Simeyoni lasiloo la tundoo
1 Alikuuri* fulanjaŋo keta Simeyoni lasiloo moolu le teema, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila. Itolu la keetaafeŋo taata bula Yahuuda bankoo le kono.
2 Ñiŋ saatewolu le bulata ì niyo kono: Beeriseba, Seba, Molada, 3 Hasari-Suwali, Bala, Esemu, 4 Elitoladi, Betuli, Horima, 5 Sikilaki, Beti-Marikaboti, Hasari-Susa, 6 Beti-Lebawoti aniŋ Saruheni. Ì taata kaañaŋ saatee baa taŋ niŋ saba le fee, ì niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu.
7 Ayini fanaa, Rimmoni, Eteri aniŋ Asani, ì taata kaañaŋ saatee baa naani le fee, ì niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu, 8 aniŋ saateeriŋ koteŋolu, mennu bee be ñiŋ saatee baalu daala, ka taa fo Baalati-Beeri, aniŋ Rama meŋ be Nekefu* tundoo kaŋ. Ñiŋ ne keta Simeyoni lasiloo moolu la keetaafeŋo ti, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila. 9 Simeyoni lasiloo moolu la keetaafeŋo bota Yahuuda lasiloo moolu niyo le to, kaatu Yahuuda lasiloo kenoo warata a moolu ti le. Bituŋ Simeyoni lasiloo moolu naata ì taa soto ka bo Yahuuda tundoo kaŋ.
Sebuluni lasiloo la tundoo
10 Alikuuri sabanjaŋo keta Sebuluni lasiloo moolu le teema, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila. Ì la keetalaa tundoo naanewo ñiŋ taata le fo Saridi saatewo to. 11 Ka bo wo to la, naanewo ñiŋ taata tilijii karoo le la, ka taa wo la fo Marala ka naki Dabeseti la, aniŋ wulumbaŋo meŋ be Yokineyamu daala. 12 Saridi kara doo la, naanewo ñiŋ taata tilibo kara maafaŋo le la, ka taa wo la Kisiloti-Tabori tundoo kaŋ, ka tenteŋ wo la Daberati ka taa fo Yafiya. 13 Ka bo wo to la, a tententa tilibo kara maafaŋo la, ka taa Kati-Heferi saatewo to, aniŋ Eti-Kasini ka taa Rimmoni la, daameŋ a ŋoojita ka taa Neha. 14 Jee le mu, naanewo ñiŋ muruta ka taa maraa kara maafaŋo la fo Hannatoni, bituŋ a taata daŋ Ifuta-Eli Wulumbaŋo to, 15 ñiŋ saatewolu fanaa daa bulariŋo jee: Katati, Nahalali, Simuroni, Idala aniŋ Betilehemu. Ì taata kaañaŋ saatee baa taŋ niŋ fula le fee, ì niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu. 16 Ñiŋ saatee baalu niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu le keta Sebuluni lasiloo moolu la keetaafeŋo ti, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila.
Isakari lasiloo la tundoo
17 Alikuuri naaninjaŋo keta Isakari lasiloo moolu le teema, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila. 18 Ñiŋ saatewolu le tarata ì niyo kono: Yesireeli, Kesulloti, Sunemu, 19 Hafarayimu, Siwoni, Anaharati, 20 Rabiti, Kisiyoni, Ebesi, 21 Remeti, Eni-Kannimu, Eni-Hada aniŋ Beti-Pasesi.
22 Naanewo ñiŋ taata le fo a nakita Tabori Konkoo la, Sahasuma aniŋ Beti-Semesi, bituŋ a naata daŋ Yoridani Boloŋo to. Ì taata kaañaŋ saatee baa taŋ niŋ wooro le fee, ì niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu. 23 Ñiŋ saatee baalu niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu le keta Isakari lasiloo moolu la keetaafeŋo ti, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila.
Aseri lasiloo la tundoo
24 Alikuuri luulunjaŋo keta Aseri lasiloo moolu le teema, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila. 25 Ñiŋ saatewolu le tarata ì niyo kono: Helikati, Hali, Beteni, Akisafu, 26 Allammeleki, Amadi aniŋ Misali. Tilijii la karoo la, naanewo ñiŋ taata le fo a nakita Karimeli Konkoo la aniŋ Sihori-Libunati. 27 Bituŋ a naata muru tilibo kara maafaŋo la, ka taa Beti-Dakoni maafaŋo la, ka naki Sebuluni aniŋ Ifuta-Eli Wulumbaŋo la, ka taa wo la maraa kara maafaŋo la fo Beti-Emeki aniŋ Neyeli, ka tambi wo la naŋ Kabuli la, maraa kara maafaŋo la. 28 A taata Abudoni, Rehobu, Hammoni aniŋ Kana, ka taa wo la fo Sidoni saatee baa faŋo to. 29 Bituŋ naanewo ñiŋ muruta naŋ Rama maafaŋo la ka taa wo la Tire saatee baa tatariŋo to, a muruta naŋ wo la ka taa Hosa, bituŋ a naata daŋ Baa Baa* to Akisibu tundoo la. 30 A taata wo la Umma, Afeki aniŋ Rehobu. A taata kaañaŋ saatee baa muwaŋ niŋ fula le fee, ì niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu. 31 Ñiŋ saatee baalu niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu le keta Aseri lasiloo moolu la keetaafeŋo ti, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila.
Nafutali lasiloo la tundoo
32 Alikuuri wooronjaŋo keta Nafutali lasiloo moolu le teema, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila. 33 Ì la naanewo taata le ka bo Helefu, aniŋ ka bo yiri baa doo le to, meŋ be Saanannimu ka tambi Adami-Nekebu la, aniŋ Yabuneeli ka taa wo la fo Lakumu, bituŋ a taata daŋ Yoridani Boloŋo to. 34 Naanewo ñiŋ taata wo la, tilijii karoo la, ka taa niŋ Asinoti-Tabori kono la, ka finti wo la naŋ Hukoki la. A nakita Sebuluni lasiloo moolu la tundoo la bulubaa kara maafaŋo la, Aseri tilijiyo la, aniŋ Yoridani Boloŋo tilibo karoo la. 35 Ì la saatee tatariŋolu, wolu le mu Sidimu, Seri, Hammati, Rakati, Kinnereti, 36 Adama, Rama, Hasori, 37 Kedesi, Edireyi, Eni-Hasori, 38 Ironi, Mikidali-Eli, Horemu, Beti-Anati aniŋ Beti-Semesi ti. Ì taata kaañaŋ saatee baa taŋ niŋ kononto le fee, ì niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu. 39 Ñiŋ saatee baalu niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu le keta Nafutali lasiloo moolu la keetaafeŋo ti, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila.
Dani lasiloo la tundoo
40 Alikuuri woorowulanjaŋo keta Dani lasiloo moolu le teema, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila. 41 Ñiŋ saatewolu le tarata ì niyo kono: Sora, Esitawoli, Iri-Semesi, 42 Saalabini, Ayaloni, Itila, 43 Eloni, Timuna, Ekironi, 44 Eliteke, Kibetoni, Baalati, 45 Yehudi, Bene-Beraki, Kati-Rimmoni, 46 Me-Yarikoni aniŋ Rakoni, aniŋ dulaa meŋ ñaa be tilindiŋ Yopa la. 47 Bari jawoolu naata jee taa ì bulu, bituŋ ì taata boyi Lesemu saatee moolu kaŋ. Ì ye jee taa ka a moolu bee faa hawusaroo* la, bituŋ ì siita jee. Ì ye saatewo ñiŋ too yelemandi ka a ke Dani ti, meŋ mu ì bonsuŋo ti. 48 Ñiŋ saatee baalu niŋ ì dandanna saateeriŋolu le keta Dani lasiloo moolu la keetaafeŋo ti, ka bo kaabiila ka taa kaabiila.
Yosuwa la tundoo
49 Ì la tundoolu talaariŋ koolaa ì dammaalu teema, Banisirayilankoolu naata keetaafeŋo dii Yosuwa, Nuni dinkewo fanaa la le ka bo ì taalu kono, 50 ko Yaawe* ye a yaamaroo dii ñaameŋ. A ye saatewo meŋ kaniŋ, ì ye wo le dii a la, meŋ mu Timunati-Sera ti, Efurayimu* konkotundoo* kaŋ. A ye jee lookuu, a siita jee. 51 Ñinnu le mu keetaafeŋolu ti, Eleyasa meŋ mu piriisoo* ti, Yosuwa Nuni dinkewo, aniŋ Banisirayila kaabiila kuntiyolu ye mennu talaa ka bo niŋ alikuuroo la, meŋ keta Silo saatewo to Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la, Bendulaa Tiriliisi Senuŋo* daa to. Ì ye bankoo bee baŋ talaa la teŋ ne.
Simeon's Land
1 Simeon was the second tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans was inside Judah's borders. 2-6 In one region of Simeon's tribal land there were the following 13 towns with their surrounding villages:
Beersheba, Shema, Moladah, Hazar-Shual, Balah, Ezem, Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah, Ziklag, Beth-Marcaboth, Hazar-Susah, Beth-Lebaoth, and Sharuhen.
7 In another region, Simeon had the following four towns with their surrounding villages:
Enrimmon, Tachan, Ether, and Ashan.
8 Simeon's land also included all the other towns and villages as far south as Baalath-Beer, which is also called Ramah of the South.
9 Simeon's tribal land was actually inside Judah's territory. Judah had received too much land for the number of people in its tribe, so part of Judah's land was given to Simeon.
Zebulun's Land
10-12 Zebulun was the third tribe chosen to receive land. The southern border for its clans started in the west at the edge of the gorge near Jokneam. It went east to the edge of the land that belongs to the town of Dabbesheth, and continued on to Maralah and Sarid. It took in the land that belongs to Chislothtabor, then ended at Daberath.
The eastern border went up to Japhia 13 and continued north to Gath-Hepher, Ethkazin, and Rimmonah, where it curved toward Neah 14 and became the northern border. Then it curved south around Hannathon and went as far west as Iphtahel Valley.
15 Zebulun had twelve towns with their surrounding villages. Some of these were Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Jiralah, and Bethlehem.
16 This is the tribal land, and these are the towns and villages of the Zebulun clans.
Issachar's Land
17-23 Issachar was the fourth tribe chosen to receive land. The northern border for its clans went from Mount Tabor east to the Jordan River. Their land included the following 16 towns with their surrounding villages:
Jezreel, Chesulloth, Shunem, Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath, Debirath, Kishion, Ebez, Remeth, En-Gannim, Enhaddah, Beth-Pazzez, Tabor, Shahazumah and Beth-Shemesh.
Asher's Land
24-26 Asher was the fifth tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans included the following towns:
Helkath, Hali, Beten, Achshaph, Allammelech, Amad, and Mishal.
Asher's southern border ran from the Mediterranean Sea southeast along the Shihor-Libnath River at the foot of Mount Carmel, 27 then east to Beth-Dagon. On the southeast, Asher shared a border with Zebulun along the Iphtahel Valley. On the eastern side their border ran north to Beth-Emek, went east of Cabul, and then on to Neiel, 28 Abdon, Rehob, Hammon, Kanah, and as far north as the city of Sidon. 29-31 Then it turned west to become the northern border and went to Ramah and the fortress-city of Tyre. Near Tyre it turned toward Hosah and ended at the Mediterranean Sea.
Asher had a total of 22 towns with their surrounding villages, including Mahalab, Achzib, Acco, Aphek, and Rehob.
Naphtali's Land
32-34 Naphtali was the sixth tribe chosen to receive land. The southern border for its clans started in the west, where the tribal lands of Asher and Zebulun meet near Hukkok. From that point it ran east and southeast along the border with Zebulun as far as Aznoth-Tabor. From there the border went east to Heleph, Adami-Nekeb, Jabneel, then to the town called Oak in Zaanannim, and Lakkum. The southern border ended at the Jordan River, at the edge of the town named Jehudah. Naphtali shared a border with Asher on the west.
35-39 The Naphtali clans received this region as their tribal land, and it included 19 towns with their surrounding villages. The following towns had walls around them:
Ziddim, Zer, Hammath, Rakkath, Chinnereth, Adamah, Ramah, Hazor, Kedesh, Edrei, Enhazor, Iron, Migdalel, Horem, Beth-Anath, and Beth-Shemesh.
Dan's Land
40-46 Dan was the seventh tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans included the following towns:
Zorah, Eshtaol, Ir-Shemesh, Shaalabbin, Aijalon, Ithlah, Elon, Timnah, Ekron, Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath, Jehud, Azor, Beneberak, Gath-Rimmon, Mejarkon, and Rakkon.
Dan's tribal land went almost as far as Joppa. 47-48 Its clans received this land and these towns with their surrounding villages.
Later, when enemies forced them to leave their tribal land, they went to the town of Leshem. They attacked the town, captured it, and killed the people who lived there. Then they settled there themselves and renamed the town Dan after their ancestor.
Joshua's Land
49-51 The Israelites were still gathered in Shiloh in front of the sacred tent, when Eleazar the priest, Joshua, and the family leaders of Israel finished giving out the land to the tribes. The Lord had told the people to give Joshua whatever town he wanted. So Joshua chose Timnath-Serah in the hill country of Ephraim, and the people gave it to him. Joshua went to Timnath-Serah, rebuilt it, and lived there.