1 Nte mu firindiŋo doroŋ ne ti Saroni tundoo kaŋ,
firi ñiimaa wulumbaŋo kono.

Kewo ko:
2 Ko firi ñiimaa, ŋaniŋolu kono,
n kanuntewo be musoolu kono wo le ñaama.

Musoo ko:
3 Ko pomu suŋo, wuloo yiroolu teema,
n jusukuŋo be kewolu kono wo le ñaama.
N niŋ seewoo le ka sii a dubeŋo koto,
a diŋo ka timiyaa n kaŋo kono.
4 A ye n samba a la buŋ baa kono,
a ye m muuri kanoo la.
5 M bambandi wayini* yiridiŋ jaaroo la,
i ye n kereyandi pomoo la,
kaatu kanoo meeyaa ye n saasandi le.
6 A ka munta ko,
a maraa buloo ye tara n kuŋo koto,
a bulubaa buloo ye tara minindiŋ n na.
7 Alitolu Yerusalaamu dimmusuriŋolu,
ali i kali n ye wulakono minaŋo too la,
waraŋ daakoyoo,
niŋ n niŋ n jusukuŋo be fereriŋ
ka ǹ na kanoo yita ñoo la,
moo kana futa m̀ ma, waraŋ ka m̀ batandi,
fo janniŋ m̀ be kaañaŋ na.
Suukuu fulanjaŋo
Musoo ko:
8 N jusukuŋo kaŋo moyi baŋ,
a naatoo fele baŋ,
a be bori kaŋ konko baalu kaŋ,
a be konkoriŋolu sawuŋ kaŋ.
9 N jusukuŋo be le ko minaŋo,
waraŋ daakoyindiŋo,
a hayinaŋ looriŋ n na buŋo kooma,
a be juubeeroo kaŋ palanteeroo to,
a be yoofiiroo kaŋ palanteeri huwo la.
10 N jusukuŋo ko n ye ko:

“Wuli, n kanuntewo,
n na musu ñiimaa, naa ŋà taa.
11 Sumayaa waatoo banta le,
sanji te keriŋ.
12 Firoolu ye bankoo muuri,
denkili waatoo siita,
puraalu niŋ seewoo be kiliroo la,
bankoo karoo bee la.
13 Sooto diŋolu be moo kaŋ,
wayini yiroolu be firi kaŋ,
ì firoolu be seera kaŋ.
Wuli, n kanuntewo,
n na musu ñiimaa, naa ŋà taa.”

Kewo ko:
14 I be n ye le ko puraa,
meŋ be maaboriŋ bere konkoo to,
a be bitiriŋ berehuwo kono.
Soŋ ŋa i ñaadaa je,
ŋa i kaŋo moyi,
kaatu i kaŋo diyaata le,
i alihaaloo ñiiñaata.

15 Ali kunkuwuloolu muta n ye,
ñiŋ kunkuwulundiŋolu,
itolu le ka wayini yiri kankaŋolu tiñaa,
ǹ na wayini yiroolu be firi kaŋ ne.

Musoo ko:
16 N jusukuŋo mu n taa le ti,
nte fanaa mu a taa ti.
A ka a faŋ seewondi firi ñiimaalu le kono.
17 N kanuntewo, janniŋ fanoo ka ke,
janniŋ diboo ka yeemaŋ,
i tariyaa Beteri Konkoo kaŋ ka seyi,
ko minaŋo, waraŋ daakoyindiŋo.
Love Makes Everything Beautiful
She Speaks:

1 I am merely a rose
from the land of Sharon,
a lily from the valley.
He Speaks:

2 My darling, when compared
with other young women,
you are a lily among thorns.
She Speaks:

3 And you, my love,
are an apple tree
among trees of the forest.
Your shade brought me pleasure;
your fruit was sweet.
4 You led me to your banquet room
and showered me with love.
5 Refresh and strengthen me
with raisins and apples.
I am hungry for love!
6 Put your left hand under my head
and embrace me
with your right arm.

7 Young women of Jerusalem,
promise me by the power
of deer and gazelles
never to awaken love
before it is ready.
Winter Is Past
She Speaks:

8 I hear the voice
of the one I love,
as he comes leaping
over mountains and hills
9 like a deer or a gazelle.
Now he stands outside our wall,
looking through the window
10 and speaking to me.
He Speaks:

My darling, I love you!
Let's go away together.
11 Winter is past,
the rain has stopped;
12 flowers cover the earth,
it's time to sing.
The cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
13 Fig trees are bearing fruit,
while blossoms on grapevines
fill the air with perfume.
My darling, I love you!
Let's go away together.
14 You are my dove
hiding among the rocks
on the side of a cliff.
Let me see how lovely you are!
Let me hear the sound
of your melodious voice.
15 Our vineyards are in blossom;
we must catch the little foxes
that destroy the vineyards.
She Speaks:

16 My darling, I am yours,
and you are mine,
as you feed your sheep
among the lilies.
17 Pretend to be a young deer
dancing on mountain slopes
until daylight comes
and shadows fade away.