1 Wo kamma la, ali kuruŋyaa bee bula, faniyaa foo, bunaafayiyaa, haasidiyaa, aniŋ koomakumaroo. 2 Ali tu hameriŋ Alla la kumoo la, ko deenaani wuluu kutoolu ka hame sunju nonoo la ñaameŋ. Alla la kumoo mu ali ye keekee foroo le ti, a ka ali mendi lannoo le kono kiisoo ye. 3 Baawo ali ye Maariyo la beteyaa nene le fokabaŋ, ali hame a la kumoo la.
Alla la moolu le mu a la buŋo ti
4 Ali naa ate kaŋ, meŋ mu bere baluuriŋo ti. Moolu jututa a la le, bari Alla ye ate le tomboŋ, aduŋ bere kummaa baa le mu a ñaatiliŋo la. 5 Ali ali faŋolu dii ka ke bere baluuriŋolu ti, fo ali si ke buŋ looraŋolu ti Alla la buŋo ye, meŋ loota a la Nooroo la siloo la. Alitolu si ke piriisi* senuŋolu ti, ali ye sadaalu* bo Nooroo la siloo la, ka bo niŋ Yeesu Kiristu* la, aduŋ Alla be soŋ na wo sadaalu ma le. 6 Kaatu a be safeeriŋ Kitaabu Senuŋo kono le ko:
“A juubee, ŋa beroo le laa Siyoni* Konkoo kaŋ,
tonkonna bere buuñaariŋo, ŋa meŋ tomboŋ.
Moo meŋ laata ate la,
wo te bula la maloo kono.”
7 Alitolu mennu laata, a mu ali ye bere kummaa baa le ti. Bari mennu maŋ laa, a be safeeriŋ ne ko:
“Beroo meŋ buŋ loolaalu jututa a la,
wo le naata ke tonkonna bere kummaa ti.”
8 Aduŋ:
“A mu beroo le ti, moolu be taki la meŋ na,
bere baa meŋ be moolu boyindi la.”
Tooñaa, ì ka boyi le, kaatu ì maŋ Alla la kumoo muta. Wo boyoo keta kuwo le ti, Alla ye meŋ londi ì ye.
Romans 8v16
9 Bari alitolu mu moo tombondiŋolu le ti, aniŋ Mansa la moolu, piriisiyaa be mennu bulu. Ali mu nasiyoŋ jankuriŋo le ti, Alla fansuŋ moolu. Ali mu ñinnu bee le ti, fo ali si a la kebaaroolu la waroo bankee, meŋ ye ali kumandi ka bo diboo kono, ka naa a la mala kaawakuuyaariŋo kono. 10 Nunto, ali maŋ ke Alla la moolu ti, bari saayiŋ, ali mu a la moolu le ti. Ali maŋ balafaa soto nuŋ Alla bulu, bari saayiŋ, ali ye a soto a bulu le.
11 N kanuntewolu, ŋa ali yaamari le ko moolu mennu mu luntaŋolu niŋ tumarankewolu ti ñiŋ duniyaa kono, ali fata ali balajaatoo la hame kuu jawoolu la, mennu ka ali niyolu kele. 12 Ali tu daajika betoo yitandi la Alla lombaloolu kono. Ì ka ali tuumi le ko, ali mu kuu kuruŋ kelaalu le ti, bari niŋ ì ye ali la kebaara betoolu je, ì fanaa si Alla jayi a la naa luŋo la.
Ali soŋ kantiyolu ma
13 Maariyo la kuwo kamma la, ali soŋ kantiyolu bee la, fo ñiŋ banku baa mansa le mu baŋ, 14 waraŋ fo a la maralilaa doo, a ye mennu kii ka kuluuroo laa kuu kuruŋ kelaalu kaŋ, aniŋ ka moolu jayi, mennu ye kuu betoo ke. 15 A mu Alla la lafoo le ti ko, ka bo niŋ kuu bete kewo la, ali si wo moo fuuriŋolu daa suki, mennu ka tuumiri kalantaŋolu fo ali ma. 16 Ali mu foroolu le ti, wo to ali si baluu ko foroolu. Wo ñaa-wo-ñaa, ali kana ali la wo firiŋo ke lanjuuroo ti ka kuu jawoo baara. Wo noo to, ali si baluu ko Alla la dookuulaalu ñanta baluu la ñaameŋ. 17 Ali horomoo dii moolu bee la. Ali ye ali baadiŋ Yeesu noomalankoolu kanu. Ali sila Alla la. Ali ye ñiŋ banku baa mansa horoma.
Kiristu mu misaaloo le ti joŋolu ye
18 Joŋolu, ali soŋ ali la kuntiyolu ma buuñaa bee kono. Ali kana a ke kuntiyolu doroŋ ye, mennu hadamayaata aniŋ ì mooyaata ali fee, bari ali si soŋ kuntiyolu fanaa ma, mennu saŋarata. 19 Kaatu moo meŋ ka muña Alla la kuwo kamma la, niŋ ì ye a toorandi tilimbaliyaa kono, a be ke la wo maarii ye hiinoo le ti. 20 Niŋ ali ye i muña buuteeroo la, meŋ keta kuluuroo ti ali la kebaara jawoolu kamma la, fo wo mu kibiri kuu le ti baŋ? Bari niŋ ali ye kuu tilindiŋo ke, aduŋ ì ye ali toorandi, wo be Alla la hiinoo le saabu la ali ma.
Is anyone among you sick Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
21 Alla ye ali kumandi ñiŋ daliiloo le kaŋ, kaatu Kiristu fanaa toorata ali ye le. A ye misaaloo tu ali ye le, fo ali si a la simfaalu nooma. 22 A maŋ junuboo ke, aduŋ neeneeri kuma kenseŋo nene maŋ bo a daa kono. 23 Kabiriŋ ì ka a neŋ, a maŋ ì joo niŋ nendiroolu la. Biriŋ a toorata, a maŋ silandiri ke, bari a ye a la kuwo tu Alla le bulu, meŋ ka kiitiyo ke tiliŋo kono. 24 Kiristu faŋo le ye ǹ na junuboolu dunoo taa, ka bo niŋ a baloo la, a ye ì samba yiribantambiloo kaŋ, fo ǹ si faa junuboo la karoo la, aduŋ ǹ si baluu tiliŋo ye. Ka bo niŋ a la baramoolu le la, ali kendeyaata. 25 Kaatu ali bee ye ali fansuŋ siloo taa le nuŋ ko saajii filiriŋolu, bari saayiŋ, ali muruta Kantarilaa kaŋ ne, ali niyolu tankandilaa.
A Living Stone and a Holy Nation
1 Stop being hateful! Quit trying to fool people, and start being sincere. Don't be jealous or say cruel things about others. 2 Be like newborn babies who are thirsty for the pure spiritual milk that will help you grow and be saved. 3 You have already found out how good the Lord really is.
4 Come to Jesus Christ. He is the living stone people have rejected, but which God has chosen and highly honored. 5 And now you are living stones being used to build a spiritual house. You are also a group of holy priests, and with the help of Jesus Christ you will offer sacrifices that please God. 6 It is just as God says in the Scriptures,

“Look! I am placing in Zion
a choice and precious
No one who has faith
in this one
will be disappointed.”

7 You are followers of the Lord, and this stone is precious to you. But it isn't precious to those who refuse to follow him. They are the builders who tossed aside the stone that turned out to be the most important one of all. 8 They disobeyed the message and stumbled and fell over this stone, because they were doomed.
9 But you are God's chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things he has done. The Scriptures say,

10 “Once you were nobody.
Now you are God's people.
At one time no one
had mercy on you.
Now God has treated you
with kindness.”
Live as God's Servants Should
11 Dear friends, you are foreigners and strangers on this earth. So I beg you not to surrender to those desires that fight against you. 12 Always let others see you behaving properly, even though they may still accuse you of doing wrong. Then on the day of judgment, they will honor God by telling the good things they saw you do.
13 The Lord wants you to obey all human authorities, especially the Emperor, who rules over everyone. 14 You must also obey governors, because they are sent by the Emperor to punish criminals and to praise good citizens. 15 God wants you to silence stupid and ignorant people by doing right. 16 You are free, but still you are God's servants, and you must not use your freedom as an excuse for doing wrong. 17 Respect everyone and show special love for God's people. Honor God and respect the Emperor.
The Example of Christ's Suffering
18 Servants, you must obey your masters and always show respect to them. Do this, not only to those who are kind and thoughtful, but also to those who are cruel. 19 God will bless you, even if others treat you unfairly for being loyal to him. 20 You don't gain anything by being punished for some wrong you have done. But God will bless you, if you have to suffer for doing something good. 21 After all, God chose you to suffer as you follow in the footsteps of Christ, who set an example by suffering for you.

22 Christ did not sin
or ever tell a lie.
23 Although he was abused,
he never tried to get even.
And when he suffered,
he made no threats.
Instead, he had faith in God,
who judges fairly.
24 Christ carried the burden
of our sins.
He was nailed to the cross,
so we would stop sinning
and start living right.
By his cuts and bruises
you are healed.
25 You had wandered away
like sheep.
Now you have returned
to the one
who is your shepherd
and protector.