Tiliŋo moolu bee ye
1 Yaawe* ko:
Ali kana kumoo janjandi, meŋ maŋ ke tooñaa ti. Ali kana faniyaa fo, ka moo seedeyaa, meŋ maŋ tara sila kaŋ. 2 Ali kana bula kafoo nooma, niŋ ì ye kuu jawoo ke, waraŋ niŋ ì ka kuma fo, meŋ ka luwaa tiñaa. 3 Ali kana laa fuwaaroo kaŋ, niŋ a be kiitiyo kono.
4 Niŋ ali niŋ ali jawoo la ninsoo waraŋ a la faloo benta, a be yaayi kaŋ, ali kana a jikoo sanka, ali si a samba a ye. 5 Niŋ moo ye ali koŋ, aduŋ ali ye a la faloo niŋ a la dunoo je boyiriŋ, ali kana a fili jee, ali si a kata, ka a maakoyi, a ye dunoo wulindi.
6 Ali kana boyi fuwaaroo kaŋ, niŋ a be kiitiyo kono. 7 Ali kana faniyaa laa moo kaŋ, aduŋ ali kana moolu faa mennu maŋ boyi, aniŋ mennu be siloo kaŋ, kaatu niŋ meŋ ye a ke, n te a tu la jee. 8 Ali kana duku-wo-duku muta, kaatu dukoo ka moolu finkindi tooñaa la karoo la le, a ka tooñaatiyolu la tooñaa buusi ì bulu le.
9 Ali kana jawuyaa samba tumarankewo kaŋ. Feŋ maŋ ali kumpa tumarankeeyaa la kuwo to, kaatu ali keta nuŋ wo le ti Misira.
Sanji woorowulanjaŋo aniŋ Loobula Luŋo la kuwo
10 Ali ali la kunkoolu dookuu fo sanji wooro, aduŋ ali ye a dookuu feŋolu bee kafu ñoo ma ka ì maabo. 11 Bari sanji woorowulanjaŋo, ali te kunkoolu dookuu la, aduŋ feŋ-wo-feŋ falinta jee, ali kana a kati. Meŋ falinta jee, fuwaaroolu si doo taa wo to, meŋ too tuta, wulakono daafeŋolu si wo domo. Ali si wo kuu kiliŋo ke ali la wayini* yiri kankaŋolu niŋ ali la olifu* yiri kankaŋolu to.
12 Ali ali la dookuwo ke tili wooro kono, bari tili woorowulanjaŋ luŋo la, ali kana dookuu ke, fo ali la ninsoolu niŋ ali la faloolu, joŋolu mennu be ali fee, ka taa fo tumarankewolu fanaa mennu be sabatiriŋ ali fee si foñondiŋo soto ka bambaŋ a saamoo.
13 Ali i lamoyi feŋ-wo-feŋ na, nte Yaawe ye meŋ fo ali ye. Ali kana duwaa ñini alloolu bulu, waraŋ ka ì toolu faŋo fo.
Juurali baa saboo
(2 Musa 34:18-265 Musa 16:1-17)
14 Ali si juurali saba ke saŋo kono ka n horoma. 15 Abibu karoo kono, karoo meŋ ali bota naŋ Misira, ali si Mbuuru Leweñintaŋo Juuraloo* ke, ko ŋa ali yaamari a la ñaameŋ. Ali kana mbuuru domo, meŋ ye leweñoo soto wo tili woorowula juurali waatoo kono. Ali kana naa m batu muumeeke, niŋ ali niŋ sadaalu* maŋ naa. 16 Ali si katiri waatoo juura, niŋ ali ye a dati, ka ali la fiifeŋolu kati. Ali si katiroo bandulaa juura, saŋo bandulaa, niŋ ali ye ali la fiifeŋolu bee kafu ñoo ma. 17 Saŋ-wo-saŋ, ñiŋ juurali saboo waatoo la, ali la kewolu ñanta naa la le ka nte, ali Maarii Yaawe batu.
18 Ali kana mbuuroo meŋ ye leweñoo soto, bo n ye, niŋ ali be beeyaŋo bo la n ye sadaa ti. Beeyaŋ keŋolu mennu keta n ye sadaa ti, maŋ ñaŋ na tu la jee fo a saamoo soomandaa. 19 Ali ali la fiifeŋ kuŋ foloolu samba Yaawe ali la Alla batudulaa to.
Ali kana baariŋo tabi niŋ a baa nonoo la.
Alla la malaayikoo be siloo parendi la le
20 Ali a juubee, m be malaayikoo le tambindi la ali ñaato, ka ali kanta siloo kaŋ, fo a si ali naati dulaa to, ŋa daameŋ parendi ali ye. 21 Ali ali hakiloo tu a to, aduŋ ali si i lamoyi a la kumoo la. Ali kana balaŋ a bulu, a te yamfa la moo-wo-moo ye, niŋ ì balanta a ma, kaatu nte le, ŋa kaŋo dii a la. 22 Niŋ ali ye i lamoyi kuu a la kumoo la, aduŋ ŋa feŋ-wo-feŋ fo, ali ye a ke, m be ke la ali jawoolu jawoo le ti, aduŋ moo-wo-moo ye ali kele, m be wo fanaa kele la le. 23 N na malaayikoo be ali ñaatonkayaa la le, ka ali naati Amorinkoolu, Hitinkoolu, Perisinkoolu, Kanaaninkoolu, Hiwinkoolu aniŋ Yebusinkoolu la bankoo kaŋ, aduŋ m be ì bee kasaara la le. 24 Niŋ ali futata jee, ali kana sujudi ì la jalaŋolu ye, waraŋ ka ì batu, aniŋ fanaa ka ì la diina kuwolu nooma. Ali ñanta jalaŋolu tiñaa la le, ali ye ì la batu beroolu bee teyiŋ-teyiŋ. 25 Ali Yaawe ali la Alla batu, fo a la neemoo si tara ali la domoroolu niŋ ali la jiyolu kaŋ. M be kuuraŋo bondi la ali bala le. 26 Musu konoo te tiñaa la, waraŋ ka ke jiidibaloo ti ali la bankoo kaŋ. Ali be sii jaŋo le soto la.
27 M be n na sondome silaŋo kii la ali ñaato le, aduŋ ali dunta banku-wo-banku to, m be wolu caawundi la le. M be a ke la le, ali jawoolu bee ye ì koo dii ali la, ì ye bori. 28 M be sondome silaŋo duŋ na ali jawoolu kono le, ŋa Hiwinkoolu, Kanaaninkoolu, aniŋ Hitinkoolu bayi, niŋ ali ka kata naŋ. 29 N te ì bayi la sanji kiliŋ kono, kaatu niŋ ŋa wo ke, moo te sabati la bankoo ñiŋ kaŋ, aduŋ daafeŋ saŋarariŋolu be siyaa la ali fee le. 30 Wo to, m be ì domaŋ-domaŋ bayi la ali ñaato le, fo ali ye siyaa, ka ì la bankoo taa ì bulu. 31 M be ali la naanewolu bambandi la le ka bo Kulunjumbe Baa bala, ka taa fo Yufurati Boloŋo to, aniŋ ka bo keñewuloo* kono ka taa fo Baa Baa* bala. M be semboo dii la ali la le, fo ali si moolu bayi mennu be wo bankoo kaŋ, niŋ ali ka kata naŋ. 32 Ali niŋ ì faŋolu niŋ ì la jalaŋolu kana kambeŋ siti. 33 Ali kana soŋ ì ye sabati ali la bankoo kaŋ. Niŋ wo nte, ì be a ke la le, ali ye junube kuwo ke n na, kaatu ì la jalaŋolu batoo be ke la ali ye le komeŋ kutindiŋo.
Equal Justice for All
The Lord said:
1 Don't spread harmful rumors or help a criminal by giving false evidence.
2 Always tell the truth in court, even if everyone else is dishonest and stands in the way of justice. 3 And don't favor the poor, simply because they are poor.
4 If you find an ox or a donkey that has wandered off, take it back where it belongs, even if the owner is your enemy.
5 If a donkey is overloaded and falls down, you must do what you can to help, even if it belongs to someone who doesn't like you.
6 Make sure that the poor are given equal justice in court. 7 Don't bring false charges against anyone or sentence an innocent person to death. I won't forgive you if you do.
8 Don't accept bribes. Judges are blinded and justice is twisted by bribes.
9 Don't mistreat foreigners. You were foreigners in Egypt, and you know what it is like.
Laws for the Sabbath
The Lord said:
10 Plant and harvest your crops for six years, 11 but let the land rest during the seventh year. The poor are to eat what they want from your fields, vineyards, and olive trees during that year, and when they have all they want from your fields, leave the rest for wild animals.
12 Work the first six days of the week, but rest and relax on the seventh day. This law is not only for you, but for your oxen, donkeys, and slaves, as well as for any foreigners among you.
13 Make certain that you obey everything I have said. Don't pray to other gods or even mention their names.
Three Annual Festivals
(Exodus 34.18-26Deuteronomy 16.1-17)
The Lord said:
14 Celebrate three festivals each year in my honor.
15 Celebrate the Festival of Thin Bread by eating bread made without yeast, just as I have commanded. Do this at the proper time during the month of Abib, because it is the month when you left Egypt. And make certain that everyone brings the proper offerings.
16 Celebrate the Harvest Festival each spring when you start harvesting your wheat, and celebrate the Festival of Shelters each autumn when you pick your fruit.
17 Your men must come to these three festivals each year to worship me.
18 Do not offer bread made with yeast when you sacrifice an animal to me. And make sure that the fat of the animal is burned that same day.
19 Each year bring the best part of your first harvest to the place of worship.
Don't boil a young goat in its mother's milk.
A Promise and a Warning
The Lord said:
20 I am sending an angel to protect you and to lead you into the land I have ready for you. 21 Carefully obey everything the angel says, because I am giving him complete authority, and he won't tolerate rebellion. 22 If you faithfully obey him, I will be a fierce enemy of your enemies. 23 My angel will lead you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites, and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out. 24 Don't worship their gods or follow their customs. Instead, destroy their idols and shatter their stone images.
25 Worship only me, the Lord your God! I will bless you with plenty of food and water and keep you strong. 26 Your women will give birth to healthy children, and everyone will live a long life.
27 I will terrify those nations and make your enemies so confused that they will run from you. 28 I will make the Hivites, Canaanites, and Hittites panic as you approach. 29 But I won't do all this in the first year, because the land would become poor, and wild animals would be everywhere. 30 Instead, I will force out your enemies little by little and give your nation time to grow strong enough to take over the land.
31 I will see that your borders reach from the Red Sea to the Euphrates River and from the Mediterranean Sea to the desert. I will let you defeat the people who live there, and you will force them out of the land. 32 But you must not make any agreements with them or with their gods. 33 Don't let them stay in your land. They will trap you into sinning against me and worshiping their gods.