1 Kabiriŋ Raheli ye a je ko, a maŋ diŋ soto Yaakuba la, a ye kiiliyaa tiliŋ a kotoomaa la. Bituŋ a ko Yaakuba ye ko, “Diŋo dii m fanaa la, waraŋ ŋa faa.” 2 Yaakuba kamfaabaata a kamma, a ko a ye ko, “Fo nte le mu Alla ti baŋ, meŋ ye jiidibaliyaa saabu i ma?” 3 Bituŋ Raheli ko a ye ko, “N na joŋ sunkutoo Biliha fele, i niŋ a ye kafu, fo a si diŋo wuluu n ye. M fanaa ye naa ke baa ti ka bo niŋ ate la.”
4 Wo le to a naata a la joŋ sunkutoo Biliha dii Yaakuba la ka ke a la musoo ti. Bituŋ Yaakuba niŋ a kafuta. 5 Biliha naata konoo taa, a ye dinkewo wuluu Yaakuba la. 6 Bituŋ Raheli kumata ko, “Alla ye n koyindi le, aduŋ a ye n na duwaa muta le, ka dinkewo dii n na.” Wo le ye a tinna a ye a toolaa Dani la. 7 Raheli la joŋ sunkutoo naata konoo taa kotenke, a ye dinkee fulanjaŋo wuluu Yaakuba la. 8 Bituŋ Raheli naata a fo ko, “N niŋ n kotoomaa ye kele baa le ke, bari nte le ye n kutu a la.” Bituŋ a naata dindiŋo ñiŋ toolaa Nafutali la.
9 Kabiriŋ Leya ye a je ko, a konoo loota le, a ye a la joŋ sunkutoo Silipa taa, a ye a dii Yaakuba la ka ke a la musoo ti. 10 Bituŋ Leya la ñiŋ joŋ sunkutoo Silipa naata dinkewo wuluu Yaakuba la. 11 Leya kumata ko, “Mantaa benta.” Bituŋ a ye a toolaa Kadu la. 12 Leya la joŋ sunkutoo Silipa ye dinkee fulanjaŋo wuluu Yaakuba la. 13 Bituŋ Leya kumata ko, “Kontaanoo meŋ be n daala. Musoolu be n kumandi la kontaanoo le la.” Bituŋ a naata a toolaa Aseri la.
14 Wiiti* sanjaanoo waatoo la, Rubeni taata wuloo kono, a ye mandarake diŋolu je. Bituŋ a ye ì samba naŋ a baamaa Leya ye. Bituŋ Raheli naata a fo Leya ye ko, “N so i diŋo la mandarake doo la.” 15 Bari Leya ko a ye le ko, “Fo a maŋ kaañaŋ, i ye n keemaa taa m bulu, saayiŋ i be a kata kaŋ ne ka n dinkewo fanaa la ñiŋ mandarake diŋolu taa a bulu?” Raheli ko a ye ko, “Niŋ i ye i dinkewo la ñiŋ mandarake diŋolu dii n na, n si i bula i niŋ Yaakuba ye kafu suutoo.” 16 Kabiriŋ Yaakuba naata ka bo kunkoo to wulaaroo, Leya taata a benduŋ. A ko a ye ko, “I niŋ m be kafu la le, kaatu ŋa bii siŋo saŋ n dinkewo la mandarake diŋolu le la.” Bituŋ wo suutoo Yaakuba niŋ a kafuta. 17 Alla ye Leya la duwaa jaabi, a naata harijee, a ye dinkee luulunjaŋo wuluu Yaakuba la. 18 Leya kumata ko, “Alla ye n joo le, kaatu ŋa n na joŋ sunkutoo le dii n keemaa la.” Bituŋ a naata a toolaa Isakari la.
19 Bituŋ Leya naata harijee kotenke, a ye dinkee wooronjaŋo wuluu Yaakuba la. 20 Leya kumata ko, “Alla ye m buuñaa soorifeŋ bete baa le la. Saayiŋ, n keemaa be n na kuwo muta la le, kaatu ŋa dinkee wooro le wuluu a la.” Bituŋ a ye a toolaa Sebuluni la. 21 Wo koolaa, a naata dimmusoo wuluu, a ye a toolaa Dina la.
22 Alla hakiloo bulata Raheli la, a ye a la duwaa jaabi, a ye a konoo yele. 23 A harijeeta, a ye dinkewo wuluu. A kumata ko, “Alla ye n na maloo sika n kaŋ ne.” 24 Bituŋ a ye a toolaa Yusufa la. A kumata ko, “Allamaa Alla ye n lafaa dinkee koteŋ na.”
Yaakuba ye fankoo soto
25 Kabiriŋ Raheli ye Yusufa wuluu, Yaakuba naata a fo Labani ye ko, “M batu ŋa taa m fansuŋ bankoo kaŋ. 26 N na musoolu dii n na, aniŋ n diŋolu, ŋa dookuwo ke i ye mennu la kuwo kamma. I ye m bula ŋa taa. I ye a loŋ ne famfaŋ, ŋa dookuwo meŋ ke i ye.”
27 Bari Labani ko a ye le ko, “M be i la yamfoo daani la ka ñiŋ kumoo fo i ye ko, ŋa a loŋ bitaaroo kono le ko, Yaawe* neemata m ma i la kuwo le kamma. 28 I la joo fo, m be a dii la i la le.”
29 Yaakuba ko a ye ko, “Ite faŋo ye a loŋ ne nte ye dookuwo meŋ ke i ye, aniŋ i la beeyaŋolu yiriwaata m bulu ñaameŋ. 30 Janniŋ n ka naa i yaa, i la beeyaŋolu maŋ siyaa. A fele, saayiŋ i la beeyaŋolu lafaata le kendeke. N tilinta daa-wo-daa la, Yaawe neemata i ma a bee le to. Saayiŋ m fanaa la waatoo le siita ka m fansuŋ nafaa ñiniŋ n na dimbaayaa ye.”
31 Labani ko a ye ko, “N ñanta i joo la muŋ ne la?” Yaakuba ko a ye ko, “Kana n joo feŋ na. Ñiŋ kuu kiliŋo doroŋ, niŋ i be wo le ke la n ye, wo to, m be tenteŋ na le ka i la beeyaŋolu kanta, aniŋ ka ì topatoo. 32 I ye m bula ŋa taama i la beeyaŋ koorewo kono bii, ka saajii-wo-saajii bondi jee, meŋ ye waaree-waarewo soto a bala waraŋ tompiŋ-tompiŋ fiŋo, saajiiriŋ fiŋolu bee, aniŋ baalu bee mennu ye tompiŋ-tompiŋ koyoo soto, waraŋ waaree-waarendiŋolu. Wolu le ñanta ke la n na joo ti. 33 Siniŋ saama i be n na tiliŋo loŋ na ñiŋ ne la, niŋ i naata n na joo yirika, i maŋ baalu doroŋ tara jee, mennu ye tompiŋ-tompiŋ koyoo soto, waraŋ waaree-waarendiŋo, aniŋ i maŋ saajiiriŋ fiŋolu doroŋ tara jee, i si a loŋ ko, wo toolu bee mu suuñaataa le ti.”
34 Labani ko a ye ko, “A beteyaata. A ke, ko i ye a fo ñaameŋ.” 35 Bari wo luŋo la Labani naata baamusoolu niŋ baakotoŋolu bee bondi le, mennu ye koyoo soto, aniŋ saajiyolu, mennu bee ye fiŋo soto, a ye ì duŋ a dinkewolu bulu ka ì mara. 36 Bituŋ a ye tili saba taamoo kenoo duŋ a la ñiŋ beeyaŋolu niŋ Yaakuba teema. Yaakuba tententa ka Labani la beeyaŋ toomaalu kanta.
37 Bituŋ Yaakuba naata yiribulu kitiŋ siifaa saba taa, a ye ì santofatoo kara doolu woto, ka tu koyiriŋ. 38 Bituŋ a naata ñiŋ yiribulu wotoriŋolu taa, a ye ì loo beeyaŋolu ñaato beeyaŋ mindulaa. Beeyaŋolu ka ñoo kosi ñiŋ dulaa le to, niŋ ì naata miŋo la. 39-40 Bituŋ beeyaŋolu naata ñoo kosi ñiŋ yiribulu wotoriŋolu ñaatiliŋo la. Yaakuba ye ñiŋ beeyaŋolu fanaa ñaa tilindi Labani la beeyaŋolu la, mennu ye waaree-waarendiŋo soto, waraŋ fimmaa. Bituŋ a naata ke, ì ye diŋolu wuluu, mennu ye waaree-waarendiŋo soto, aniŋ tompiŋ-tompiŋo. 41 Yaakuba ka i batu le fo niŋ beeyaŋ sahariŋolu be naa ñoo kosi kaŋ, a ye yiribuloolu londi beeyaŋ mindulaa to, beeyaŋolu ñaatiliŋo la, fo ì la kosiroo waatoo, ì si tara sutiyaariŋ ñiŋ yiribuloolu la. 42 Bari beeyaŋolu mennu maŋ bambaŋ, a buka ì londi wolu ñaatiliŋo la, niŋ ì be ñoo kosi kaŋ. Bituŋ a naata ke, diŋolu mennu maŋ bambaŋ, wolu taata Labani la karoo la, bituŋ bambandiŋolu, wolu taata ate, Yaakuba la karoo la.
43 Bituŋ Yaakuba naata ke fankamaa baa ti. A ye beeyaŋ kooree baalu soto, jommusoolu niŋ jonkewolu, aniŋ ñonkomoolu niŋ faloolu.
Problems between Rachel and Leah
1 Rachel was very jealous of Leah for having children, and she said to Jacob, “I'll die if you don't give me some children!”
2 But Jacob became upset with Rachel and answered, “Don't blame me! I'm not God.”
3 “Here, take my servant Bilhah,” Rachel told him. “Have children by her, and I'll let them be born on my knees to show that they are mine.”
4 Then Rachel let Jacob marry Bilhah, 5 and they had a son. 6 Rachel named him Dan, because she said, “God has answered my prayers. He judged in my favor and has given me a son.” 7 When Bilhah and Jacob had a second son, 8 Rachel said, “I've struggled hard with my sister, and I've won!” So she named the boy Naphtali.
9 When Leah realized she could not have any more children, she let Jacob marry her servant Zilpah, 10 and they had a son. 11 “I'm really lucky,” Leah said, and she named the boy Gad. 12 When they had another son, 13 Leah exclaimed, “I'm happy now, and all the women will say how happy I am.” So she named him Asher.
Love Flowers
14 During the time of the wheat harvest, Reuben found some love flowers and took them to his mother Leah. Rachel asked Leah for some of them, 15 but Leah said, “It's bad enough that you stole my husband! Now you want my son's love flowers too.”
“All right,” Rachel answered. “Let me have the flowers, and you can sleep with Jacob tonight.”
16 That evening when Jacob came in from the fields, Leah told him, “You're sleeping with me tonight. I hired you with my son's love flowers.”
They slept together that night, 17 and God answered Leah's prayers by giving her a fifth son. 18 Leah shouted, “God has rewarded me for letting Jacob marry my servant,” and she named the boy Issachar.
19 When Leah had another son, 20 she exclaimed, “God has given me a wonderful gift, and my husband will praise me for giving him six sons.” So she named the boy Zebulun. 21 Later, Leah had a daughter and named her Dinah.
22-23 Finally, God remembered Rachel—he answered her prayer by giving her a son. “God has taken away my disgrace,” she said. 24 “I'll name the boy Joseph, and I'll pray that the Lord will give me another son.”
Jacob and Laban
25 After Joseph was born, Jacob said to Laban, “Release me from our agreement and let me return to my own country. 26 You know how hard I've worked for you, so let me take my wives and children and leave.”
27-28 But Laban told him, “If you really are my friend, stay on, and I'll pay whatever you ask. I'm sure the Lord has blessed me because of you.”
29 Jacob answered:
You've seen how hard I've worked for you, and you know how your flocks and herds have grown under my care. 30 You didn't have much before I came, but the Lord has blessed everything I have ever done for you. Now it's time for me to start looking out for my own family.
31 “How much do you want me to pay you?” Laban asked.
Then Jacob told him:
I don't want you to pay me anything. Just do one thing, and I'll take care of your sheep and goats. 32 Let me go through your flocks and herds and take the sheep and goats that are either spotted or speckled and the black lambs. That's all you need to give me. 33 In the future you can easily find out if I've been honest. Just look and see if my animals are either spotted or speckled, or if the lambs are black. If they aren't, they've been stolen from you.
34 “I agree to that,” was Laban's response. 35 Before the end of the day, Laban had separated his spotted and speckled animals and the black lambs from the others and had put his sons in charge of them. 36 Then Laban made Jacob keep the rest of the sheep and goats at a distance of three days' journey.
37 Jacob cut branches from some poplar trees and from some almond and evergreen trees. He peeled off part of the bark and made the branches look spotted and speckled. 38 Then he put the branches where the sheep and goats would see them while they were drinking from the water trough. The goats mated there 39 in front of the branches, and their young were spotted and speckled.
40 Some of the sheep that Jacob was keeping for Laban were already spotted. And when the others were ready to mate, he made sure that they faced in the direction of the spotted and black ones. In this way, Jacob built up a flock of sheep for himself and did not put them with the other sheep.
41 When the stronger sheep were mating near the drinking place, Jacob made sure that the spotted branches were there. 42 But he would not put out the branches when the weaker animals were mating. So Jacob got all of the healthy animals, and Laban got what was left. 43 Jacob soon became rich and successful. He owned many sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys, as well as a lot of slaves.