa, m maŋ a je noo.

37 Moo kendoo koroosi,
aduŋ i si moo tilindiŋo la kuwo hakilitu.
Jikoo be kayiramoo ye le.
38 Bari junubentuŋolu be kasaara la le fereŋ,
aduŋ moo jawoolu koomalankoolu be buruka la le.

39 Moo tilindiŋolu la tankoo ka bo Yaawe le bulu.
Ate le mu ì la semberaŋo ti, mantooroo waatoo la.
40 A ka ì maakoyi le ka ì bondi.
A ka ì bondi moo jawoolu bulu le, ka ì tankandi,
kaatu ì tarata semberiŋ ate le la.
(By David.)
Trust the Lord
1 Don't be annoyed by anyone
who does wrong,
and don't envy them.
2 They will soon disappear
like grass without rain.

3 Trust the Lord and live right!
The land will be yours,
and you will be safe.
4 Do what the Lord wants,
and he will give you
your heart's desire.

5 Let the Lord lead you
and trust him to help.
6 Then it will be as clear
as the noonday sun
that you were right.

7 Be patient and trust the Lord.
Don't let it bother you
when all goes well for those
who do sinful things.
8 Don't be angry or furious.
Anger can lead to sin.
9 All sinners will disappear,
but if you trust the Lord,
the land will be yours.

10 Sinners will soon disappear,
never to be found,
11 but the poor will take the land
and enjoy a big harvest.

12 Merciless people make plots
against good people
and snarl like animals,
13 but the Lord laughs and knows
their time is coming soon.
14 The wicked kill with swords
and shoot arrows to murder
the poor and the needy
and all who do right.
15 But they will be killed
by their own swords,
and their arrows
will be broken.

16 It is better to live right
and be poor
than to be sinful and rich.
17 The wicked will lose all
of their power,
but the Lord gives strength
to everyone who is good.

18 Those who obey the Lord
are daily in his care,
and what he has given them
will be theirs forever.
19 They won't be in trouble
when times are bad,
and they will have plenty
when food is scarce.

20 Wicked people are enemies
of the Lord
and will vanish like smoke
from a field on fire.

21 An evil person borrows
and never pays back;
a good person is generous
and never stops giving.
22 Everyone the Lord blesses
will receive the land;
everyone the Lord curses
will be destroyed.

23 If you do what the Lord wants,
he will make certain
each step you take is sure.
24 The Lord will hold your hand,
and if you stumble,
you still won't fall.

25 As long as I can remember,
good people have never
been left helpless,
and their children have never
gone begging for food.
26 They gladly give and lend,
and their children
turn out good.

27 If you stop sinning
and start doing right,
you will keep living
and be secure forever.
28 The Lord loves justice,
and he won't ever desert
his faithful people.
He always protects them,
but destroys the children
of the wicked.
29 God's people will own the land
and live here forever.

30 Words of wisdom come
when good people speak
for justice.
31 They remember God's teachings,
and they never take
a wrong step.

32 The wicked try to trap
and kill good people,
33 but the Lord is on their side,
and he will defend them
when they are on trial.

34 Trust the Lord and follow him.
He will give you the land,
and you will see
the wicked destroyed.

35 I have seen brutal people
abuse others and grow strong
like trees in rich soil.
36 Suddenly they disappeared!
I looked, but they were gone
and no longer there.

37 Think of the bright future
waiting for all the families
of honest, innocent,
and peace-loving people.
38 But not a trace will be left
of the wicked
or their families.

39 The Lord protects his people,
and they can come to him
in times of trouble.
40 The Lord helps his people
and saves them from the wicked
because they run to him.