Alla neemata Yaakuba ma Beteli
1 Alla ko Yaakuba ye ko, “Wuli, i ye taa Beteli, i ye sabati jee. Sadaabodulaa* loo nte Alla ye jee. Jee le mu dulaa ti, m fintita i kaŋ daameŋ, kabiriŋ i be bori kaŋ i kotoomaa Esawu la.”
2 Bituŋ Yaakuba ko a la dimbaayaa moolu ye, aniŋ mennu bee be a fee ko, “Ali ali la jalaŋolu bee bondi ali bulu. Ali ye ali faŋolu seneyandi, ali ye ali la duŋ feŋolu faliŋ. 3 Ali ye naa ŋà taa Beteli. M be sadaabodulaa loo la Alla ye jee le, meŋ ye m maakoyi, kabiriŋ m be bataa kono, aduŋ ate le tarata m fee, n taata dulaalu mennu bee to.” 4 Bituŋ ì ye ì la jalaŋolu bee dii Yaakuba la, mennu tarata ì bulu, ka taa fo ì la tulutotaalu bee. Yaakuba ye ì bee saareŋ yirisuŋ baa doo le koto Sekemu saatewo daala.
5 Bituŋ Yaakuba niŋ a la dimbaayaa moolu taata ì la siloo la. Alla la kuwo silaŋo dunta wo dandanna saatee moolu bee la, ì maŋ haañi ka ì bayindi. 6 Wo le to Yaakuba niŋ a la moolu bee naata Lusi, saayiŋ ì ka daameŋ kumandi Beteli la, Kanaani bankoo kaŋ. 7 Bituŋ a ye sadaabodulaa loo jee, a ye dulaa ñiŋ kumandi Beteli la Alla la. Jee le mu dulaa ti, Alla fintita a kaŋ daameŋ, kabiriŋ a be bori kaŋ a kotoomaa la. 8 Wo waatoo la, Rebeka la bambaanoo, meŋ mu Debora ti, faata le. Bituŋ ì ye a baadee yirisuŋ baa doo le koto, meŋ be Beteli daala. Ì naata wo yiroo kumandi Kumboo Yiri la.
9 Yaakuba la muroo koolaa ka bo Padani-Aramu, Alla fintita a kaŋ ne kotenke, a neemata a ma. 10 A ko a ye ko, “I too mu Yaakuba le ti, bari saayiŋ i too te ke la Yaakuba ti kotenke. I too be ke la Isirayila le ti.” Bituŋ Alla ye a toolaa Isirayila la. 11 Alla tententa ka a fo a ye ko, “Nte le mu Alla Tallaa ti. I be ke la jiidilaa le ti, i koomoo ye siyaa. Lasili jamaa le be bo la i bala, aduŋ mansoolu be bo la ite le bala. 12 Ŋa Iburayima niŋ Isiyaaka laahidi bankoo meŋ na, m be a dii la ite le la, aniŋ i koomalankoolu.” 13 Bituŋ Alla ye a tu wo dulaa to jee, a diyaamuta a ye nuŋ daameŋ. 14 Bituŋ Yaakuba naata bere samasiŋo loo wo dulaa to ka ke hakilibulandiraŋo ti. A ye miŋ feŋ sadaa* boŋ a kaŋ, aniŋ tuloo. 15 Bituŋ Yaakuba ye wo dulaa ñiŋ kumandi Beteli la, Alla niŋ a diyaamuta daameŋ.
Raheli faata Benjamini wuluwo to
16 Wo le to Yaakuba niŋ a la dimbaayaa moolu ye Beteli bula, ì taata. Kabiriŋ ì sumanta naŋ Efurata* saatewo la, tiŋo ye Raheli maa, a la tiŋo koleyaata baake. 17 Kabiriŋ tiŋo koleyaata, bituŋ timmutalaa naata a fo a ye ko, “Kana sila, kaatu i ka naa dinkewo le soto kotenke.” 18 Kabiriŋ Raheli be naa faa la, a be niibo la waatoo meŋ, a ye a ñiŋ dinkewo toolaa Benoni la. Bari a faamaa, wo ye a toolaa Benjamini le la.
19 Bituŋ Raheli faata, ì ye a baadee siloo le kaŋ meŋ ka taa Efurata, ì ka daameŋ fanaa kumandi Betilehemu la. 20 Yaakuba ye bere samasiŋo loo a la kaburoo kunto jee. Ñiŋ bere samasiŋo keta hakilibulandiraŋ ne ti Raheli la kaburoo la, ka naa bula fo bii tiloo la. 21 Bituŋ Isirayila meŋ mu Yaakuba ti, tententa taamoo la. A ye a la tiriliisoo* loo Ederi Tatoo maafaŋo la.
22 Kabiriŋ Isirayila be sabatiriŋ wo bankoo kaŋ, Rubeni taata, a niŋ Biliha, a faamaa la kaŋ foroyandi musoo*, kafuta. Bituŋ Isirayila naata wo moyi.
Yaakuba dinkewolu
(1 Taarika 2:1-2)
Saayiŋ Yaakuba dinkewolu mu dinkee taŋ niŋ fula le ti. 23 Leya dinkewolu, wolu le mu Rubeni ti, Yaakuba dinkee foloo, Simeyoni, Lewi, Yahuuda, Isakari, aniŋ Sebuluni. 24 Raheli dinkewolu, wolu le mu Yusufa ti, aniŋ Benjamini. 25 Biliha, Raheli la joŋ sunkutoo dinkewolu mu Dani le ti, aniŋ Nafutali. 26 Silipa, Leya la joŋ sunkutoo dinkewolu mu Kadu le ti, aniŋ Aseri. Ñinnu le mu Yaakuba dinkewolu ti, a ye mennu wuluu Padani-Aramu.
Isiyaaka la beloo
27 Yaakuba naata a faamaa Isiyaaka kaŋ Mamure, Kiriyati-Ariba daala, ì ka a fo daameŋ ye saayiŋ Heburoni, Iburayima niŋ Isiyaaka tarata sabatiriŋ daameŋ tumarankeeyaa la. 28 Saayiŋ Isiyaaka siyo be sanji keme, sanji taŋ seyi. 29 Bituŋ Isiyaaka ye a la niijii labaŋo ke. A la beloo ye a tara le a kotoota baake. A kafuta a bonsuŋolu ma, mennu beleta a ñaa. Bituŋ a dinkewolu Esawu niŋ Yaakuba ye a baadee.
Jacob Returns to Bethel
1 God told Jacob, “Return to Bethel, where I appeared to you when you were running from your brother Esau. Make your home there and build an altar for me.”
2 Jacob said to his family and to everyone else who was traveling with him:
Get rid of your foreign gods! Then make yourselves acceptable to worship God and put on clean clothes. 3 Afterwards, we'll go to Bethel. I will build an altar there for God, who answered my prayers when I was in trouble and who has always been at my side.
4 So everyone gave Jacob their idols and their earrings, and he buried them under the oak tree near Shechem.
5 While Jacob and his family were traveling through Canaan, God terrified the people in the towns so much that no one dared bother them. 6 Finally, they reached Bethel, also known as Luz. 7 Jacob built an altar there and called it “God of Bethel,” because that was the place where God had appeared to him when he was running from Esau. 8 While they were there, Rebekah's personal servant Deborah died. They buried her under an oak tree and called it “Weeping Oak.”
God Blesses Jacob at Bethel
9-11 After Jacob came back to the land of Canaan, God appeared to him again. This time he gave Jacob a new name and blessed him by saying:
I am God All-Powerful, and from now on your name will be Israel instead of Jacob. You will have many children. Your descendants will become nations, and some of the men in your family will even be kings. 12 I will give you the land that I promised Abraham and Isaac, and it will belong to your family forever.
13 After God had gone, 14 Jacob set up a large rock, so that he would remember what had happened there. Then he poured wine and olive oil on the rock to show that it was dedicated to God, 15 and he named the place Bethel.
Benjamin Is Born
16 Jacob and his family had left Bethel and were still a long way from Ephrath, when the time came for Rachel's baby to be born. 17 She was having a rough time, but the woman who was helping her said, “Don't worry! It's a boy.” 18 Rachel was at the point of death, and right before dying, she said, “I'll name him Benoni.” But Jacob called him Benjamin.
19 Rachel was buried beside the road to Ephrath, which is also called Bethlehem. 20 Jacob set up a tombstone over her grave, and it is still there. 21 Jacob, also known as Israel, traveled to the south of Eder Tower, where he set up camp.
22 During their time there, Jacob's oldest son Reuben slept with Bilhah, who was one of Jacob's other wives. And Jacob found out about it.
Jacob's Twelve Sons
23-26 Jacob had twelve sons while living in northern Syria. His first-born Reuben was the son of Leah, who later gave birth to Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. Leah's servant Zilpah had two sons: Gad and Asher.
Jacob and his wife Rachel had Joseph and Benjamin. Rachel's servant woman Bilhah had two more sons: Dan and Naphtali.
Isaac Dies
27 Jacob went to his father Isaac at Hebron, also called Mamre or Kiriath-Arba, where Isaac's father Abraham had lived as a foreigner. 28-29 Isaac died at the ripe old age of 180, then his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.