Yaawe ye jalambatoo koŋ Banisirayila konkoolu kaŋ
1 Bituŋ Yaawe* la kumoo naata n kaŋ ko: 2 “Ite hadamadiŋo, i ñaa tiliŋ Banisirayila konkoolu la, i ye kiilaariyaa kumoo fo ì ma. 3 A fo ì ye ko: Ali i lamoyi Maarii Yaawe la kumoo la, a ye meŋ fo ali ma ko: Alitolu Banisirayila konkoolu, konkoriŋolu niŋ konko baalu, woyoolu niŋ wulumbaŋolu, nte Yaawe pareeta le ka ali boyinkaŋ keloo la, ka ali la jalaŋ batudulaa tintiŋolu* bee kasaara. 4 Ali la sadaabodulaalu* bee be boyi la le, ali la cuuraayi siisindidulaalu bee ye teyiŋ-teyiŋ. Aduŋ m be ali la moolu faa la le, ka ì fayi ì la jalaŋolu koto. 5 Ì furewolu niŋ ì kulu kenseŋolu be tara la laariŋ ì la jalaŋolu le koto jee, aniŋ ì la sadaabodulaalu dandaŋo bee la. 6 Aduŋ ì la moolu be sabatiriŋ saatee-wo-saatee to, m be jee kenseŋyandi la le, ì la jalaŋ batudulaa tintiŋolu ye ke tumbuŋo ti, ì la sadaabodulaalu be boyi la le, ì la cuuraayi siisindidulaalu bee ye teyiŋ-teyiŋ. I si a je, ì la jalaŋolu bee ye kuntu, ì ye kasaara, aniŋ ì ye feŋ-wo-feŋ dookuu jee, a bee be kasaara la le. 7 Ali la moolu kono, ì be jamaa le faa la. Aduŋ mennu tuta baluuriŋ, bee be a loŋ na le ko, nte le mu Yaawe ti.
8 “Mennu kanata keloo to, m be doolu tu la jee le, ì ye baluu, bari m be ì janjandi la bantala bankoolu* le kaŋ taariŋ. 9 Aduŋ wo moolu mennu kanata keloo to, ì hakiloo be bula la n na, wo bantala bankoolu kaŋ ne, ì ye ì samba mutoo kono daamennu to. Ì hakiloo be bula la, ì ye niitooroo meŋ laa n kaŋ ì la m fulaŋ kafuñooyaa la ka bula jalaŋolu nooma aniŋ ka hame jalaŋolu la kuwo la. Labaŋo la ì be ì faŋ koŋ na, ì kekuwolu niŋ ì la kuu haraamuriŋ kewolu la le. 10 Wo to le, ì be a loŋ na ko, nte le mu Yaawe ti. Ŋa ì dandalaa maasiiba kuwo meŋ na, maŋ ke silandiri kenseŋo ti.”
11 Wo to le, Maarii Yaawe ye ñiŋ fo n ye ko: “Hadamadiŋo, i buloo kosi, i ye i siŋo tuu bankoo to, ka lemba ñiŋ tooroo kamma la, kaatu Banisirayilankoolu ye kuu jawu baa le ke. Wo le be a tinna la, ì doolu be faa la keloo niŋ konko jawoo kono, aduŋ alibalaa kuuraŋo le be doolu faa la. 12 Wo moolu mennu be sabatiriŋ dulaa jaŋo to, alibalaa kuuraŋo le be wolu faa la, aduŋ mennu maŋ tara dulaa jaŋ, wolu be faa la keloo le to. Bituŋ moo toomaalu mennu tuta baluuriŋ, konko jawoo le be wolu faa la, n jusoo si naa sumayaa. 13 Moolu mennu faata, ì furewolu be tara la fatafatariŋ ì la jalaŋolu niŋ ì la sadaabodulaalu le to taariŋ, konkoriŋolu niŋ konko baalu bee kaŋ santo, aniŋ yirisuŋ baalu niŋ yirisuŋ biireeriŋolu koto, ì ka cuuraayi seera diimaalu siisindi ì la jalaŋolu ye daamennu to. Niŋ wo keta le, ì be a loŋ na ko, nte le mu Yaawe ti.
14 “M buloo be laa la ì kaŋ ne, ŋa ì la bankoo kenseŋyandi, a ye ke tumbuŋo ti, ka bo keñewuloo*, bulubaa karoo la, ka taa fo Ribula saatewo to, maraa karoo la. Niŋ wo keta le, ì be a loŋ na ko, nte le mu Yaawe ti.”
Israel Is Doomed
1 The Lord God said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, face the hills of Israel and tell them:
3 Listen, you mountains and hills, and every valley and gorge! I, the Lord, am about to turn against you and crush all the places where foreign gods are worshiped. 4 Every altar will be smashed, and in front of the idols I will put to death the people who worship them. 5 Dead bodies and bones will be lying around the idols and the altars. 6 Every town in Israel will be destroyed to make sure that each shrine, idol, and altar is smashed—everything the Israelites made will be a pile of ruins. 7 All over the country, your people will die. And those who survive will know that I, the Lord, did these things. 8 I will let some of the people live through this punishment, but I will scatter them among the nations, 9 where they will be prisoners. And when they think of me, they will realize that they disgraced me by rebelling and by worshiping idols. They will hate themselves for the evil things they did, 10 and they will know that I am the Lord and that my warnings must be taken seriously.
11 The Lord God then said:
Ezekiel, beat your fists together and stomp your feet in despair! Moan in sorrow, because the people of Israel have done disgusting things and now will be killed by enemy troops, or they will die from starvation and disease. 12 Those who live far away will be struck with deadly diseases. Those who live nearby will be killed in war. And the ones who are left will starve to death. I will let loose my anger on them! 13 These people used to offer incense to idols at altars built on hills and mountaintops and in the shade of large oak trees. But when they see dead bodies lying around those altars, they will know that I am the Lord. 14 I will make their country a barren wasteland, from the Southern Desert to the town of Diblah in the north. Then they will know that I, the Lord, have done these things.