Yamfoo koolaa seewoo
Dawuda la suukuwo.
1 Seewoo be moo le ye,
yamfa keta meŋ na junuboolu la,
meŋ na hakoo tuutuuta.
2 Seewoo be moo le ye,
Yaawe* maŋ meŋ na kuu jawoo muta a kamma,
aniŋ jenkoo te meŋ kono.
3 Kabiriŋ n tarata deyiriŋ m faŋ ma,
n kuloolu baabaata le,
ka bo niŋ n na ŋuntaŋo la, tiloo bee,
4 kaatu suutoo niŋ tiloo,
i bulu laata n kaŋ kendeke le.
M barakoo sulenta le,
a keta komeŋ tilikandikono jaa.
5 Bituŋ ŋa n na boyidaa fo i ye,
aduŋ m maŋ n na kuu jawoo nukuŋ i ma.
N kumata le ko,
“M be n na junuboolu fo la Yaawe ye le.”
Bituŋ i yamfata n na junuboo dunoo la.
6 Wo to moo-wo-moo mu i la moo ti,
a si duwaa ka i daani, koleyaa waatoo la.
Niŋ mantooroo waamemaa feeneeta naŋ,
a te futa la a ma.
7 I mu n ye maabodulaa le ti.
I be n tankandi la mantooroo ma le,
aduŋ suukuulaa le be tara la m fee karoo bee la,
i la n tankandoo kaŋ.
8 Yaawe la kumakaŋo le mu ñiŋ ti ko,
“M be i yaamari la le,
ka a fo i ye i ñanta taa la siloo meŋ na.
M be a yitandi la i la le
i ñanta meŋ ke la, n ñaa ye tara i kaŋ.
9 Kana ke ko suwoo waraŋ bahalewo*,
hakili te meŋ na.
Karafewo niŋ juloo le ka a manankuŋ noo,
niŋ wo nte, a te soŋ na i ye.”

10 Moo kuruŋo niŋ kooroo jamaa le mu,
bari meŋ dankeneyaata Yaawe la,
wo ka tara tankariŋ a la kanu bambaloo le kono.
11 Alitolu mennu tilinta,
ali kontaani ka seewoo Yaawe la kuwo to.
Tiliŋo be alitolu mennu sondomoo kono,
ali seewoo kendeke.
(A special psalm by David.)
The Joy of Forgiveness
1 Our Lord, you bless everyone
whose sins you forgive
and wipe away.
2 You bless them by saying,
“You told me your sins,
without trying to hide them,
and now I forgive you.”

3 Before I confessed my sins,
my bones felt limp,
and I groaned all day long.
4 Night and day your hand
weighed heavily on me,
and my strength was gone
as in the summer heat.

5 So I confessed my sins
and told them all to you.
I said, “I'll tell the Lord
each one of my sins.”
Then you forgave me
and took away my guilt.

6 We worship you, Lord,
and we should always pray
whenever we find out
that we have sinned.
Then we won't be swept away
by a raging flood.
7 You are my hiding place!
You protect me from trouble,
and you put songs in my heart
because you have saved me.

8 You said to me,
“I will point out the road
that you should follow.
I will be your teacher
and watch over you.
9 Don't be stupid
like horses and mules
that must be led with ropes
to make them obey.”

10 All kinds of troubles
will strike the wicked,
but your kindness shields those
who trust you, Lord.
11 And so your good people
should celebrate and shout.