Kiilaariyaa kumoo Yeesu la kafoo ye Saridis
1 “A safee n na kafoo malaayikoo ye, meŋ be Saridis saatewo kono:
“Nte la kumoo fele, nte meŋ ye Alla la noora woorowuloo soto, aniŋ looloo woorowuloo.
“Ŋa ite la kebaaroolu loŋ ne. Moolu ka a miira ko, i be baluuriŋ ne, bari i faata le. 2 Wuli, i ye i ñaalu yele! Feŋolu mennu tuta i bulu saayaa daa to, wolu bambandi, kaatu nte maŋ i la kebaaroolu je timmariŋ n na Alla ñaatiliŋo la. 3 Wo to, i hakiloo bulandi kuwo la, i ye meŋ moyi nuŋ, aduŋ i naata a muta. Wo muta kuu, i ye tuubi ka i koo dii i la junuboolu la. Niŋ i maŋ wuli ka tu i ñaa la, m be naa la le ko suŋo, i te waatoo loŋ na, m be i ñapinkaŋ na meŋ na. 4 Wo ñaa-wo-ñaa, i ye moo dantaŋ ne soto Saridis jee, mennu maŋ ì la waramboolu kosondi. Wolu niŋ nte be taama la ñoo la waramba koyoolu kono le, kaatu ì jarita a la le. 5 Meŋ keta noorilaa ti, wo be feetoofata la waramba koyoo le la, aduŋ n te a too tuutuu la muumeeke baluwo kitaaboo kono. M be a too seedeyaa la m Faamaa ñaatiliŋo la le, aniŋ a la malaayikoolu ñaatiliŋo la.
6 “Meŋ ye tuloo soto ka moyiroo ke, a si a moyi, Nooroo be meŋ fo kaŋ Yeesu la kafoolu ye.
Kiilaariyaa kumoo Yeesu la kafoo ye Filadelifiya
7 “A safee n na kafoo malaayikoo ye, meŋ be Filadelifiya saatewo kono:
“Nte la kumoo fele, nte meŋ jankuta, aduŋ m mu tooñaa ti, Mansa Dawuda la caaboo be nte le bulu. Ŋa meŋ yele, moo-wo-moo te a soroŋ noo la, aduŋ ŋa meŋ soroŋ, moo le te wo yele noo la.
8 “Ŋa i la kebaaroolu loŋ ne. A fele, ŋa bundaa yele i ñaa to, moo te meŋ soroŋ noo la. Ŋa a loŋ ne ko, i semboo dooyaata le, bari wo ñaa-wo-ñaa, i ye nte la kumoo muta le, aduŋ i maŋ balaŋ n too ma. 9 A juubee, m be kuwo meŋ laa la wo moolu kaŋ, mennu mu Seetaanoo* la kafoo ti. Ñiŋ faniyaa folaalu ka ì faŋolu kumandi Yahuudoolu le la, bari ì maŋ ke wolu ti. M be a tinna le, fo wo moolu ye naa ka sujudi i siŋolu to, aduŋ ì be a loŋ na le ko, nte ye i kanu le. 10 Baawo i ye n na yaamaroo muta niŋ wakiiloo le la muñoo kono, m be ite tanka la wo kotoboroo waatoo la le, meŋ be naa la duniyaa bee kaŋ. A be naa la le ka moolu kotobo, mennu be baluuriŋ ñiŋ duniyaa kono.
11 “Nte be naa le, a te mee la. I ye meŋ soto, wo muta niŋ i bulu fuloo la, fo moo-wo-moo kana i la kañeerinaafoo buusi i la. 12 Meŋ keta noorilaa ti, m be wo ke la samasiŋo le ti n na Alla Batudulaa Buŋo* kono, a nene te finti la jee to. M be n na Alla too niŋ n na Alla la saatewo too safee la wo bala le. Wo le mu Yerusalaamu kutoo ti, meŋ be jii la naŋ ka bo n na Alla yaa, Arijana kono. Aduŋ m be n too kutoo fanaa safee la a maarii bala le.
13 “Meŋ ye tuloo soto ka moyiroo ke, a si a moyi, Nooroo be meŋ fo kaŋ Yeesu la kafoolu ye.
Kiilaariyaa kumoo Yeesu la kafoo ye Lawodiseya
14 “A safee Yeesu la kafoo malaayikoo ye, meŋ be Lawodiseya saatewo kono:
“Nte la kumoo fele, nte meŋ mu Amiin ti. Nte le mu foroo ti, aniŋ seede tooñaa. Alla ye feŋolu bee daa ka bo niŋ nte le la.
15 “Ŋa ite la kebaaroolu loŋ ne. Ite maŋ sumayaa, sako ka kandi. N na hamoo mu, i ye ke kiliŋ ti ñiŋ feŋ fuloo kono! 16 Baawo ite be sumayaa niŋ kandoo le teema, aduŋ i maŋ sumayaa waraŋ ka kandi, m be i tupi la banta le ka bo n daa kono. 17 Ite ko, i fankata le, i ye ñaatotaa soto, aduŋ i maŋ suula feŋ na. Ite moo mantoorariŋo, i maŋ a loŋ ko, i mu balafaa moo le ti. Ite fuwaarediŋ, i mu finkintewo le ti, i kenseŋo tuta. 18 Wo kamma la, ŋa i yaamari ka sanoo saŋ nte bulu, meŋ kuloorita dimbaa la, fo i si ke fankamaa ti. Waramba koyoo saŋ nte bulu ka i faŋ sutura, fo moolu kana i ŋayiboo je, meŋ mu malu kuwo ti. Booroo saŋ ì ñaalu ye, i ye a moosi ì bala, fo i si jeroo ke noo. 19 Ŋa moolu mennu kanu, n ka wolu le jalayi, aniŋ n ka ì kuluu. Wo kamma la, hame baa soto, i ye tuubi ka i koo dii i la junuboolu la.
Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness.
20 “A fele, m be looriŋ bundaa to le ka a konkoŋ. Niŋ moo-wo-moo ye n kumandiri kaŋo moyi, aduŋ a ye bundaa yele n ye, m be duŋ na le. N niŋ wo maarii be domoroo ke la le, aduŋ ate niŋ nte fanaa be a ke la le. 21 Meŋ keta noorilaa ti, nte be siidulaa dii la wo le la n na mansasiiraŋo kaŋ, ko m faŋo keta noorilaa ti ñaameŋ, n niŋ m Faamaa siita a la mansasiiraŋo kaŋ.
22 “Meŋ ye tuloo soto ka moyiroo ke, a si a moyi, Nooroo be meŋ fo kaŋ Yeesu la kafoolu ye.”
The Letter to Sardis
1 This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Sardis:
I have the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. Listen to what I say.
I know what you are doing. Everyone may think you are alive, but you are dead. 2 Wake up! You have only a little strength left, and it is almost gone. So try to become stronger. I have found that you are not completely obeying God. 3 Remember the teaching you were given and heard. Hold firmly to it and turn from your sins. If you don't wake up, I will come when you least expect it, just as a thief does.
4 A few of you in Sardis have not dirtied your clothes with sin. You will walk with me in white clothes, because you are worthy. 5 Everyone who wins the victory will wear white clothes. Their names will not be erased from the book of life, and I will tell my Father and his angels that they are my followers.
6 If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.
The Letter to Philadelphia
7 This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Philadelphia:
I am the one who is holy and true, and I have the keys that belonged to David. When I open a door, no one can close it. And when I close a door, no one can open it. Listen to what I say.
8 I know everything you have done. And I have placed before you an open door no one can close. You were not very strong, but you obeyed my message and did not deny you are my followers. 9 Now you will see what I will do with those people who belong to Satan's group. They claim to be God's people, but they are liars. I will make them come and kneel down at your feet. Then they will know that I love you.
10 You obeyed my message and endured. So I will protect you from the time of testing everyone in all the world must go through. 11 I am coming soon. So hold firmly to what you have, and no one will take away the crown you will be given as your reward.
12 Everyone who wins the victory will be made into a pillar in the temple of my God, and they will stay there forever. I will write on each of them the name of my God and the name of his city. It is the new Jerusalem my God will send down from heaven. I will also write on them my own new name.
13 If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.
The Letter to Laodicea
14 This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Laodicea:
I am the one called Amen! I am the faithful and true witness and the source of God's creation. Listen to what I say.
15 I know everything you have done, and you are not cold or hot. I wish you were either one or the other. 16 But since you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 You claim to be rich and successful and to have everything you need. But you don't know how bad off you really are. You are pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.
18 Buy your gold from me. It has been refined in a fire, and it will make you rich. Buy white clothes from me. Wear them and you can cover up your shameful nakedness. Buy medicine for your eyes, so you will be able to see.
19 I correct and punish everyone I love. So make up your minds to turn away from your sins. 20 Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together. 21 Everyone who wins the victory will sit with me on my throne, just as I won the victory and sat with my Father on his throne.
22 If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.