Soobeeyaa nafaa
1 I la siimaŋo fayi baajiyo kaŋ,
niŋ a meeta,
a be muru la i kaŋ ne.
2 Moolu kundi i sotofeŋo to,
hani niŋ a be ke la moo woorowula ti,
waraŋ seyi.
Kaatu i maŋ a loŋ kooroo be feenee la
ñiŋ duniyaa kono waatoo meŋ na.

3 Niŋ tawaloolu faata jiyo la,
ì ka sanjoo boŋ ne duniyaa kono.
Yiroo, fo a boyita bulubaa le la baŋ,
waraŋ maraa la,
bari a boyita daameŋ,
a ka i laa wo le to.
4 Niŋ i ka tu la foñoo le koroosi la,
i te fiiroo ke la,
aduŋ niŋ i ka tu la
i ñaa feetee la tawaloolu le kaŋ,
i te katiri ke la.
5 Ko i maŋ a loŋ ñaameŋ
baluwo niijii foñoo ka naa
deenaanoo kaŋ ñaameŋ,
baa wuluuñaŋo kono,
i maŋ Alla fanaa la keroo loŋ wo le ñaama,
ate meŋ ye feŋolu bee daa.

6 I la turoo fii soomandaa la,
wulaaroo i kana i buloo laa ñoo kaŋ.
Kaatu i maŋ a loŋ meŋ be beteyaa la,
ñiŋ kunkoo waraŋ wo doo,
waraŋ fo ì bee le be beteyaa la.
Fondinkeeyaa niŋ keebaayaa tumoo
7 Maloo diyaata le,
aduŋ seewoo le mu,
ka tiloo je i ñaa la.
8 Hani meŋ siimaayaata,
a ñanta seewoo la a baluu saŋolu bee kono le.
Bari a si ñiŋ kalamuta ko,
diboo luŋolu,
wo siyaata le.
Feŋ-wo-feŋ be naa,
a maŋ ke feŋ ne ti.

9 Ite keendiŋo, i faŋ seewondi,
i la fondinkeeyaa waatoo la.
I hakiloo kali i samba niiseewoo kuwo kaŋ,
i la fondinkeeyaa tiloolu la.
Bula i niidiyaa nooma,
aniŋ i ñaabo feŋolu.
Bari i si ñiŋ loŋ ko,
Alla be i kontibo la kuwolu bee le la,
i ye mennu ke.
10 Niikuyaa kuwolu bondi i sondomoo to,
i ye i baloo dahandi bataa la.
Kaatu dindiŋyaa waatoo,
niŋ fondinkeeyaa bee maŋ ke feŋ ti.
It Pays To Work Hard
1 Be generous, and someday
you will be rewarded.
2 Share what you have
with seven or eight others,
because you never know
when disaster may strike.
3 Rain clouds always bring rain;
trees always stay
wherever they fall.
4 If you worry about the weather
and don't plant seeds,
you won't harvest a crop.

5 No one can explain how a baby breathes before it is born. So how can anyone explain what God does? After all, God created everything.
6 Plant your seeds early in the morning and keep working in the field until dark. Who knows? Your work might pay off, and your seeds might produce.
Youth and Old Age
7 Nothing on earth is more beautiful than the morning sun. 8 Even if you have a very long life, you should try to enjoy each day, because darkness will come and will last a long time. Nothing makes sense.
9 Be cheerful and enjoy life while you are young! Do what you want and find pleasure in what you see. But don't forget that God will judge you for everything you do.
10 Rid yourself of all worry and pain, because the wonderful moments of youth quickly disappear.