Annabiyomoo la duwaa
1 Ñiŋ ne mu Annabilayi Habakuki la duwaa ti, a suukuumaa le mu:
2 Hee Yaawe*,
ŋa a moyi le i ye meŋ ke,
aduŋ a ye m masilaŋ ne.
Hee Yaawe,
a ke kotenke ntolu fanaa tiloo la,
ǹ ñaa ye boyi a kaŋ ǹ na waatoolu la.
Hani niŋ i kamfaata,
balafaa soto ntolu ye.
3 Alla naata ka bo Temani,
Senuŋ Baa ka bo Parani Konkoo kaŋ.
A la kallankeeyaa* ye saŋ fatoolu muuri,
duniyaa bee faata a jayi kaŋo la.
4 A malamalañaa ka muluŋ ne ko tiloo,
bammoo fintita naŋ a maafaŋo la,
a la mansabaayaa semboo be maaboriŋ daameŋ to.
5 Kuuraŋ jawoo tambita naŋ a ñaato,
alibalaa ye a nooma naŋ kataba kiliŋ.
6 A loota, a ye duniyaa jarajarandi,
a ye a ñaa tiliŋ bankoolu la, ì jarajarata.
Konko baalu, ì meeta looriŋ ñaa-wo-ñaa,
ì katiŋ-katinta ñoo kono,
konkoriŋ kotoolu jiita duuma,
a la siloolu le mu kabiriŋ.
7 Ŋa Kusaninkoolu je niitooroo kono,
Midiyaninkoolu be jarajara kaŋ
ì niŋ kijateyoo ì yaalu to.
8 Yaawe, fo i kamfaata boloŋolu le kamma baŋ?
Fo i ye fijoo jii baalu le kaŋ baŋ?
I jusoo bota fankaasoo le kamma baŋ,
biriŋ i be i la suwoolu kaŋ,
aniŋ i la keleraŋ sareetoolu*,
ka nooroo ke?
9 I ye i la kaloo saba naŋ,
i ye kalabeñoolu parendi,
i ye bankoo fara boloŋolu ti.
10 Biriŋ konkoolu ñaa boyita i kaŋ,
ì jarajarata le,
jii jamaa bonta naŋ duuma.
Fankaasoo bumbunta,
a ye jiibaliŋo moolondi santo.
11 Karoo niŋ tiloo tuta ì noo kiliŋo le to,
biriŋ i la kalabeñoolu tambitoo be malamala kaŋ,
i la hawusaroo* be ŋalasi kaŋ ko saŋ ŋalasoo.
12 Kamfaa kono,
i ŋalabaasita duniyaa bee kaŋ.
Jusuboo kono,
i ye bankoolu toñonka.
13 I naata le ka i la moolu kanandi,
ka i la moo tombondiŋo tanka.
I ye moo kuruŋolu ñaatonkoo kasaara le,
ka a bulu kenseŋyandi.
14 Ite le ye a kuŋo soo a faŋo la kalabeñoo la,
biriŋ a la kelediŋolu naata ǹ kaŋ niŋ semboo la,
ka ǹ caarindi.
Ì niŋ seewoo baa,
ì pareeriŋo ka moo bataariŋolu kasaara,
mennu be maaboriŋ.
15 Ite le taamata baajiyo kono, i niŋ i la suwoolu,
baajiyo bee kankanta.
16 Kabiriŋ ŋa ñiŋ moyi,
n kija le bota.
N daaturoolu ka fadi ñoo la,
maakaŋo ñiŋ kamma la.
M baloo bee le lamfuta,
n siŋolu faata n koto.
Bari hani wo,
m be muñariŋ ne ka luŋo batu,
luŋo meŋ, maasiiboo be boyi la moolu kaŋ,
mennu ñapita ǹ kaŋ.

17 Hani niŋ sooto yiroolu maŋ firi faŋ,
aduŋ diŋ te wayini* yiroolu bala,
olifu* yiroolu maŋ diŋ,
kunkoolu maŋ siimaŋ bondi,
saajiyolu bee yeemanta saajii buŋo kono,
ninsi fanaa te ninsi buŋolu kono,
18 bari hani wo ñaa-wo-ñaa,
nte be seewoo la Yaawe* la kuwo la le,
m be seewoo la Alla la kuwo la le, n Kiisalaa.
19 M Maarii Yaawe le mu nte semboo ti.
A ye n siŋolu feeyandi m bulu ko minaŋo,
ka n taamañaa sooneeyandi konkoolu kaŋ.

Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: A si ke niŋ kontiŋolu la.
Habakkuk's Prayer
1 This is my prayer:
2 I know your reputation, Lord,
and I am amazed
at what you have done.
Please turn from your anger
and be merciful;
do for us what you did
for our ancestors.

3 You are the same Holy God
who came from Teman
and Paran to help us.
The brightness of your glory
covered the heavens,
and your praises were heard
everywhere on earth.
4 Your glory shone like the sun,
and light flashed from your hands,
hiding your mighty power.
5 Dreadful diseases and plagues
marched in front
and followed behind.
6 When you stopped,
the earth shook;
when you stared,
nations trembled;
when you walked
along your ancient paths,
eternal mountains and hills
crumbled and collapsed.
7 The tents of desert tribes
in Cushan and Midian
were ripped apart.

8 Our Lord, were you angry
with the monsters
of the deep?
You attacked in your chariot
and wiped them out.
9 Your arrows were ready
and obeyed your commands.

You split the earth apart
with rivers and streams;
10 mountains trembled
at the sight of you;
rain poured from the clouds;
ocean waves roared and rose.
11 The sun and moon stood still,
while your arrows and spears
flashed like lightning.

12 In your furious anger,
you trampled on nations
13 to rescue your people
and save your chosen one.
You crushed a nation's ruler
and stripped his evil kingdom
of its power.
14 His troops had come like a storm,
hoping to scatter us
and glad to gobble us up.
To them we were refugees
in hiding—
but you smashed their heads
with their own weapons.
15 Then your chariots churned
the waters of the sea.
Habakkuk's Response to God's Message
16 When I heard this message,
I felt weak from fear,
and my lips quivered.
My bones seemed to melt,
and I stumbled around.
But I will patiently wait.
Someday those vicious enemies
will be struck by disaster.
Trust in a Time of Trouble
17 Fig trees may no longer bloom,
or vineyards produce grapes;
olive trees may be fruitless,
and harvest time a failure;
sheep pens may be empty,
and cattle stalls vacant—
18 but I will still celebrate
because the Lord God
is my Savior.
19 The Lord gives me strength.
He makes my feet as sure
as those of a deer,
and he helps me stand
on the mountains.

To the music director:
Use stringed instruments.