Luwaa koteŋolu
1 Musa tententa ka a fo Banisirayilankoolu ye ko:
Ali kono niŋ meŋ ye a baadiŋ Banisirayilanka doo la ninsoo waraŋ saajiyo je a filiriŋo be yaayi kaŋ, a maŋ ñaŋ na a ñaa kaasi la a la. A ñanta a murundi la a maariyo kaŋ ne. 2 Bari niŋ a ye a tara ali la sabati dinkiraalu teemoo jamfata ñoo la le, waraŋ i maŋ beeyaŋo ñiŋ maarii loŋ, i si a samba i yaa, i ye a muta i faŋ fee jee. Niŋ a maarii naata ka a ñiniŋ, i si a dii a la. 3 Wo ñaa kiliŋo ñaama, niŋ i ye i baadiŋ Banisirayilankoo la faloo je, waraŋ a la sitifeŋo waraŋ feŋ-wo-feŋ meŋ filita a ma, i kana i ñaa kaasi a la, a taa i ye a murundi a kaŋ.
4 Ali kana ali baadiŋ Banisirayilankoo la faloo je waraŋ ninsoo a boyita siloo kaŋ, ali ye ali ñaa kaasi a la. Ali ñanta a maakoyi la le, a ye a la beeyaŋo wulindi ka a londi.
5 Musoo maŋ ñaŋ na kee sitifeŋo duŋ na, aduŋ kewo fanaa maŋ ñaŋ na musu sitifeŋo duŋ na. Yaawe* ali la Alla ye moo koŋ ne meŋ ka wo kuu siifaalu ke.
6 Niŋ meŋ ye kunu ñaŋo tara yiroo santo waraŋ bankoo to, aduŋ kunudimbaa be bitiriŋ a diŋolu kaŋ waraŋ kiloolu kaŋ, i maŋ ñaŋ na kunudimbaa muta la i ye a samba. 7 I si diŋolu taa noo le, i ye baa bula a ye taa, fo kuwolu si laakuu ali ye, aduŋ ali si siimaayaa.
8 Niŋ i ye buŋ kutoo loo, i ye a santoo teru, i si wo teroo dandaŋolu sansaŋ. Niŋ i maŋ wo ke wo ñaama, moo-wo-moo boyita naŋ wo buŋo santo, a la saayaa dunoo be laa la i niŋ i la dimbaayaa kaŋ ne.
9 Ali maŋ ñaŋ na fiifeŋ koteŋ fii la ali la wayini* yiroolu teema kankaŋ kiliŋo kono. Niŋ ali ye wo ke, ali be foo la ì bee le diŋo la, kaatu ì be ke la Yaawe le taa ti.
10 Ali kana seneninsoo niŋ faloo siti yooku* kiliŋo bala ka senoo ke.
11 Ali kana sitifeŋo duŋ meŋ daata juluboora siifaa fula la, kotondoo aniŋ saajiitiyo.
12 Ali si jimfiroolu ke ali la waramba tulu naanoo to.
Futuwo la kuwo
13 Ali kono kewo si sunkutoo futuusiti noo le, ì ye a dundi a kaŋ, wo koolaa a ye naa a fo ko, a maŋ lafi a la. 14 A si ñiŋ kaŋo laa noo a la, ka a too tiñaa ko, “Ŋa ñiŋ sunkutoo futuu le, bari biriŋ ì ye a dundi n kaŋ, m maŋ a la sunkutuyaa tara jee.”
15 Sunkutoo ñiŋ baa niŋ a faa si a la dundinkaŋ faanoo taa, meŋ ye a yitandi ko, ì diŋ sunkutoo mu keelombaloo le ti nuŋ. Bituŋ ì si a samba alifaalu kaŋ saatee dundaŋ daa to, ì ka beŋ daameŋ ka kiitiyo ke. 16 Sunkutoo faamaa si ñiŋ fo alifaalu ye ko, “Ŋa n diŋ sunkutoo dii ñiŋ kewo la le, bari saayiŋ a ko, a maŋ lafi a la. 17 A ye kaŋo laa a la ko, kabiriŋ ŋa a dundi a kaŋ, a maŋ a la sunkutuyaa tara jee. Bari dundinkaŋ faanoo fele meŋ ye a yitandi ko, n diŋo nene maŋ kee kuwo loŋ nuŋ.” Bituŋ a wuluulaalu si faanoo ñiŋ feenee saatee alifaalu ñaatiliŋo la. 18 Niŋ wo keta, saatewo alifaalu si kewo ñiŋ muta, ì ye a karawaasi. 19 Aduŋ ì si alimaanoo laa a kaŋ meŋ kaañanta kodiforo kuntu keme fee, ì ye wo dii sunkutoo faamaa la. Kaatu a ye malu kuwo le laa Banisirayila sunkutu keelombaloo kaŋ. Ì la futuwo ñanta tenteŋ na le, a maŋ ñaŋ na musoo ñiŋ bula la a baluu tiloo bee la.
20 Bari niŋ kewo la tuumiroo naata ke tooñaa ti, aduŋ dundinkaŋ faani te jee ka a yitandi ko sunkutoo ñiŋ mu keelombaloo le ti nuŋ, 21 ì si a samba a faamaa la bundaa to, saatewo kewolu ye a kurulabuŋ fo a ye faa. Kaatu a ye malu kuwo le saabu Banisirayilankoolu kono, ka laañooyaa tuluŋo ke a faamaa la suwo kono. Ali be kuruŋyaa bondi la ali kono teŋ ne.
22 Niŋ ali ye kewo niŋ wandi musoo muta jeenoo la, ì fuloo bee ñanta faa la le. Ali be kuruŋyaa bondi la ali kono teŋ ne.
23 Niŋ ì ye sunkutoo futuusiti, bari ì maŋ a dundi a kee kaŋ foloo, ì naata a niŋ kee doo muta laañooyaa tuluŋo la saatewo kono, 24 ali ñanta ì moo fuloo bee fintindi la saatee dundaŋ daa to le, ali ye ì kurulabuŋ fo ì ye faa, kaatu sunkutoo ñiŋ maŋ wuuri santo ka moolu kumandi ì ye naa a maakoyi. Aduŋ kewo ñiŋ fanaa ye musoo le laañooyaa ì ye meŋ futuusiti. Ali be kuruŋyaa bondi la ali kono teŋ ne.
25 Bari niŋ kewo niŋ sunkutoo benta kenekoomoo le to, ì ye meŋ na futuwo siti, a ñapita sunkutoo ñiŋ kaŋ, a ye a laañooyaa, ali ñanta kewo dammaa le faa la meŋ ye ñapinkandiroo ke. 26 Tana-wo-tana maŋ ñaŋ na sunkutoo soto la, kaatu a maŋ junube ke meŋ jarita ka a faa. Ñiŋ kuwo be le ko niŋ kewo boyita a ñoŋ kewo kaŋ a ye a faa. 27 Kaatu kewo ye ñiŋ sunkutoo meŋ ñapinkaŋ kenekoomoo to, ì ye meŋ futuusiti, a si ke a wuurita le nuŋ, bari moo maŋ tara jee ka a maakoyi.
28 Niŋ kewo ye sunkutu keelombaloo ñapinkaŋ, meŋ nene maŋ futuusiti, a ye a laañooyaa forisewo kono, ì ye ì muta, 29 wo kewo ñanta kodiforo kuntu taŋ luulu le dii la sunkutoo ñiŋ faamaa la. A ñanta a futuu la le, kaatu a ye a forisee le ka a laañooyaa. A maŋ ñaŋ na wo musoo bula la a baluu tiloo bee la.
30 Kee-wo-kee le maŋ ñaŋ na a faamaa la musoo laañooyaa la, ka a faamaa horomantaŋyaa.
Helping Others
Moses said to Israel:
1 If you see a cow or sheep wandering around lost, take the animal back to its owner. 2 If the owner lives too far away, or if you don't know who the owner is, take the animal home with you and take care of it. The owner will come looking for the animal, and then you can give it back. 3 That's what you should do if you find anything that belongs to someone else. Do whatever you can to help, whether you find a cow or sheep or donkey or some clothing.
4 Oxen and donkeys that carry heavy loads can stumble and fall, and be unable to get up by themselves. So as you walk along the road, help anyone who is trying to get an ox or donkey back on its feet.
Don't Pretend To Be the Opposite Sex
Moses said to Israel:
5 Women must not pretend to be men, and men must not pretend to be women. The Lord your God is disgusted with people who do that.
Don't Take a Mother Bird
Moses said to Israel:
6-7 As you walk along the road, you might see a bird's nest in a tree or on the ground. If the mother bird is in the nest with either her eggs or her baby birds, you are allowed to take the baby birds or the eggs, but not the mother bird. Let her go free, and the Lord will bless you with a long and successful life.
Put a Wall around Your Flat Roof
8 If you build a house, make sure to put a low wall around the edge of the flat roof. Then if someone falls off the roof and is killed, it won't be your fault.
Laws against Mixing Different Things
Moses said to Israel:
9 If you plant a vineyard, don't plant any other fruit tree or crop in it. If you do plant something else there, you must bring to the place of worship everything you harvest from the vineyard.
10 Don't hitch an ox and a donkey to your plow at the same time.
11 When you weave cloth for clothing, you can use thread made of flax or wool, but not both together. 12 And when you make a coat, sew a tassel on each of the four corners.
When a Husband Accuses His Wife
Moses said to Israel:
13 Suppose a man starts hating his wife soon after they are married. 14 He might tell ugly lies about her, and say, “I married this woman, but when we slept together, I found out she wasn't a virgin.”
15 If this happens, the bride's father and mother must go to the town gate to show the town leaders the proof that the woman was a virgin. 16 Her father will say, “I let my daughter marry this man, but he started hating her 17 and accusing her of not being a virgin. But he is wrong, because here is proof that she was a virgin!” Then the bride's parents will show them the bed sheet from the woman's wedding night.
18 The town leaders will beat the man with a whip 19 because he accused his bride of not being a virgin. He will have to pay her father 100 pieces of silver and will never be allowed to divorce her.
20 But if the man was right and there is no proof that his bride was a virgin, 21 the men of the town will take the woman to the door of her father's house and stone her to death.
This woman brought evil into your community by sleeping with someone before she got married, and you must get rid of that evil by killing her.
Laws about Illegal Sex
Moses said:
22 People of Israel, if a man is caught having sex with someone else's wife, you must put them both to death. That way, you will get rid of the evil they have done in Israel.
23-24 If a man is caught in town having sex with an engaged woman who isn't screaming for help, they both must be put to death. The man is guilty of having sex with a married woman. And the woman is guilty because she didn't call for help, even though she was inside a town and people were nearby. Take them both to the town gate and stone them to death. You must get rid of the evil they brought into your community.
25 If an engaged woman is raped out in the country, only the man will be put to death. 26 Do not punish the woman at all; she has done nothing wrong, and certainly nothing deserving death. This crime is like murder, 27 because the woman was alone out in the country when the man attacked her. She screamed, but there was no one to help her.
28 Suppose a woman isn't engaged to be married, and a man forces her to have sex with him. If he is caught, 29 they will be forced to get married. He must give her father 50 pieces of silver as a bride-price and can never divorce her.
30 A man must not marry a woman who was married to his father. This would be a disgrace to his father.