Musa ye neemoo duwaa Banisirayila lasili taŋ niŋ fuloo ye
1 Musa Alla la moo ye neemoo duwaa Banisirayilankoolu ye, janniŋ a be bele la.
2 A ko:
“Ka bo naŋ Sinayi Konkoo santo,
Yaawe* naata ǹ kaŋ.
A wulita ko tiloo,
a malata ǹ kaŋ ka bo naŋ Seyiri.
A la maloo malamalata naŋ
ka bo Parani Konkoo to,
a niŋ malaayika wuliwuloolu,
dimbaa be ŋalasi la a bulubaa karoo la.
3 Tooñaa-tooñaa,
Yaawe ye a la moolu kanu le,
a la moo senuŋolu bee be a buloo le kono,
ì be siiriŋ a siŋolu koto,
ka yaamaroo soto a bulu.
4 Nte Musa ye Alla la Luwaa dii ali la,
a keta ali taa ti, Yaakuba koomalankoolu.
5 Yaawe keta mansa ti Yesuruni,
ñaatonkoolu be bendiŋ ñoo kaŋ,
aniŋ Banisirayila lasiloolu bee.”

6 Musa ko Rubeni lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
“Allamaa Rubeni lasiloo siimaayaa la,
a kana buruka,
bari ì yirikoo kana siyaa.”

7 A ko Yahuuda lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
i tuloo tu Yahuuda lasiloo la duwaa to,
ì niŋ ì baadiŋolu ye ke kiliŋ ti kotenke.
I ye ì bambandi,
i ye ì maakoyi ka ì jawoolu kele.”

8 A ko Lewi lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
i la Tummimu tu Lewi lasiloo bulu,
i la Urimu tu i la foroolu bulu,
i ye mennu kotobo Masa,
i ye ì sonkandi Meriba.
9 Ì be i la karoo le la nuŋ,
ka tambi ì wuluulaalu la,
ka tambi ì baadiŋolu la,
ka tambi ì faŋo diŋolu la.
Ì ye i la yaamaroo doroŋ ne muta,
ì ye i niŋ ì la kambeŋo muta.
10 Itolu le be Yaakuba karandi la i la yaamaroolu la,
ì si Banisirayila karandi i la luwaalu la,
itolu le be cuuraayi sadaa siisindi la i ye,
ì ye beeyaŋ sadaalu bo i ye
i la sadaajanidulaa* kaŋ.
11 Hee Yaawe,
ì sembentuŋyaa,
i ye ì la baaroolu bee muta ì ye.
Ì jawoolu mennu ye i koŋ,
ì bee semboo tiñaa,
ì kana wuli kotenke.”

12 A ko Benjamini lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
“Benjamini lasiloo,
alitolu le mu Yaawe kanuntewo ti.
Ali tarata a koto tankoo kono,
a ye ali sansaŋ tankoo la waatoo bee,
a ye ali duŋ a daboo koto.”

13 A ko Yusufa koomalankoolu la kuwo to ko,
“Allamaa Yaawe neema la ali la bankoo ma,
a ye neema ali ma komboo la ka bo saŋo santo,
a ye neema ali ma jiyo la ka bo bankoo duuma.
14 Allamaa ali la bankoo fiifeŋolu yiriwaa la,
tiloo ye ì mondi ì sawoo la,
ì ye moo ì waatoo la.
15 Konko baalu,
mennu be looriŋ biriŋ,
Allamaa ì fiifeŋolu diŋ na beteke,
konkoriŋ kotoolu fiifeŋolu ye diŋ kendeke.
16 Allamaa ali la doofeŋolu yiriwaa la kendeke.
Allamaa ali la kuwo ye Alla ñaabo,
Alla meŋ fintita yirindiŋo kono,
meŋ be mala kaŋ nuŋ.
Allamaa ñiŋ bee ye jii Yusufa koomalankoolu kaŋ,
ate meŋ mu ñaatonkoo ti a baadiŋolu kono.
17 A diŋ foloo be kallankeeyaariŋ,
a semboo be ko ninsituuraa semboo,
Efurayimu* niŋ Manase koomalankoolu,
ì wuliwuloolu be bankoolu ñori la niŋ ñiŋ semboo le la
fo duniyaa dandulaa to.”

18 A ko Sebuluni lasiloo niŋ Isakari lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
“Allamaa Sebuluni lasiloo seewoo la ì la taa niŋ naa to,
Isakari lasiloo ye seewoo ì sabatidulaalu to.
19 Ì be sii koteŋolu kumandi la ì la konkoo to,
ì ye sadaalu* bo ko a ñanta ñaameŋ.
Ì si fanka baa to,
ì ye i tinee kulloo la meŋ be baa daala keñoo to.”

20 A ko Kadu lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
“Tentoo be Alla ye,
Alla meŋ ye Kadu lasiloo la tundoo fanundi.
Kadu ka baturoo ke le ko jatoo,
ka ì jawoolu daboolu fatasi,
aniŋ ka ì kunkoloolu teyi.
21 A ye bankoo dulaa betoo tomboŋ a faŋo ye,
kabiriŋ lasili ñaatonkoolu benta ñoo kaŋ,
ñaatonkoo niyo, wo le diita a la.
A ye Yaawe la yaamaroo taamandi,
aniŋ a la Luwaa tilindiŋo, Banisirayila ye.”

22 A ko Dani lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
“Dani lasiloo ka muluŋ ne ko jatandiŋo,
meŋ ka podi naŋ ka bo Basani tundoo kaŋ.”

23 A ko Nafutali lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
“Hee Nafutali lasiloo,
Yaawe la hiinoo ye ali wasa le,
a la neemoo be ali kaŋ ne kendeke.
Ali tundoo taa ka bo tilijii maafaŋo la,
ka taa fo bulubaa maafaŋo la.”

24 A ko Aseri lasiloo la kuwo to ko,
“Allamaa Yaawe ye neema ali ma
ka tambi Banisirayila lasili koteŋolu la.
Allamaa ali ke la Alla kanuntewolu ti
ka tambi ali baadiŋolu la.
Allamaa ali ye ali siŋo kuu olifu* tuloo kono.
25 Ali la saatee dundaŋ daalu,
ì sorondaŋolu si ke newo niŋ jaawaloo ti.
Ali baluu tiloo be siyaa la ñaameŋ,
ali semboo be lafaa la wo le ñaama.”

26 Musa ko Banisirayilankoolu ye ko,
“Hee Yesuruni,
Alla maŋ ñoŋ soto.
A ka taama saŋ fatoolu le kono
ka ali maakoyi,
a niŋ a la kallankeeyaa* ka taama minaayoolu kaŋ.
27 Alla mu badaa-badaa Alla le ti,
ate le mu ali la tankadulaa ti,
a buloo be ali koto.
A ye ali jawoolu bayi ali ñaato,
a ko, ali ye ì kasaara.
28 Bituŋ Banisirayila siita tankoo kono,
Yaakuba koomalankoolu siita kayiroo kono.
Ali la bankoo be faariŋ siimaŋo niŋ wayinoo* le la,
saŋo ka komboo tondi naŋ a kaŋ.
29 Hee Banisirayilankoolu,
mantaa benta ali ye ñaameŋ!
Ali maŋ ñoŋ soto,
Yaawe ye alitolu mennu kiisa.
Yaawe mu ali la koteeroo* le ti,
ka ali maakoyi,
a mu ali la hawusaroo* le ti
ka nooroo ke.
Ali jawoolu be ì faŋ seyi la ali ma le,
bari ali be i tuu la ì koolu kaŋ ne.”
Moses Blesses the Tribes of Israel
1 Moses was a prophet, and before he died, he blessed the tribes of Israel by saying:

2 The Lord came from Mount Sinai.
From Edom, he gave light
to his people,
and his glory was shining
from Mount Paran.
Thousands of his warriors
were with him, and fire
was at his right hand.
3 The Lord loves the tribes
of Israel,
and he protects his people.
They listen to his words
and worship at his feet.
* 4 I called a meeting
of the tribes of Israel
and gave you God's Law.
5 Then you and your leaders
made the Lord your king.

6 Tribe of Reuben, you will live,
even though your tribe
will always be small.

7 The Lord will listen to you,
tribe of Judah, as you beg
to come safely home.
You fought your enemies alone;
now the Lord will help you.

8 At Massah and Meribah Spring,
the Lord tested you,
tribe of Levi.
You were faithful,
and so the priesthood belongs
to the Levi tribe.
9 Protecting Israel's agreement
with the Lord
was more important to you
than the life of your father
or mother,
or brothers or sisters,
or your own children.

10 You teach God's laws to Israel,
and at the place of worship
you offer sacrifices
and burn incense.
11 I pray that the Lord will bless
everything you do,
and make you strong enough
to crush your enemies.

12 The Lord Most High loves you,
tribe of Benjamin.
He will live among your hills
and protect you.

13 Descendants of Joseph,
the Lord will bless you
with precious water
from deep wells
and with dew from the sky.
14 Month by month, your fruit
will ripen in the sunshine.
15 You will have a rich harvest
from the slopes
of the ancient hills.
16 The Lord who appeared
in the burning bush
wants to give you the best
the land can produce,
and it will be a princely crown
on Joseph's head.

17 The armies of Ephraim
and Manasseh
are majestic and fierce
like a bull or a wild ox.
They will run their spears
through faraway nations.

18 Be happy, Zebulun,
as your boats set sail;
be happy, Issachar,
in your tents.
19 The sea will make you wealthy,
and from the sandy beach
you will get treasure.
So invite the other tribes
to celebrate with you
and offer sacrifices to God.

20 Tribe of Gad,
the Lord will bless you
with more land.
So shout his praises!
Your tribe is like a lion
ripping up its victim.
21 Your leaders met together
and chose the best land
for your tribe,
but you obeyed the Lord
and helped the other tribes.

22 Tribe of Dan,
you are like a lion cub,
startled by a snake.

23 The Lord is pleased with you,
people of Naphtali.
He will bless you
and give you the land
to the west and the south.

24 The Lord's greatest blessing
is for you, tribe of Asher.
You will be the favorite
of all the other tribes.
You will be rich with olive oil
25 and have strong town gates
with bronze and iron bolts.
Your people will be powerful
for as long as they live.

26 Israel, no other god
is like ours—
the clouds are his chariot
as he rides across the skies
to come and help us.
27 The eternal God
is our hiding place;
he carries us in his arms.
When God tells you
to destroy your enemies,
he will make them run.
28 Israel, you will live in safety;
your enemies will be gone.
The dew will fall from the sky,
and you will have plenty
of grain and wine.
29 The Lord has rescued you
and given you more blessings
than any other nation.
He protects you like a shield
and is your majestic sword.
Your enemies will bow in fear,
and you will trample
on their backs.