Alla be a la moolu kañendi la le
1 Wo waatoo la moolu be ñiŋ suukuwo le laa la Yahuuda:
Ŋà saatee bambandiŋo le soto.
Alla ye a konoto niŋ a banta tata sansaŋolu londi le,
ka tankoo dii ǹ na.
2 Ali saatee dundaŋ daalu yele,
bankoo moo tilindiŋolu ye duŋ
mennu ye lannoo soto.

3 Ite Yaawe* ka kayira baa dii moolu le la,
mennu hakiloo ka tu sabatiriŋ i kaŋ,
ì ye ì jikoo loo i kaŋ.
4 Ali ali jikoo sembe Yaawe la fo fawu,
kaatu Yaawe le mu ǹ na Alla ti,
ǹ na badaa-badaa semberaŋ beroo.
5 Kaatu a ye faŋ wara moolu jindi le,
ì niŋ ì la faŋ wara saatewo.
A ye a jindi le,
a ye a jindi duuma le,
a ye a fayi buutoo kono.
6 Siŋolu le doriŋ-dorinta a bee kaŋ,
fuwaaroolu sindafatoo,
sembentaŋolu siŋ teetewo.

7 Moo tilindiŋolu la siloo ka tembe le.
Ite Yaawe le ka moo kendoo la siloo deerandi.
8 Hee Maariyo, i la kuwo ye ǹ loo le,
ka bula i la yaamaroo nooma.
Ŋà ite le too horoma,
ǹ sondomoo be hameriŋ ne ka i too jayi.
9 I la kuwo ka n sondomoo loo le suutoo,
n niyo meŋ be n kono ka tara suulariŋ i la le seyila juunoo,
kaatu niŋ i la luwaalu lonta ñiŋ duniyaa kono,
duniyaa moolu be tiliŋo karaŋ na le.
10 Niŋ kuruŋolu ka hiinoo soto,
ì buka tilimmaañaa karaŋ.
Hani bankoo meŋ ka tiliŋo taamandi,
itolu ka tu kuu kuruŋ kewo doroŋ ne la,
ì buka ite Yaawe la mansabaayaa muta feŋ ti.
11 Hee Yaawe, i buloo be teekariŋ ne,
ka ì mantoora,
bari ì maŋ a je.
Allamaa ì ye i hamoo je, i ye meŋ soto i la moolu ye, ì ye malu.
Allamaa dimbaa meŋ be pareeriŋ i jawoolu kamma, ye ì jani.

12 Hee Yaawe, kayiroo naati ǹ ye,
kaatu ŋà feŋ-wo-feŋ ke noo,
ite le ye a ke ǹ ye.
13 Hee Yaawe, ǹ na Alla, mansa koteŋolu le ye m̀ mara nuŋ
bari ntolu be soŋ na ite too dammaa le ma.
14 Wo mansoolu faata le,
ì te wuli la kotenke.
Ì keta laakirankoolu le ti,
ì te wuli la ka baluu kotenke.
Kaatu i ye ì jarabi le ka ì kasaara,
moo hakili te bula la ì la kotenke.
15 Hee Yaawe, i ye ǹ na bankoo warandi le,
i ye ǹ na bankoo warandi,
ka buuñaa naati i faŋo ye,
i ye bankoo naanewolu bee lafaa le.

16 Hee Yaawe, biriŋ i la moolu be niitooroo kono,
ì ye ì ñaa tiliŋ i la le, fo i si ì maakoyi.
Biriŋ i ye ì jarabi,
ì naata duwaa kendeke.
17 Hee Yaawe, ko musukonomaa meŋ pareeta wuluu la,
ka ŋaara ñaameŋ, ka dimoo kumboo,
ntolu be wo le ñaama i ñaatiliŋo la.
18 Ǹ ka munta le ko musukonomaa
meŋ pareeta wuluu la,
m̀ maŋ naa moo wuluu,
ŋà foño kenseŋo le wuluu.
M̀ maŋ ñaatotaa soto noo bankoo kaŋ.
19 Hee Yaawe, i la furewolu ye wuli,
n na moo faariŋolu ye wuli.
Yaawe, i la komboo meŋ ka baluwo dii,
a ye feenee bankoo kaŋ,
ì ye furewolu baadee daameŋ.
Alitolu mennu be laariŋ bankoo kono,
ali wuli, ali ye suukuwo laa seewoo kono.
Yaawe la kiitindiroo
20 N na moolu, ali taa ali ye duŋ ali la buŋolu kono,
ali ye bundaalu soroŋ ali faŋ ma.
Ali ali faŋo maabo domandiŋ,
fo Yaawe la kamfaa ye tambi.
21 A juubee, Yaawe be finti la naŋ a sabatidulaa kono le,
ka moolu jarabi ì la junube kewo la.
Bankoo be moo faariŋolu waañaari la le,
ì ye mennu faa, a te ì maabo la kotenke.
A Song of Victory
1 The time is coming when the people of Judah will sing this song:

“Our city is protected.
The Lord is our fortress,
and he gives us victory.
2 Open the city gates
for a law-abiding nation
that is faithful to God.
3 The Lord gives perfect peace
to those whose faith is firm.
4 So always trust the Lord
because he is forever
our mighty rock.
5 God has put down our enemies
in their mountain city
and rubbed it in the dirt.
6 Now the poor and abused
trample all over that city.”
The Lord Can Be Trusted
7 Our Lord, you always do right,
and you make the path smooth
for those who obey you.
8 You are the one we trust
to bring about justice;
above all else we want
your name to be honored.
9 Throughout the night,
my heart searches for you,
because your decisions
show everyone on this earth
how to live right.

10 Even when the wicked
are treated with mercy
in this land of justice,
they do wrong and are blind
to your glory, our Lord.
11 Your hand is raised and ready
to punish them,
but they don't see it.
Put them to shame!
Show how much you care for us
and throw them into the fire
intended for your enemies.

12 You will give us peace, Lord,
because everything we have done
was by your power.
13 Others have ruled over us
besides you, our Lord God,
but we obey only you.
14 Those enemies are now dead
and can never live again.
You have punished them—
they are destroyed,
completely forgotten.
15 Our nation has grown
because of you, our Lord.
We have more land than before,
and you are honored.
The Lord Gives Life to the Dead
16 When you punished our people,
they turned and prayed
to you, our Lord.
17 Because of what you did to us,
we suffered like a woman
about to give birth.
18 But instead of having a child,
our terrible pain
produced only wind.
We have won no victories,
and we have no descendants
to take over the earth.

19 Your people will rise to life!
Tell them to leave their graves
and celebrate with shouts.
You refresh the earth
like morning dew;
you give life to the dead.

20 Go inside and lock the doors,
my people.
Hide there for a little while,
until the Lord
is no longer angry.
The Earth and the Sea Will Be Punished
21 The Lord will come out
to punish everyone on earth
for their sins.
And when he does,
those who did violent crimes
will be known and punished.