1 Bituŋ Yusufa ye i fayi a faamaa kaŋ, a ye a kumboo, aniŋ a ye a sumbu. 2 Yusufa ye kaŋo dii jaaralilaalu la a la dookuwo koto, ka tuloo maa a faamaa furewo la, meŋ si a tinna a te kumu noo la. Wo le to jaaralilaalu naata a maa Isirayila baloo la. 3 Ì ye tili taŋ naani le taa ñiŋ kuwo kewo la, kaatu tuloo ñiŋ maa, meŋ si a tinna baloo te kumu noo la, ka ì taa wo le la. Misirankoolu ye a la saŋo kumboo le fo tili taŋ woorowula.
4 Kabiriŋ a la saŋo kumboo tiloolu tambita, Yusufa naata diyaamu Firawoona la mansakundaa dookuulaalu ye, a ko ì ye ko, “Niŋ ŋa ali la yamfoo soto, dukaree, ali a fo n ye Firawoona ye ko, 5 ‘M faamaa ye n kalindi laahidoo le la, a ko n ye ko, “N na saatoo ka naa sii le. Ŋa kaburoo meŋ parendi m faŋo ye Kanaani bankoo kaŋ, i si m baadee jee.” Wo kamma la, a si m bula ŋa taa, fo n si m faamaa baadee noo. Bituŋ n si naa muru naŋ.’ ” 6 Firawoona naata a jaabi ko, “Taa i ye i faamaa baadee, a ye i kalindi meŋ kewo la.”
7 Wo le to Yusufa taata ka a faamaa baadee. Firawoona la dookuulaalu bee le niŋ a taata ñoo la, a la mansabuŋ dookuulaa kuntiyolu, aniŋ Misira alifaa kummaa toomaalu bee. 8 Yusufa la dimbaayaa fanaa bee niŋ a taata ñoo la le, a faadiŋolu, aniŋ a faamaa la dimbaayaa toomaalu bee. Ì ye ì la dindiŋolu doroŋ ne tu kooma, ì la saajiyolu, baalu aniŋ ninsoolu, Koseni tundoo kaŋ jee. 9 Mansa sareetoolu niŋ sareeti borindilaalu bee le niŋ a taata ñoo la. A kafoo warata baake.
10 Kabiriŋ ì futata Koreni-Atadi, meŋ be Yoridani tilibo kara maafaŋo la, ì ye saŋawoosii baa le ke jee. Yusufa ye a faamaa la kuwo woosii jee le fo tili woorowula. 11 Kabiriŋ Kanaaninkoolu mennu be sabatiriŋ wo bankoo kaŋ, ye kafoo je woosiyo la Koreni-Atadi, ì kumata ko, “Bari Misirankoolu be saŋawoosii baa le la.” Wo kamma la, ì naata jee toolaa Misira Saŋawoosii Dulaa la. 12 Yaakuba dinkewolu ye a ke wo le ñaama, ko a ye a fo ì ye ñaameŋ. 13 Ì ye a samba Kanaani bankoo kaŋ. Ì ye a baadee Makipela kunkoo berehuwo le kono, meŋ be Mamure daala, Iburayima ye meŋ saŋ Efuroni Hitinkoo bulu, ka ke baadeedulaa ti.
14 Yusufa la a faamaa baadeeriŋ koolaa, a muruta Misira, a niŋ a faadiŋolu, aniŋ moolu mennu bee taata a fee baadewo to.
Yusufa yamfata a faadiŋolu ye
15 Ì faamaa faariŋ koolaa, Yusufa kotooñolu kumata ko, “Hani saayiŋ, niŋ ntolu la kuu jawoo be Yusufa kono, ŋà kuu kuruŋo meŋ ke a la, aduŋ a lafita i joo la ǹ to duŋ?” 16 Bituŋ ì ye kibaaroo futandi Yusufa ma, ì ko a ye ko, “I faamaa ye ñiŋ kaŋo le dii, janniŋ a ka faa. 17 A ko, ‘I ye yamfa i kotooñolu ye, ì ye kuu kuruŋo meŋ ke i la, aniŋ ì ye junube kuwo meŋ ke i la, ka i toora.’ Wo kamma la ì be i daani la, i ye yamfa ì ye, i faamaa la Alla la dookuulaalu, ì ye kuu kuruŋo meŋ ke i la.” Kabiriŋ Yusufa ye ñiŋ kumoolu moyi, a kumboota.
18 Bituŋ ì naata a kaŋ, ì ñoyita a ye bankoo to a ñaatiliŋo la, ì ko a ye ko, “M̀ fele i ye jaŋ ka ke i la joŋolu ti.” 19 Bari Yusufa ko ì ye ko, “Ali kana sila! Fo nte be Alla la palaasoo le to baŋ? 20 Ali ye kuu kuruŋo hame n kamma ñaa-wo-ñaa, Alla ye a faliŋ ne ka ke kuu betoo ti ka moo jamaa niyo tanka, ko a be a ke kaŋ ñaameŋ hani bii. 21 Wo to ali kana silandaa soto. Nte faŋo le be ali la kuwo hati la, aniŋ ali la dindiŋolu.” A ye kuma diimaa fo ì ye, ka ì jusulandi.
Yusufa la beloo
22 Bituŋ Yusufa tuta Misira, a niŋ a faamaa la dimbaayaa moolu. Yusufa siyo taata kaañaŋ sanji keme, sanji taŋ ne fee. 23 Yusufa baluuta le fo a ye a mumuriŋolu je Efurayimu* la karoo la. A ye a mamariŋ Makiri, Manase dinkewo, diŋolu fanaa je. Ì bee wuluuta a ñaa la le.
24 Bituŋ Yusufa ko a baadiŋolu ye ko, “N na saatoo ka naa sii le, bari Alla la deemaaroo be naa ali kaŋ ne, a ye ali bondi ñiŋ bankoo kaŋ, ka ali samba bankoo kaŋ, a kalita Iburayima, Isiyaaka aniŋ Yaakuba ye meŋ na.” 25 Bituŋ Yusufa ye Isirayila diŋolu kalindi, a ko ì ye ko, “Niŋ Alla la deemaaroo futata ali ma, ali be n kuloolu samba la le ka bo jaŋ.”
26 Yusufa beleta, wo tumoo a siyo be sanji keme, sanji taŋ. Ì ye a baloo muu tuloo la fo meŋ si a tinna a te kumu noo la. Bituŋ ì ye a bula fureekeesoo kono Misira.
1 Joseph started crying, then leaned over to hug and kiss his father.
2 Joseph gave orders for Jacob's body to be embalmed, 3 and it took the usual 40 days.
The Egyptians mourned 70 days for Jacob. 4 When the time of mourning was over, Joseph said to the Egyptian leaders, “If you consider me your friend, please speak to the king for me. 5 Just before my father died, he made me promise to bury him in his burial cave in Canaan. If the king will give me permission to go, I will come back here.”
6 The king answered, “Go to Canaan and keep your promise to your father.”
7-9 When Joseph left Goshen with his brothers, his relatives, and his father's relatives to bury Jacob, many of the king's highest officials and even his military chariots and cavalry went along. The Israelites left behind only their children, their cattle, and their sheep and goats.
10 After crossing the Jordan River, Joseph stopped at Atad's threshing place, where they all mourned and wept seven days for Jacob. 11 The Canaanites saw this and said, “The Egyptians are in great sorrow.” Then they named the place “Egypt in Sorrow.”
12 So Jacob's sons did just as their father had instructed. 13 They took him to Mamre in Canaan and buried him in Machpelah Cave, the burial place Abraham had bought from Ephron the Hittite.
14 After the funeral, Joseph, his brothers, and everyone else returned to Egypt.
Joseph's Promise to His Brothers
15 After Jacob died, Joseph's brothers said to each other, “What if Joseph still hates us and wants to get even with us for all the cruel things we did to him?”
16 So they sent this message to Joseph:
Before our father died, 17 he told us, “You did some cruel and terrible things to Joseph, but you must ask him to forgive you.”
Now we ask you to please forgive the terrible things we did. After all, we serve the same God that your father worshiped.
When Joseph heard this, he started crying.
18 Right then, Joseph's brothers came and bowed down to the ground in front of him and said, “We are your slaves.”
19 But Joseph told them, “Don't be afraid! I have no right to change what God has decided. 20 You tried to harm me, but God made it turn out for the best, so that he could save all these people, as he is now doing. 21 Don't be afraid! I will take care of you and your children.” After Joseph said this, his brothers felt much better.
Joseph's Death
22 Joseph lived in Egypt with his brothers until he died at the age of 110. 23 Joseph lived long enough to see Ephraim's children and grandchildren. He also lived to see the children of Manasseh's son Machir, and he welcomed them into his family. 24 Before Joseph died, he told his brothers, “I won't live much longer. But God will take care of you and lead you out of Egypt to the land he promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 25 Now promise me that you will take my body with you when God leads you to that land.”
26 So Joseph died in Egypt at the age of 110; his body was embalmed and put in a coffin.