Pawulu la taroo Malta jooyoo to
1 Ǹ kanariŋ koolaa ǹ naata a loŋ ko, ì ka wo baajooyoo kumandi Malta le la. 2 Jee moolu ye hadamadiŋyaa meŋ yitandi ǹ na, a ñoŋo maŋ siyaa. Ì ye ǹ jiyaa, ì ye dimbaa mala ǹ ye, kaatu sumayaa be dundiŋ ne, aduŋ samaa datita ka naa. 3 Bituŋ Pawulu ye kolomoolu kafu ñoo ma. Biriŋ a ye wolu ke dimbaa kaŋ, saa naata finti ì kono kandoo kamma la. A ye Pawulu kiŋ a buloo to, a tuta a bala. 4 Kabiriŋ jee moolu ye saa je dendiŋ Pawulu buloo bala, ì ko ñoo ye ko, “Sika te jee, ñiŋ kewo mu moofaalaa le ti. Hani a kanata baa kono ñaa-wo-ñaa, batu musumansoo, tiliŋo be meŋ na kaŋo koto, wo te soŋ na a ye baluu.” 5 Bari Pawulu ye saa liisi dimbaa kono, aduŋ tana maŋ a soto. 6 Moolu be i yillaariŋ ko, Pawulu be yiti la le, waraŋ a ye boyi tarinke ka faa. Bari kabiriŋ ì ye a juubee fo a meeta, ì ye a je ko, feŋ maŋ ke a la, ì naata ì hakiloolu faliŋ, ì ko, a mu doo le ti ì la alloolu kono.
7 Wo dulaa daala, kunku kenoolu le be jee, mennu mu baajooyoo ñaatonkoo taa ti. A too mu Puliyus le ti. A ye ǹ jiyandi kuu, aduŋ a ye m̀ buuñaa fo tili saba. 8 A faamaa saasaariŋo be laariŋ, balakandoo niŋ konokarakatoo le be a la. Bituŋ Pawulu naata a yaa, a ye a buloo laa a kaŋ, a duwaata a ye, aduŋ kewo kendeyaata. 9 Kabiriŋ ñiŋ keta, moo toomaalu mennu be baajooyoo to fanaa naata, ì ye ì la kuurantoolu samba naŋ, ì bee naata kendeyaa. 10 Ì ye m̀ buuñaa feŋ jamaa la, aduŋ biriŋ m̀ pareeta ka taa fanaa, ì ye ǹ na suulafeŋolu dii ǹ na le.
Pawulu futata Rooma kundaa baa to
11 Kari saba koolaa ǹ dunta kuluŋo la, meŋ bota Alesanderiya. A sembeta baajooyoo to fo wo sumayaa waatoo tambita. Kastori niŋ Pollus la jalaŋo muluŋo le be ñiŋ kuluŋo kuŋo to. 12 Kabiriŋ m̀ futata Sirakus saatewo to, ǹ sabatita jee fo tili saba. 13 Bituŋ ǹ tententa ǹ na taamoo la, ǹ naata futa Rekiyumu saatewo to. Wo saamoo, foñoo naata wuli ka bo bulubaa karoo la, aduŋ a tili fulanjaŋo la m̀ futata Putewoli. 14 Ŋà baadiŋo* doolu tara jee, mennu ye ǹ jiyaa ka sabati ì fee fo tili woorowula. Wo koolaa le m̀ futata Rooma kundaa baa to.
15 Baadiŋolu mennu be jee, kabiriŋ ì ye ǹ na naa moyi, ì naata ka m̀ benduŋ fo Apiyus Marisewo to, aniŋ dulaa, ì ka meŋ kumandi Luntaŋ Buŋ Saboo la. Biriŋ Pawulu ye ì je, a ye Alla tentu, aduŋ a naata fatiyaa. 16 Kabiriŋ m̀ futata Rooma, ì ye Pawulu bula le ka sabati a faŋ ye, a niŋ kelediŋo meŋ ka a kanta.
Pawulu ye a la kawandoo dati Rooma
17 Tili saba koolaa, Pawulu ye Rooma Yahuudi alifaalu kumandi ñoo kaŋ. Kabiriŋ ì benta, a ko ì ye ko, “M baadiŋolu, m maŋ feŋ ke ǹ na moolu la, waraŋ m̀ mumuñolu la aadoolu la. Hani wo, ì ye m muta Yerusalaamu ka n duŋ Roomankoolu bulu. 18 Biriŋ Roomankoolu ye n kotobo, ì lafita ka m bula, kaatu ì maŋ daliila je n na kuwo to, meŋ jarita saayaa la. 19 Yahuudoolu naata balaŋ wo la, aduŋ wo le ye a tinna m maŋ feere doo soto, fo ka Rooma bankoo la mansa* la n kiitindoo daani. Bari a maŋ ke n na lafoo ti ka m fansuŋ moolu tuumi. 20 Ñiŋ daliiloo le ye a tinna, ŋa ali daani ka naa fo n si diyaamu ali ye. Banisirayilankoolu la jikoo le ye a tinna, m be sitiriŋ niŋ ñiŋ neejoloo la.” 21 Wo to le ì ko a ye ko, “M̀ maŋ leetari soto i la kuwo to ka bo Yudeya. Aduŋ baadiŋolu mennu ka naa jaŋ, ì maŋ kuma jawoo fo i la kuwo to. 22 Bari ntolu lafita saayiŋ ka ite la kumoo le moyi ñiŋ kafu jenkeriŋo la kuwo to, kaatu ŋà a kalamuta le ko, daa-wo-daa ì ka kuma jawoo le fo ì ma.”
23 Kabiriŋ ì ye luŋo londi Pawulu ye, moo jamaa naata a la sabatidulaa to wo luŋo la. Bituŋ a ye seedeyaa ke ì ye Alla la mansabaayaa la kuwo to, a ye a fataŋ-fansi ì ye ka bo soomandaa la ka taa fo wulaaroo. A ye a kata ka ì sondi Yeesu la kuwo la, a ka a yitandi ì la Musa la Luwaa* niŋ annabiyomu doolu la kitaaboolu kono. 24 Doolu laata kuwolu la, a ye mennu fo, bari doolu maŋ laa. 25 Ì maŋ soŋ ñoo ma, biriŋ ì be taa kaŋ, Pawulu ye ñiŋ kumoo fo ì ye ko, “Noora Kuliŋo ye tooñaa le fo, kabiriŋ a ye ñiŋ bankee ka bo niŋ Annabilayi Yesaya la m̀ mumuñolu ye ko:
26 ‘Taa ñiŋ moolu yaa, i ye a fo ì ye ko,
“Ali si lamoyiroo ke, bari ali nene te fahaamuroo ke la.
Ali si juubeeroo ke, bari ali nene te jeroo ke la.”
27 Kaatu ñiŋ moolu sondomoolu jaata le,
ì tuloo kuyaata le ka moyiroo ke,
aduŋ ì ye ì ñaalu biti.
Niŋ wo nte, ì si jeroo ke niŋ ì ñaalu la,
ì ye moyiroo ke niŋ ì tuloolu la,
ì ye fahaamuroo ke niŋ ì sondomoolu la,
aduŋ ì si muru n kaŋ fo ì si kendeyaa.’
28 “Wo kamma la, ali si a loŋ ko, Alla la ñiŋ kiisoo kibaaroo kiita moolu ye le, mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti, aduŋ wolu be a lamoyi la le.”
29 30 Pawulu sabatita buŋo kono jee, a ye meŋ luwaasi, fo sanji fula. A ka moolu bee le buuñaa, mennu naata ka a juubee. 31 A ka Alla la mansabaayaa la kuwo kawandi fatiyaa kono, a ka Maarii Yeesu Kiristu* la kuwo karandi, aduŋ moo maŋ a bali wolu la.
On the Island of Malta
1 When we came ashore, we learned that the island was called Malta. 2 The local people were very friendly, and they welcomed us by building a fire, because it was rainy and cold.
3 After Paul had gathered some wood and had put it on the fire, the heat caused a snake to crawl out, and it bit him on the hand. 4 When the local people saw the snake hanging from Paul's hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer! He didn't drown in the sea, but the goddess of justice will kill him anyway.”
5 Paul shook the snake off into the fire and wasn't harmed. 6 The people kept thinking that Paul would either swell up or suddenly drop dead. They watched him for a long time, and when nothing happened to him, they changed their minds and said, “This man is a god.”
7 The governor of the island was named Publius, and he owned some of the land around there. Publius was very friendly and welcomed us into his home for three days. 8 His father was in bed, sick with fever and stomach trouble, and Paul went to visit him. Paul healed the man by praying and placing his hands on him.
9 After this happened, everyone on the island brought their sick people to Paul, and they were all healed. 10 The people were very respectful to us, and when we sailed, they gave us everything we needed.
From Malta to Rome
11 Three months later we sailed in a ship that had been docked at Malta for the winter. The ship was from Alexandria in Egypt and was known as “The Twin Gods.” 12 We arrived in Syracuse and stayed for three days. 13 From there we sailed to Rhegium. The next day a south wind began to blow, and two days later we arrived in Puteoli. 14 There we found some of the Lord's followers, who begged us to stay with them. A week later we left for the city of Rome.
15 Some of the followers in Rome heard about us and came to meet us at the Market of Appius and at the Three Inns. When Paul saw them, he thanked God and was encouraged.
Paul in Rome
16 We arrived in Rome, and Paul was allowed to live in a house by himself with a soldier to guard him.
17 Three days after we got there, Paul called together some of the Jewish leaders and said:
My friends, I have never done anything to hurt our people, and I have never gone against the customs of our ancestors. But in Jerusalem I was handed over as a prisoner to the Romans. 18 They looked into the charges against me and wanted to release me. They found that I had not done anything deserving death. 19 The Jewish leaders disagreed, so I asked to be tried by the Emperor.
But I don't have anything to say against my own nation. 20 I am bound by these chains because of what we people of Israel hope for. This is why I have called you here to talk about this hope of ours.
21 The leaders replied, “No one from Judea has written us a letter about you. And not one of them has come here to report on you or to say anything against you. 22 But we would like to hear what you have to say. We understand that people everywhere are against this new group.”
23 They agreed on a time to meet with Paul, and many of them came to his house. From early morning until late in the afternoon, Paul talked to them about God's kingdom. He used the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets to try to win them over to Jesus.
24 Some of the leaders agreed with what Paul said, but others did not. 25 Since they could not agree among themselves, they started leaving. But Paul said, “The Holy Spirit said the right thing when he sent Isaiah the prophet 26 to tell our ancestors,

‘Go to these people
and tell them:
You will listen and listen,
but never understand.
You will look and look,
but never see.
27 All of you
have stubborn hearts.
Your ears are stopped up,
and your eyes are covered.
You cannot see or hear
or understand.
If you could,
you would turn to me,
and I would heal you.’ ”

28-29 Paul said, “You may be sure that God wants to save the Gentiles! And they will listen.”
30 For two years Paul stayed in a rented house and welcomed everyone who came to see him. 31 He bravely preached about God's kingdom and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ, and no one tried to stop him.