1 Ŋà meŋ moyi, jumaa le laata a la?
Yaawe* ye a semboo yitandi jumaa le la?
2 Yaawe la lafoo kaŋ,
a la dookuulaa baluuta le ko fiifeŋ mereŋo,
meŋ ye suloo duŋ banku jaaroo kono.
A maŋ ñiiñaa,
waraŋ ka kallankeeyaa*,
meŋ si ǹ ñaa faa a la kuwo to.
M̀ maŋ feŋ je a muluŋo to,
ǹ si lafi noo meŋ na.
3 Moolu jututa a la le, ì ye i baŋ a to,
moo le mu meŋ ye dimoo niŋ kuuraŋo taki.
Ǹ jututa a la le, m̀ maŋ a muta feŋ ti
ko moolu maŋ lafi ka moo meŋ je.

4 Tooñaa-tooñaa, ate le ye ǹ na kuuraŋolu taa
a ye ǹ na dimoo dunoo samba,
bari hani wo, ŋà a miira le ko,
Alla le ye a busa,
a ye a mantoora,
a ye a jarabi.
Is anyone among you sick Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
5 Ǹ na junuboolu le ye a tinna,
ì ye a baloo soo,
ǹ na kuu kuruŋolu le ye a tinna,
ì ye a baramaŋ-baramaŋ.
Jaraboo meŋ laata a kaŋ,
wo le ye kayiroo saabu ntolu ma,
aduŋ a la baramoolu le ye ntolu kendeyandi.
6 Ntolu bee keta le ko saajii filiriŋo,
moo bee taata a fansuŋ siloo la,
bari Yaawe ye ntolu la junuboo bee laa ate le kaŋ.

7 Ì ye a mantoora le,
ì ye a jarabi,
hani wo a maŋ feŋ fo.
Ì ye a kenkeŋ ne ko
ì ka taa saajiiriŋo meŋ kanateyi,
ko saajiyo ka i deyi a tii kuntulaa bulu ñaameŋ,
a maŋ feŋ ne fo.
8 Ì ye a muta le, ì ye a samba,
ka taa a kiitindi ka a faa,
moo maŋ a la kuwo hakilitu.
N na moolu la junuboolu le ye a tinna,
ì ye a barama ka a bondi ñiŋ duniyaa kono.
9 A maŋ fitina kuu ke ñaa-wo-ñaa,
aduŋ neeneeri kuma kenseŋ te a daa kono,
ì ye a niŋ moo kuruŋolu le baadee dulaa kiliŋ,
a niŋ fankamaalu denta kaburoo la.

10 Bari a keta Yaawe la lafoo le ti,
ka a mantoora niŋ dimiŋo la.
A la baluwo keta sadaa* ti junuboolu ye ñaa-wo-ñaa,
a koomalankoolu be siyaa la le.
A be sii jaŋo soto la le,
aduŋ a be Yaawe la feeroo taamandi kuu la le.
11 A la mantooroo jeriŋ koolaa,
a be tara la mala baa le kono, a ye wasa.
N na dookuulaa tilindiŋo,
ka bo niŋ a la londoo la,
moo jamaa si ke moo tilindiŋo ti,
kaatu a be ì la junuboo bee dunoo taa la le.
12 A be palaasoo soto la moo kummaalu kono le,
a niŋ sembemaalu le be jawoolu la naafuloolu talaa la,
kaatu a ye a niyo le laa ka faa,
aduŋ ì ye a niŋ junubekelaalu le ke konti kiliŋ,
kaatu a ye jamaa le la junuboo dunoo taa,
a duwaata junubekelaalu ye le.
What God's Servant Did for Us
1 Has anyone believed us
or seen the mighty power
of the Lord in action?
2 Like a young plant or a root
that sprouts in dry ground,
the servant grew up
obeying the Lord.
He wasn't some handsome king.
Nothing about the way he looked
made him attractive to us.
3 He was hated and rejected;
his life was filled with sorrow
and terrible suffering.
No one wanted to look at him.
We despised him and said,
“He is a nobody!”

4 He suffered and endured
great pain for us,
but we thought his suffering
was punishment from God.
5 He was wounded and crushed
because of our sins;
by taking our punishment,
he made us completely well.
6 All of us were like sheep
that had wandered off.
We had each gone our own way,
but the Lord gave him
the punishment we deserved.

7 He was painfully abused,
but he did not complain.
He was silent like a lamb
being led to the butcher,
as quiet as a sheep
having its wool cut off.

8 He was condemned to death
without a fair trial.
Who could have imagined
what would happen to him?
His life was taken away
because of the sinful things
my people had done.
9 He wasn't dishonest or violent,
but he was buried in a tomb
among cruel, rich people.

10 The Lord decided his servant
would suffer as a sacrifice
to take away the sin
and guilt of others.
Now the servant will live
to see his own descendants.
He did everything
the Lord had planned.

11 By suffering, the servant
will learn the true meaning
of obeying the Lord.
Although he is innocent,
he will take the punishment
for the sins of others,
so that many of them
will no longer be guilty.
12 The Lord will reward him
with honor and power
for sacrificing his life.
Others thought he was a sinner,
but he suffered for our sins
and asked God to forgive us.