Kuntiŋ koorewo la naa ko kelediŋolu
1 Ali binoo fee Siyoni*, n na konko senuŋo*,
ali a fee maamandiraŋo ti.
Bankoo siilaalu bee ye jarajara,
kaatu Yaawe* la luŋo ka naa le,
a sutiyaata naŋ ne.
2 Luŋ dibiŋ, dibi fiŋ diboo,
tawali fiŋo ye dulaa bee dibindi.
Ko ñiŋ dibi fiŋo ye konkoolu muuri,
kelediŋ jamaa coomanta naŋ, ì niŋ sembe baa,
a siifaa ñoŋo nene maŋ soto,
a ñoŋo nene te soto la.

3 Kelediŋolu ñaatiliŋo la,
dimbaa le ka feŋo bee domo,
niŋ ì ye ì koo dii, dimbaa neŋo ye janiroo ke.
Janniŋ ì ka naa, bankoo be le ko Edeni naakoo,
biriŋ ì ye ì koo dii, a keta keñewuloo* ti,
feŋ buka kana ì ma.
4 Suwoo muluŋo le be ì la,
ì ka bori ko keleraŋ suwoo.
5 Ì poditoo konkoolu kaŋ,
ka ke le ko keleraŋ sareetoo* maakaŋo,
ko dimbaa ka fetifeti ñaameŋ,
ka ì daañini siimaŋ kaloo la,
ko kelediŋ kafu baa,
mennu ranta keloo kamma.

6 Biriŋ ì coomanta, moo bee kijoo teyita,
ñaadaalu bee yelemata.
7 Ì ka bori le ko kelejawaroolu,
ì ka sele tata sansaŋo la ko kelediŋolu.
Ì meŋ-wo-meŋ be a taaraŋ buloo le kaŋ,
ì buka jenke.
8 Ì buka ñoo taki,
ì meŋ-wo-meŋ ka tara a taaraŋ buloo le kaŋ,
ì ka kirimbaasi, kelejooraŋ buka ì balaŋ noo.
9 Ì ka kirimbaasi saatewo kamma le,
ì ye bori a tata sansaŋolu kaŋ santo,
ì ye sele ka duŋ buŋolu kono,
ì ka duŋ palanteeroolu la le ko suŋo.

10 Bankoo ka jarajara ì ñaatiliŋo la le,
saŋo ye maamaŋ,
karoo niŋ tiloo ye dibi,
looloolu ye i dahaa maloo la.
11 Yaawe bumbunta a la kelejawaroolu kunto,
waroo meŋ be kafoo la,
meŋ bulata a nooma!
Mennu ka a la yaamaroo muta,
yaatee te wolu la.
Tooñaa-tooñaa, Yaawe la luŋo warata le,
a be jawuyaa la le kendeke.
Jumaa le si a muña noo?
Ali ali sondomoo faliŋ
12 Bari hani saayiŋ, Yaawe ko:
“Ali muru n kaŋ ali sondomoo bee la,
ali niŋ suŋo, kumboo niŋ woosiyo.”

13 Ali sondomoolu le ñanta ali la niikuyaa yitandi la,
a maŋ ke duŋ feŋ faroo ti.
Ali muru Yaawe kaŋ, ali la Alla,
kaatu a hiinanteeyaata le,
aduŋ a balafaa warata,
a buka kamfaa juuna,
a la kanu bambaloo maŋ dandulaa soto,
aduŋ a buka lafi ka jarabiroo ke.
14 Jumaa le ye a loŋ?
A si ke noo, Yaawe ye a hakiloo faliŋ,
a si balafaa soto noo ali ye,
a ye neema ali ma siimaŋ jamaa la.
Bituŋ ali si siimaŋ sadaa* niŋ miŋ feŋ sadaalu
bo noo ali la Alla ye kotenke.

15 Ali binoo fee Siyoni,
ali suŋ sahayaariŋo londi,
ali ye beŋo kili.
16 Ali moolu kafu ñoo ma,
ali ye jamaa moolu jankundi.
Ali keebaalu bendi ñoo kaŋ,
ali ye dindiŋolu kafu ñoo ma,
hani suusuu diŋolu.
Maañoo si a la laabuŋo bula naŋ,
a keemaa ye finti naŋ a la buŋo kono.
17 Piriisoolu*, Yaawe la dookuulaalu, ali kumboo
batudulaa pereŋo niŋ sadaajanidulaa* teema.
Ali si a fo,
“Yaawe, dukaree, hiina i la moolu la.
Itolu le mu i taa ti,
kana ì ke jutunna feŋo ti,
ka ì ke banku koteŋolu ye jelefeŋo ti.
Muŋ ne be a tinna la ì be a fo la ko,
‘Ì la Alla lee?’ ”
Yaawe be neema la a la moolu ma le kotenke
18 Bituŋ Yaawe la bankoo la kuwo naata ke a ye suula kuwo ti,
a ye hiinoo soto a la moolu ye.

19 Bituŋ a ko ì ye ko:
“M be siimaŋo kii kaŋ ali ye naŋ ne,
wayinoo* aniŋ olifu* tuloo,
aduŋ ali be wasa la le.
N te ali ke la banku koteŋolu ye jelefeŋo ti kotenke.
20 M be kelediŋolu bayi la le,
mennu bota naŋ maraa karoo la,
ì ye jamfa ali la.
M be ì bayi la keñewula kiideeriŋo le kono.
Bari mennu be ñaato,
m be wolu bayi la Koojii Baa le to,
mennu be kooma,
ŋa wolu bayi Baa Baa* to,
ì furewolu sunkaŋo ye wuli santo.
M be ì yankankati la le,
kaatu ì ye ì faŋ wara baake le.

21 “Kunku kenoolu, ali kana sila,
ali kontaani, ali ye seewoo,
kaatu Yaawe ye kuu baalu le ke!
22 Alitolu beeyaŋolu, ali kana sila,
kaatu wuloo ñaamoo bee be jambakereriŋ ne,
yiroolu dinta,
sooto suŋolu niŋ wayini yiroolu dinta a ñaama.

23 “Siyoni moolu, ali kontaani,
ali ye seewoo Yaawe la kuwo la, ali la Alla.
A la beteyaa kaŋ, a ye samaajiyo dii ali la,
a ye jiyo boŋ ali ye naŋ fo a fuumata,
samaa foloo jiyo aniŋ samaa labaŋ jiyo,
ko a be nuŋ ñaameŋ.
24 Toñonkari dulaalu be faa la siimaŋ kesoo la le,
tulu keraŋo niŋ wayini keraŋo ye faa fo ì ka boŋ.

25 “Ŋa kelediŋ kafu baa meŋ kii ali kaŋ,
kuntiŋ koorewolu, kuntiŋ podilaalu,
kuntiŋ tiñaarilaalu, kuntiŋ kunturilaalu,
ì ye fiifeŋolu mennu bee domo saŋolu la,
m be ì bee le jooseyi la.
26 Saayiŋ ali be domotaa soto la le,
a jamaa, fo ali ye wasa.
Bituŋ ali si nte Yaawe too jayi, ali la Alla,
kaatu ŋa kaawakuwolu le ke ali ye.
N na moolu nene te bula la malu kuwo kono kotenke.
27 Banisirayilankoolu, ali be a loŋ na le ko,
m be ali fee le,
aniŋ fanaa ko, nte Yaawe le mu ali la Alla ti,
doo koteŋ te jee.
N na moolu nene te bula la maloo kono kotenke.”
Yaawe la Nooroo be jii la
28 “Bituŋ wo koolaa,
m be n na Nooroo jindi la hadamadiŋolu bee le kaŋ:
Ali dinkewolu niŋ ali dimmusoolu si kiilaariyaa kumoolu bankee,
ali la keebaalu ye siiboo,
ali la fondinkewolu ye jeroo ke.
29 Wo luŋolu la, m be n na Nooroo jindi la naŋ,
hani jommusoolu niŋ jonkewolu kaŋ ne.

30 “Wo waatoo la, kaawakuwolu be ke la
duniyaa kono le, aniŋ saŋo santo:
yeleboŋo, dimbaa aniŋ siisii baa.
31 Tiloo be yelema la diboo ti,
karoo ye wulee ko yeloo,
janniŋ Yaawe la luŋ baa, luŋ koleŋo be naa la.
32 Bari moo-wo-moo, meŋ ye Yaawe too kumandi,
wo be kiisa la le.
Siyoni Konkoo niŋ Yerusalaamu,
moolu be soto la jee le,
mennu be kana la,
aniŋ moo toomaalu fanaa,
Yaawe ye mennu tomboŋ,
ko Yaawe ye a laahidi ñaameŋ.”
Locusts and an Enemy Army
1 Sound the trumpet on Zion,
the Lord's sacred hill.
Warn everyone to tremble!
The judgment day of the Lord
is coming soon.
2 It will be dark and gloomy
with storm clouds overhead.
Troops will cover the mountains
like thunderclouds.
No army this powerful
has ever been gathered before
or will be gathered again.
3 Fiery flames surround them;
no one escapes.
Before they invaded,
the land was like Eden;
now only a desert remains.

4 They look like horses
and charge like cavalry.
5 They roar over mountains
like noisy chariots,
or a mighty army
ready for battle.
They are a forest fire
that feasts on straw.
6 The very sight of them
is frightening.
7 They climb over walls
like warriors;
they march in columns
and never turn aside.
8 They charge straight ahead,
without pushing each other;
even arrows and spears
cannot make them retreat.
9 They swarm over city walls
and enter our homes;
they crawl in through windows,
just like thieves.

10 They make the earth tremble
and the heavens shake;
the sun and moon turn dark,
and stars stop shining.
11 The Lord God leads this army
of countless troops,
and they obey his commands.
The day of his judgment
is so terrible
that no one can stand it.
The Lord's Invitation
12 The Lord said:

It isn't too late.
You can still return to me
with all your heart.
Start crying and mourning!
Go without eating.
13 Don't rip your clothes
to show your sorrow.
Instead, turn back to me
with broken hearts.
I am merciful, kind, and caring.
I don't easily lose my temper,
and I don't like to punish.

14 I am the Lord your God.
Perhaps I will change my mind
and treat you with mercy.
Then you will be blessed
with enough grain and wine
for offering sacrifices to me.

15 Sound the trumpet on Zion!
Call the people together.
Show your sorrow
by going without food.
16 Make sure that everyone
is fit to worship me.
Bring adults, children, babies,
and even bring newlyweds
from their festivities.

17 Tell my servants, the priests,
to cry inside the temple
and to offer this prayer
near the altar:
“Save your people, Lord God!
Don't let foreign nations
make jokes about us.
Don't let them laugh and ask,
‘Where is your God?’ ”
The Lord Will Bless the Land
18 The Lord was deeply concerned
about his land
and had pity on his people.
19 In answer to their prayers
he said,
“I will give you enough grain,
wine, and olive oil
to satisfy your needs.
No longer will I let you
be insulted by the nations.
20 An army attacked from the north,
but I will chase it
into a scorching desert.
There it will rot and stink
from the Dead Sea
to the Mediterranean.”

The Lord works wonders
21 and does great things.
So tell the soil to celebrate
22 and wild animals
to stop being afraid.
Grasslands are green again;
fruit trees and fig trees
are loaded with fruit.
Grapevines are covered
with grapes.

23 People of Zion,
celebrate in honor
of the Lord your God!
He is generous and has sent
the autumn and spring rains
in the proper seasons.
24 Grain will cover
your threshing places;
jars will overflow
with wine and olive oil.
The Lord Will Rescue His People
25 I, the Lord your God,
will make up for the losses
caused by those swarms
and swarms of locusts
I sent to attack you.
26 My people, you will eat
until you are satisfied.
Then you will praise me
for the wonderful things
I have done.
Never again will you
be put to shame.

27 Israel, you will know
that I stand at your side.
I am the Lord your God—
there are no other gods.
Never again will you
be put to shame.
The Lord Will Work Wonders
The Lord said:

28 Later, I will give my Spirit
to everyone.
Your sons and daughters
will prophesy.
Your old men
will have dreams,
and your young men
will see visions.
29 In those days I will even give
my Spirit to my servants,
both men and women.

30 I will work wonders
in the sky above
and on the earth below.
There will be blood and fire
and clouds of smoke.
31 The sun will turn dark,
and the moon
will be as red as blood
before that great
and terrible day
when I appear.

32 Then I, the Lord will save everyone who faithfully worships me. I have promised there will be survivors on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and among them will be my chosen ones.