Yeesu niŋ Samariyanka musoo
1 Yeesu naata a loŋ ko, Farisewolu* ye a moyi le, ate be noomalankoolu soto kaŋ ne, aniŋ a ka batiseeroo* ke le ka tambi Yaayaa la. 2 Tooñaa, Yeesu faŋo buka batiseeroo ke, bari a la saayiboolu le ka a ke. 3 Wo kamma la a bota Yudeya tundoo kaŋ, a muruta Kalilee tundoo kaŋ kotenke. 4 A ñanta tambi la niŋ Samariya tundoo le la. 5 Bituŋ a naata Samariya la saatee kiliŋ to, ì ka a fo daameŋ ye Sikari. A be kunkoo le daala, Yaakuba ye meŋ dii a dinkewo Yusufa la nuŋ, 6 aduŋ Yaakuba la koloŋo be jee le. Bituŋ Yeesu siita koloŋo daala, kaatu a be bataariŋ a la taamoo la le. A keta talaŋ taŋ niŋ fula maafaŋo le la, tilibuloo.
7 Wo to le Samariyanka musoo doo naata jiibiyo la jee. Bituŋ Yeesu ko a ye ko, “N so jiyo la, ŋa m miŋ.” 8 Wo waatoo la a la saayiboolu te jee, kaatu ì taata saatewo kono le ka domoroo saŋ. 9 Samariyanka musoo ko a ye ko, “Muŋ ne ye a tinna ite ye nte daani jiyo la? Ite mu Yahuudoo le ti, aduŋ nte mu Samariyanka musoo le ti!” A ye wo fo le, kaatu Yahuudoolu niŋ Samariyankoolu* buka ñoo la haaji soto.
10 Wo to le Yeesu ye a jaabi ko, “Niŋ i ye Alla la sooroo loŋ, aniŋ meŋ ka a fo i ye ko, ‘N so jiyo la, ŋa m miŋ,’ tennuŋ i be a daani la le, aduŋ a be jiyo dii la i la le, meŋ ka baluwo dii.”
11 Bituŋ musoo ko a ye ko, “I maŋ tadoo soto ka jiyo bii, aduŋ koloŋo dinkata le. I ka wo baluwo jiyo soto mintoo le? 12 Fo ite le warata ka tambi m̀ mumu Yaakuba la baŋ? Ate le ye ñiŋ koloŋo dii ǹ na. A faŋo ye i miŋ a la, a dinkewolu aniŋ a la beeyaŋolu.”
13 Wo to le Yeesu ko a ye ko, “Moo-wo-moo meŋ ye ñiŋ jiyo miŋ, mindoo be wo maarii muta la le kotenke. 14 Bari moo meŋ ye i miŋ jiyo la, m be meŋ dii la a la, mindoo nene te wo maarii muta la kotenke. Jiyo, m be meŋ dii la a la, wo be ke la woyoo le ti a kono, meŋ ka woyi ka badaa-badaa baluwo dii.” 15 Bituŋ musoo ko a ye ko, “Maariyo, ñiŋ jiyo dii n na fo mindoo kana m muta kotenke, i si a je, n kana tu naa la jaŋ jiibiyo la.”
16 Wo to le Yeesu ko a ye ko, “Taa, i ye i keemaa kumandi, i ye muru naŋ jaŋ!” 17 Musoo ye a jaabi ko, “Nte maŋ kewo soto.” Yeesu ko a ye ko, “I ye tooñaa le fo ka a fo ko, i maŋ kewo soto. 18 I ye kee luulu le soto nuŋ, aduŋ kewo meŋ be i fee saayiŋ, wo maŋ ke i keemaa ti. I ye tooñaa le fo!”
19 Wo to le musoo ko a ye ko, “Maariyo, ŋa a je le ko, ite mu annabiyomoo le ti. 20 M̀ mumuñolu ka Alla batu ñiŋ konkoo le kaŋ, bari alitolu ko, Yerusalaamu le mu dulaa ti, Alla batoo ñanta ke la daameŋ.” 21 Bituŋ Yeesu ko a ye ko, “Musoo, laa nte la, waatoo be naa la le, waatoo meŋ na ali te Faamaa batu la ñiŋ konkoo kaŋ waraŋ Yerusalaamu. 22 Alitolu Samariyankoolu ka baturoo ke le, bari ali maŋ a loŋ, ali ka meŋ batu. Ntolu Yahuudoolu ye a loŋ ne, ǹ ka meŋ batu, kaatu kiisoo naata ka bo niŋ Yahuudoolu le la. 23 Bari waatoo be naa kaŋ ne, aduŋ a siita le fokabaŋ, waatoo meŋ na baturilaa tooñaalu be Faamaa batu la nooroo niŋ tooñaa le kono. Ñiŋ ñoŋ baturilaalu, Faamaa lafita wolu le la. 24 Alla mu nooroo le ti. Moolu mennu ka a batu, ì ñanta ka a batu nooroo niŋ tooñaa le kono.”
25 Musoo ko a ye ko, “Ŋa a loŋ ne ko Alimasiihu* be naa la le, ì ka a fo meŋ ye Kiristu*. Niŋ a naata, a be kuwolu bee fo la ǹ ye le.” 26 Wo to le Yeesu ko a ye ko, “Nte meŋ be diyaamu kaŋ i ye, nte le mu wo ti.”
27 Jee niŋ jee, a la saayiboolu naata. Ì jaakalita baake ko, a niŋ musoo le be diyaamoo la. Bari hani moo kiliŋ maŋ a ñininkaa, a lafita muŋ ne la, waraŋ muŋ ne ye a tinna a niŋ musoo be diyaamoo la. 28 Bituŋ musoo ye a la jiibindaa tu jee, a taata saatewo kono, aduŋ a ko moolu ye ko, 29 “Ali naa kewo juubee, meŋ ye kuwolu bee fo n ye, ŋa mennu ke nuŋ. Fo ñiŋ si ke noo Alimasiihu ti baŋ?” 30 Wo to le ì fintita naŋ saatewo kono, ì naata Yeesu kaŋ.
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy
31 Wo waatoo la, a la saayiboolu ye a daani ko, “N karammoo, domoroo ke!” 32 Bari a ko ì ye ko, “Nte ye domoroo soto le, m be meŋ domo la, alitolu maŋ meŋ loŋ.” 33 Wo kamma la, saayiboolu ko ñoo ye ko, “Fo moo le ye domoroo naati a ye baŋ?” 34 Wo to le Yeesu ko ì ye ko, “Nte la domoroo mu ñiŋ ne ti, meŋ ye nte kii, ka wo la lafoo ke, aniŋ ka a la dookuwo timmandi. 35 Fo ali buka a fo baŋ, ‘Kari naani le tuta jee, katiri waatoo ye sii’? A fele, m be a fo la ali ye, ali ali ñaa yele, ali ye kunkoolu juubee, kaatu ì moota katiroo ye le fokabaŋ. 36 Moo meŋ ye katiroo ke, wo le ka joo soto. Aduŋ a ka katirifeŋolu kafu ñoo ma le badaa-badaa baluwo ye, fo fiirilaa niŋ katirilaa bee si jusulaa soto ñoo la. 37 Ñiŋ kumoo mu tooñaa le ti ko, ‘Moo doo ka fiiroo ke le, doo ye katiroo ke.’ 38 Ŋa ali kii le ka feŋolu kati, ali maŋ mennu dookuu. Moo doolu le ye dookuu koleŋo ke, bituŋ alitolu le ye katiroo tinewo soto ka bo ì la dookuwo la.”
Samariyanka jamaa laata Yeesu la
39 Samariyanka jamaa mennu be wo saatewo kono, ì laata Yeesu la, kaatu musoo ye seedeyaa meŋ fo ko, “A ye kuwolu bee le fo nte ye, ŋa mennu ke nuŋ.” 40 Wo kamma la, kabiriŋ Samariyankoolu naata Yeesu kaŋ, ì ye a daani ka tara ì fee ì la saatewo kono. Bituŋ a tarata jee fo tili fula, 41 aduŋ moo jamaa koteŋ laata a la kumoolu kamma. 42 Ì ko musoo ye ko, “Saayiŋ, ntolu maŋ laa ñiŋ kamma la ko, i ye meŋ fo ǹ ye, bari m̀ faŋolu ye a la kumoolu moyi le. Aduŋ ŋà a loŋ ne ko, tooñaa, ñiŋ kewo le mu duniyaa moolu la Kiisandirilaa ti.”
Yeesu ye mansakundaa dookuulaa diŋo kendeyandi
43 Tili fula koolaa, Yeesu bota jee, a taata Kalilee tundoo kaŋ. 44 A faŋo ye a fo le nuŋ ko, annabiyomoo buka horomoo soto a fansuŋ bankoo kaŋ. 45 Bari kabiriŋ a naata Kalilee, wolu ye a buuñaa le, kaatu ì ye kuwolu bee je le, Yeesu ye mennu ke juuraloo waatoo la Yerusalaamu kono, baawo ì fanaa taata juuraloo to le.
46 Wo to le Yeesu naata kotenke Kaana saatewo to, Kalilee tundoo kaŋ, a ye jiyo yelemandi wayinoo* ti daameŋ nuŋ. Mansakundaa dookuulaa doo le be Kapanawumu saatewo kono, meŋ dinkewo kuuranta. 47 Kabiriŋ ñiŋ kewo ye a moyi ko, Yeesu naata le ka bo Yudeya ka naa Kalilee, a taata a kaŋ. A ye a daani fo a si naa ka a dinkewo kendeyandi, meŋ be naa faa la. 48 Wo kamma la Yeesu ko a ye ko, “Fo niŋ ali ye taamanseeroolu niŋ kaawakuwolu je, niŋ wo nte ali te laa la.” 49 Mansakundaa dookuulaa ko a ye ko, “Maariyo, naa janniŋ n diŋo be faa la!” 50 Yeesu ko a ye ko, “Taa, i dinkewo be baluu la le.” Bituŋ kewo laata wo kumoo la, Yeesu ye meŋ fo a ye, a taata.
51 Kabiriŋ a be muru kaŋ suwo kono, a niŋ a la dookuulaalu benta. Ì ko a ye ko, “I dinkewo be baluuriŋ ne.” 52 Bituŋ kewo ye a la dookuulaalu ñininkaa, dindiŋo fisiyaata waatoo meŋ na. Ì ko a ye ko, “Kunuŋ, talaŋ kiliŋ tilibuloo le mu, balakandoo ye a bula.” 53 Dindiŋo faamaa naata a kalamuta ko, wo waati kiliŋo le mu, Yeesu ko a ye ko, “I dinkewo be baluu la le.” Bituŋ a niŋ a la suukononkoolu bee naata laa Yeesu la.
54 Ñiŋ ne mu taamanseeri fulanjaŋo ti, Yeesu ye meŋ ke, kabiriŋ a naata Kalilee tundoo kaŋ ka bo Yudeya.
1 Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard that he was winning and baptizing more followers than John was. 2 But Jesus' disciples were really the ones doing the baptizing, and not Jesus himself.
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
3 Jesus left Judea and started for Galilee again. 4 This time he had to go through Samaria, 5 and on his way he came to the town of Sychar. It was near the field that Jacob had long ago given to his son Joseph. 6-8 The well that Jacob had dug was still there, and Jesus sat down beside it because he was tired from traveling. It was noon, and after Jesus' disciples had gone into town to buy some food, a Samaritan woman came to draw water from the well.
Jesus asked her, “Would you please give me a drink of water?”
9 “You are a Jew,” she replied, “and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink of water when Jews and Samaritans won't have anything to do with each other?”
10 Jesus answered, “You don't know what God wants to give you, and you don't know who is asking you for a drink. If you did, you would ask me for the water that gives life.”
11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you don't even have a bucket, and the well is deep. Where are you going to get this life-giving water? 12 Our ancestor Jacob dug this well for us, and his family and animals got water from it. Are you greater than Jacob?”
13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again. 14 But no one who drinks the water I give will ever be thirsty again. The water I give will become in that person a flowing fountain that gives eternal life.”
15 The woman replied, “Sir, please give me a drink of that water! Then I won't get thirsty and have to come to this well again.”
16 Jesus told her, “Go and bring your husband.”
17-18 The woman answered, “I don't have a husband.”
“That's right,” Jesus replied, “you're telling the truth. You don't have a husband. You have already been married five times, and the man you are now living with isn't your husband.”
19 The woman said, “Sir, I can see that you are a prophet. 20 My ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews say Jerusalem is the only place to worship.”
21 Jesus said to her:
Believe me, the time is coming when you won't worship the Father either on this mountain or in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans don't really know the one you worship. But we Jews do know the God we worship, and by using us, God will save the world. 23 But a time is coming, and it is already here! Even now the true worshipers are being led by the Spirit to worship the Father according to the truth. These are the ones the Father is seeking to worship him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship God must be led by the Spirit to worship him according to the truth.
25 The woman said, “I know that the Messiah will come. He is the one we call Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”
26 “I am that one,” Jesus told her, “and I am speaking to you now.”
27 The disciples returned about this time and were surprised to find Jesus talking with a woman. But none of them asked him what he wanted or why he was talking with her.
28 The woman left her water jar and ran back into town, where she said to the people, 29 “Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! Could he be the Messiah?” 30 Everyone in town went out to see Jesus.
31 While this was happening, Jesus' disciples were saying to him, “Teacher, please eat something.”
32 But Jesus told them, “I have food you don't know anything about.”
33 His disciples started asking each other, “Has someone brought him something to eat?”
34 Jesus said:
My food is to do what God wants! He is the one who sent me, and I must finish the work that he gave me to do. 35 You may say there are still four months until harvest time. But I tell you to look, and you will see that the fields are ripe and ready to harvest.
36 Even now the harvest workers are receiving their reward by gathering a harvest that brings eternal life. Then everyone who planted the seed and everyone who harvests the crop will celebrate together. 37 So the saying proves true, “Some plant the seed, and others harvest the crop.” 38 I am sending you to harvest crops in fields where others have done all the hard work.
39 A lot of Samaritans in that town put their faith in Jesus because the woman had said, “This man told me everything I have ever done.” 40 They came and asked him to stay in their town, and he stayed on for two days.
41 Many more Samaritans put their faith in Jesus because of what they heard him say. 42 They told the woman, “We no longer have faith in Jesus just because of what you told us. We have heard him ourselves, and we are certain that he is the Savior of the world!”
Jesus Heals an Official's Son
(Matthew 8.5-13Luke 7.1-10)
43-44 Jesus had said, “Prophets are honored everywhere, except in their own country.” Then two days later he left 45 and went to Galilee. The people there welcomed him, because they had gone to the festival in Jerusalem and had seen everything he had done.
46 While Jesus was in Galilee, he returned to the village of Cana, where he had turned the water into wine. There was an official in Capernaum whose son was sick. 47 And when the man heard that Jesus had come from Judea, he went and begged him to keep his son from dying.
48 Jesus told the official, “You won't have faith unless you see miracles and wonders!”
49 The man replied, “Lord, please come before my son dies!”
50 Jesus then said, “Your son will live. Go on home to him.” The man believed Jesus and started back home.
51 Some of the official's servants met him along the road and told him, “Your son is better!” 52 He asked them when the boy got better, and they answered, “The fever left him yesterday at one o'clock.”
53 The boy's father realized that at one o'clock the day before, Jesus had told him, “Your son will live!” So the man and everyone in his family put their faith in Jesus.
54 This was the second miracle that Jesus worked after he left Judea and went to Galilee.