Misira niŋ Kusi te maakoyiri ke noo la
1 Saŋo meŋ na Asiriya mansa Sarikoni ye kelediŋ ñaatonka baa kii Filisitinkoolu la saatewo to, Asidodi, ka taa jee boyinkaŋ aniŋ ka a muta, 2 wo waatoo le mu, Yaawe* diyaamuta Amosi dinkewo Yesaya ye. A ko a ye ko, “Booto funtoo bondi i bala, aniŋ samatoo meŋ be i siŋo la.” A ye wo le ke, a kenseŋo tarata yaayi la aniŋ a siŋ kenseŋo.
3 Bituŋ Yaawe ko, “N na dookuulaa Yesaya ye a ke ñaameŋ, sanji saba a kenseŋo be yaayi la, a siŋ kenseŋo, wo keta taamanseeroo le ti, Misirankoolu niŋ Kusinkoolu* be meŋ taki la. 4 Asiriya mansa be Misirankoolu niŋ Kusinkoolu samba la mutoo kono le, dindiŋ, keebaa, ì bala kenseŋo niŋ ì siŋ kenseŋo, ì juwo ye tara banta. Wo be ke la Misira la maloo le ti. 5 Mennu laata Kusinkoolu la, aniŋ ka kibiri Misira la kuwo la, si jikilateyi, ì ye duŋ maloo kono. 6 Wo luŋo la, baadaa borindoo siilaalu be a fo la le ko, ‘A juubee meŋ keta moolu la, m̀ be jikiriŋ mennu la, ǹ ka bori mennu yaa maakoyiroo la, ka ǹ tanka Asiriya mansa bulu. Saayiŋ ntolu be kana la ñaadii le?’ ”
Isaiah Acts Out the Defeat of Egypt and Ethiopia
1 King Sargon of Assyria gave orders for his army commander to capture the city of Ashdod. 2 About this same time the Lord had told me, “Isaiah, take off everything, including your sandals!” I did this and went around naked and barefoot 3 for three years.
Then the Lord said:
What Isaiah has done is a warning to Egypt and Ethiopia. 4 Everyone in these two countries will be led away naked and barefoot by the king of Assyria. Young or old, they will be taken prisoner, and Egypt will be disgraced. 5 They will be confused and frustrated, because they depended on Ethiopia and bragged about Egypt. 6 When this happens, the people who live along the coast will say, “Look what happened to them! We ran to them for safety, hoping they would protect us from the king of Assyria. But now, there is no escape for us.”