1 N niyo korita,
m baluu tiloolu be naa baŋo le la,
kaburoo le ka m batu.
2 Ñaawalilaalu ye n kuru,
m faŋo ñaa le loota ì la jawuyaa kuwo kaŋ.

3 Alla, ite faŋo le be nte sankayaa la.
Jumaa le si nte sankayaa noo ite koolaa?
4 Baawo ite faŋo le ye ì sondomeñaalu suki
fo ì kana fahaamuroo ke noo,
wo kamma la, i kana ì sawoo londi.
5 Fo i be a ke kaŋ ne baŋ,
ko kuma kotoomaa ye a fo ñaameŋ?
Niŋ moo ye a teeroolu jamfaa tinewo kamma,
a diŋolu ka toora le.

6 Alla ye n ke jelefeŋo le ti moo bee ye,
moo meŋ, moolu ka daajiyo fayi a ñaadaa kaŋ.
7 Niitooroo ye n ñaalu dibindi,
m baloo keta ko koloma jaaroo.
8 Moolu mennu ye a miira ko, itolu tilinta le,
aduŋ ì maŋ sootaari soto,
wolu bee jaakalita ñiŋ kuwo la le,
bituŋ ì ye a muta ko, nte mu moo kuruŋo le ti.
9 Bari moo meŋ tilinta, wo be tu la a la siloo le kaŋ,
aduŋ moo meŋ buloolu seneyaata,
semboo be tu la wara la le doroŋ.
10 Bari ali naa, ali bee, ali ye a kata kotenke!
N te moo ñaamendiŋo tara la ali kono.

11 M baluu tiloolu banta,
n na feeroolu janjanta, aniŋ n hame kuwolu.
12 N teeroolu ko, suutoo mu tilibuloo le ti,
maloo be jaŋ ne, a keta diboo ti ñaa-wo-ñaa.
13 M maŋ jiki soto, fo kaburoo meŋ be naa ke la n yaa ti,
daameŋ m be n na laaraŋo loo la jee diboo kono.
14 M be kaburu dinkoo le kumandi la m faa ti,
ŋa tumboolu kumandi m baa ti, aniŋ m baarimmusoolu.
15 Nte la jikoo be tara la muŋ ne kaŋ?
Jumaa le ye jiki koteŋ je nte la karoo la?
16 Fo n niŋ jikoo ñiŋ be taa ñoo la kaburoo kono le baŋ?
Fo n niŋ a be saareŋ na ñoo la le baŋ, ka ke bankumunkoo ti?
Job Complains to God
My Hopes Have Died
1 My hopes have died,
my time is up,
and the grave is ready.
2 All I can see are angry crowds,
making fun of me.
3 If you, Lord, don't help,
who will pay the price
for my release?
4 My friends won't really listen,
all because of you,
and so you must be the one
to prove them wrong.
5 They have condemned me,
just to benefit themselves;
now blind their children.

6 You, God, are the reason
I am insulted and spit on.
7 I am almost blind with grief;
my body is a mere shadow.

8 People who are truly good
would feel so alarmed,
that they would become angry
with my worthless friends.
9 They would do the right thing
and because they did,
they would grow stronger.
10 But none of my friends
show any sense.

11 My life is drawing to an end;
hope has disappeared.
12 But all my friends can do
is offer empty hopes.
13 I could tell the world below
to prepare me a bed.
14 Then I could greet the grave
as my father
and say to the worms,
“Hello, mother and sisters!”

15 But what kind of hope is that?
16 Will it keep me company
in the world of the dead?