1 Nte Pawulu, Alla la dookuulaa aniŋ Yeesu Kiristu* la kiilaa*, m be ite, Titus, kontoŋ na. N loota ka Alla la tomboŋ moolu la lannoo yiriwandi, aniŋ ka ì maakoyi ka londi koyoo soto tooñaa to, meŋ sotota Alla la siloo kaŋ. 2 Wo tooñaa le ka jikoo dii ì la badaa-badaa baluwo to. Alla meŋ buka faniyaa fo, ate le ye laahidoo dii wo kuwo to, janniŋ jamaanoolu be dati la, 3 aduŋ saayiŋ wo laahidoo naata yitandi a waatoo la le, a la kumoo kono. Wo kumoo kawandoo karafata nte le ma, ko Alla, ǹ na Kiisandirilaa, ye a yaamari ñaameŋ.
4 M be ite, Titus, kontoŋ na, meŋ mu n dinkee tooñaa ti lanna kiliŋo kono. Hiinoo niŋ kayiroo be i fee ka bo Alla bulu, m̀ Faamaa, aniŋ Kiristu Yeesu, ǹ na Kiisandirilaa.
Yeesu la kafoo alifaalu
5 Ñiŋ daliiloo faŋo le ye a tinna, ŋa i tu Kireti jooyoo to, fo i si kuwolu tembendi jee, mennu tuta, aniŋ ì si alifaalu londi Yeesu la kafoo ye saatewolu kono taariŋ, ko ŋa i yaamari a la ñaameŋ. 6 Alifaa ñanta ke la kewo le ti, meŋ maŋ sootaaroo soto, aniŋ meŋ foroyaata a la musoo ma. A diŋolu ñanta ke la lannamoolu le ti, moo te mennu tuumi noo la faŋ mutabaliyaa la, waraŋ yaamari mutabaliyaa. 7 Yeesu la kafoo la kantarilaa mu Alla la dookuulaa kuntiyo le ti. Wo to, a ñanta ke la moo le ti, meŋ maŋ sootaaroo soto. A maŋ ñaŋ na ke la faŋ wara moo ti, moo jusu sutuŋo, dolominnaa, waraŋ fitinamoo. A maŋ ñaŋ na tinewo ñini la tapaleeyaa kono, 8 bari a ñanta ke la moo le ti, meŋ ka luntaŋolu jiyaa, aniŋ meŋ ye kuu betoolu kanu. A ñanta ke la hakilimaa le ti, meŋ tilinta, a seneyaata, aniŋ a ka a faŋ muta noo. 9 A ñanta tooñaa kumoo muta la niŋ a bulu fuloo le la, ko a karandita ñaameŋ. Wo to le a be doolu yaamari noo la bambandinke niŋ karandiri tooñaa la, aduŋ a si moolu la boyidaa yitandi ì la, mennu balanta wo kumoo la.
Yaamaroo faniyaa karandirilaalu la kuwo to
10 Moo jamaa le be jee, mennu be marabaliyaa kono, ì ka doolu neenee ì la kuma fuuriŋolu la. Ñinnu siyaata le sako wo Yahuudoolu kono, mennu ye sunnoo kuwo kummaayandi. 11 Ì daalu ñanta soroŋ na le, kaatu ì be dimbaayaalu muumewo le la lannoo kasaara kaŋ niŋ karandiroo la, ì maŋ ñaŋ na meŋ ke la. Ì ka a ke tinewo le kamma, meŋ maŋ bo niŋ tiliŋo la. 12 Moo kiliŋ meŋ bota ì faŋolu kono, ì la annabiyomoo, ye ñiŋ ne fo nuŋ ko:
“Kiretinkoolu ye i tuuku faniyaa foo le la,
ì mu beeyaŋ jawu baalu le ti,
konomoolu, ì baloo diyaata ì ye.”
13 Wo seedeyaa mu tooñaa le ti ì la kuwo to! Wo kamma la, ì jalayi kendeke fo ì si muru naŋ lannoo sila kendoo kaŋ. 14 Ì kana tara tuukuriŋ kotenke Yahuudoolu la taaliŋ kenseŋolu la, aniŋ moolu la luwaalu, mennu ye ì koo dii tooñaa la.
15 Feŋo bee seneyaata moo le ye, meŋ seneyaata, bari feŋ maŋ seneyaa moo kosoriŋolu niŋ lannabaloolu ye, kaatu ì hakiloolu niŋ ì sondomoolu bee nakarita le. 16 Ì ka a fo le ko, ì ye Alla loŋ ne, bari ì ka balaŋ a ma niŋ ì la kebaaroolu le la. Ì mu jutunnamoolu le ti, aniŋ yaamari mutabaloolu mennu nene buka kuu betoo ke noo.
1 From Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ.
I encourage God's own people to have more faith and to understand the truth about religion. 2 Then they will have the hope of eternal life God promised long ago. And God never tells a lie! 3 So, at the proper time, God our Savior gave this message and told me to announce what he had said.
4 Titus, because of our faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!
What Titus Was To Do in Crete
5 I left you in Crete to do what had been left undone and to appoint leaders for the churches in each town. As I told you, 6 they must have a good reputation and be faithful in marriage. Their children must be followers of the Lord and not have a reputation for being wild and disobedient.
7 Church officials are in charge of God's work, and so they must also have a good reputation. They must not be bossy, quick-tempered, heavy drinkers, bullies, or dishonest in business. 8 Instead, they must be friendly to strangers and enjoy doing good things. They must also be sensible, fair, pure, and self-controlled. 9 They must stick to the true message they were taught, so their good teaching can help others and correct everyone who opposes it.
10 There are many who don't respect authority, and they fool others by talking nonsense. This is especially true of some Jewish followers. 11 But you must make them be quiet. They are after money, and they upset whole families by teaching what they should not. 12 It is like one of their own prophets once said,

“The people of Crete
always tell lies.
They are greedy and lazy
like wild animals.”

13 This surely is a true saying. And you should be hard on such people, so you can help them grow stronger in their faith. 14 Don't pay any attention to any of those senseless Jewish stories and human commands. These are made up by people who won't obey the truth.
15 Everything is pure for someone whose heart is pure. But nothing is pure for an unbeliever with a dirty mind. That person's mind and conscience are destroyed. 16 Such people claim to know God, but their actions prove they really don't. They are disgusting. They won't obey God, and they are too worthless to do anything good.