Yaawe Tambi Tumoo Juuraloo
(2 Musa 12:1-20)
1 Musa ko Banisirayilankoolu ye ko:
Ali si Yaawe* Tambi Tumoo* juura Abibu karoo kono ka Yaawe ali la Alla kuliyaa. Kaatu ñiŋ Abibu karoo kono le, Yaawe ye ali fintindi naŋ Misira suutoo. 2 Ali ñanta ñiŋ juuraloo ke la niŋ sadaa* le la, dulaa to Yaawe ali la Alla be meŋ tomboŋ na ka a too ke a kunna. Ali si ninsoolu, saajiyolu waraŋ baalu kanateyi a ye jee. 3 Niŋ ali be ñiŋ beeyaŋolu suboo domo la, ali kana a niŋ mbuuroo domo meŋ ye leweñoo soto. Ali si mbuuru leweñintaŋo domo fo tili woorowula, kaatu ali ye mbuuru leweñintaŋo le domo, biriŋ ali hawujitoo be finti kaŋ naŋ Misira bankoo kaŋ. Ñiŋ niitoora mbuuroo be kali la ali hakiloo bulandi la luŋo la le, ali bota naŋ Misira meŋ na. 4 Ñiŋ tili woorowuloo bee kono, ali la bankoo bee kaŋ, moo maŋ ñaŋ na leweñoo soto la a la buŋo kono, aduŋ ali ye beeyaŋolu mennu kanateyi tili foloo wulaaroo, ì suboo bee ñanta domo la wo suutoo faŋo le la.
5 Ali kana ñiŋ juurali beeyaŋ sadaalu kanateyi ali la saatewolu kono, Yaawe ali la Alla be naa mennu dii la ali la. 6 Ali ñanta ì faa la batudulaa le to, Yaawe ali la Alla be daameŋ tomboŋ na ka a too ke jee. Ali si ñiŋ beeyaŋ sadaalu faa tili boyoo waatoo la, waatoo meŋ na ali fintita naŋ Misira. 7 Ali si ì suboo tabi, ali ye a domo wo batudulaa kiliŋo to. Wo saamoo soomandaa, ali si muru ali la tiriliisoolu* koto. 8 Ali si tenteŋ ka mbuuru leweñintaŋo domo fo tili wooro. Tili woorowulanjaŋ luŋo la, ali si beŋ ñoo kaŋ ka Yaawe ali la Alla batu, ali kana dookuu ke wo luŋo la.
Katiri Waati Juuraloo
(3 Musa 23:15-214 Musa 28:26-31)
9 Ali lookuŋ woorowula yaatee, ka bo waati meŋ na ali ye siimaŋ katoo dati. 10 Bituŋ ali si naa Katiri Waati Juuraloo* juura, ka Yaawe kuliyaa ali la Alla, ka bo niŋ fankadaŋ sadaalu la, ko Yaawe ali la Alla neemata ali ma ñaameŋ. 11 Ali si seewoo Yaawe ali la Alla ñaatiliŋo la, ali niŋ ali dinkewolu niŋ ali dimmusoolu, ali la jonkewolu niŋ ali la jommusoolu, Lewi lasiloo moolu mennu be sabatiriŋ ali la saatewolu kono, tumarankewolu, aniŋ aliyatiimoolu niŋ furuyaamusoolu mennu be ali fee. Ali si juuraloo ñiŋ ke dulaa to, Yaawe ali la Alla be daameŋ tomboŋ na ka a too ke jee. 12 Ali kana ñina ko alitolu fanaa nene tarata joŋyaa kono le nuŋ Misira bankoo kaŋ. Wo to, ali ñiŋ yaamaroolu muta kendeke.
Jembereŋ Juuraloo
(3 Musa 23:33-434 Musa 29:12-39)
13 Niŋ ali ye ali la siimaŋolu toñonka, ali ye ali la wayini* yiridiŋolu biti, ali ñanta Jembereŋ Juuraloo* ke la le fo tili woorowula. 14 Ali niŋ seewoo si ñiŋ juuraloo ke, ali niŋ ali dinkewolu niŋ ali dimmusoolu, ali la jonkewolu niŋ ali la jommusoolu, Lewi lasili moolu, tumarankewolu, aniŋ aliyatiimoolu niŋ furuyaamusoolu mennu be sabatiriŋ ali la saatewolu kono. 15 Ñiŋ tili woorowuloo kono, ali si kidimandiroo ke ka Yaawe kuliyaa batudulaa to, a be daameŋ tomboŋ na ali ye. Yaawe be baraka ke la ali la doofeŋolu bee to le, aniŋ ali la kata kuwolu bee. Ali be seewoo la le kendeke.
16 Saŋo kono juurali waati saba le ka ke. Wolu le mu Mbuuru Leweñintaŋ Juuraloo ti, Katiri Waati Juuraloo, aniŋ Jembereŋ Juuraloo. Niŋ ñiŋ juurali waatoolu siita, kee-wo-kee be ali kono, a ñanta naa la Yaawe ali la Alla ñaatiliŋo la le dulaa to a be daameŋ tomboŋ na ali ye. Moo maŋ ñaŋ na naa la Yaawe ñaatiliŋo la a bulu kenseŋo. 17 Moo-wo-moo ñanta feŋ samba la naŋ ñoo la le ko Yaawe ali la Alla neemata a ma ñaameŋ.
Kiitindiroo keñaa
18 Ali si kiitindirilaalu niŋ kuntiyolu tomboŋ lasiloolu bee kono, saatewolu bee to, Yaawe be daameŋ dii la ali la. Ì ñanta kiitiyo kuntu la moolu teema tiliŋo le kono. 19 Ì maŋ ñaŋ na tooñaa nakari la. Ì maŋ ñaŋ na laa la moo kaŋ ì la kiitiyolu kono. Ì maŋ ñaŋ na duku muta la moo bulu, kaatu dukoo ka moo ñaamendiŋo ñaa muta le, aduŋ a ka moo tilindiŋo la kuwo yelemandi faniyaa ti. 20 Tiliŋo niŋ tooñaa doroŋ ne ñanta taama la, fo ali si tenteŋ noo ka sabati bankoo kaŋ Yaawe ali la Alla be naa daameŋ dii la ali la.
21 Niŋ ali ye sadaabodulaa* dadaa Yaawe ali la Alla ye, ali kana Asera* jalaŋ dokoolu lese ka ì londi a daala. 22 Aduŋ ali kana jalaŋ bere samasiŋ fanaa ke a daala, kaatu Yaawe ye wolu koŋ ne.
(Exodus 12.1-20Leviticus 23.4-8)
Moses said:
1 People of Israel, you must celebrate Passover in the month of Abib, because one night in that month years ago, the Lord your God rescued you from Egypt. 2 The Passover sacrifice must be a cow, a sheep, or a goat, and you must offer it at the place where the Lord chooses to be worshiped. 3-4 Eat all of the meat of the Passover sacrifice that same night. But don't serve bread made with yeast at the Passover meal. Serve the same kind of thin bread that you ate when you were slaves suffering in Egypt and when you had to leave Egypt quickly. As long as you live, this thin bread will remind you of the day you left Egypt.
For seven days following Passover, don't make any bread with yeast. In fact, there should be no yeast anywhere in Israel.
5 Don't offer the Passover sacrifice in just any town where you happen to live. 6 It must be offered at the place where the Lord chooses to be worshiped. Kill the sacrifice at sunset, the time of day when you left Egypt. 7 Then cook it and eat it there at the place of worship, returning to your tents the next morning.
8 Eat thin bread for the next six days. Then on the seventh day, don't do any work. Instead, come together and worship the Lord.
The Harvest Festival
(Exodus 34.22Leviticus 23.15-21)
Moses said to Israel:
9 Seven weeks after you start your grain harvest, 10-11 go to the place where the Lord chooses to be worshiped and celebrate the Harvest Festival in honor of the Lord your God. Bring him an offering as large as you can afford, depending on how big a harvest he has given you. Be sure to take along your sons and daughters and all your servants. Also invite the poor, including Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows. 12 Remember that you used to be slaves in Egypt, so obey these laws.
The Festival of Shelters
(Leviticus 23.33-43Numbers 29.12-38)
Moses said to Israel:
13-15 After you have finished the grain harvest and the grape harvest, take your sons and daughters and all your servants to the place where the Lord chooses to be worshiped. Celebrate the Festival of Shelters for seven days. Also invite the poor, including Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows.
The Lord will give you big harvests and make you successful in everything you do. You will be completely happy, so celebrate this festival in honor of the Lord your God.
Three Festivals at the Place of Worship
(Exodus 23.14-17)
Moses said:
16 Each year there are three festivals when all Israelite men must go to the place where the Lord chooses to be worshiped. These are the Festival of Thin Bread, the Harvest Festival, and the Festival of Shelters. And don't forget to take along a gift for the Lord. 17 The bigger the harvest the Lord gives you, the bigger your gift should be.
Treat Everyone with Justice
Moses said to Israel:
18-19 After you are settled in the towns that you will receive from the Lord your God, the people in each town must appoint judges and other officers. Those of you that become judges must be completely fair when you make legal decisions, even if someone important is involved. Don't take bribes to give unfair decisions. Bribes keep people who are wise from seeing the truth and turn honest people into liars.
20 People of Israel, if you want to enjoy a long and successful life, make sure that everyone is treated with justice in the land the Lord is giving you.
Don't Set Up Sacred Poles or Stones
Moses said to Israel:
21 When you build the altar for offering sacrifices to the Lord your God, don't set up a sacred pole for the worship of the goddess Asherah. 22 And don't set up a sacred stone! The Lord hates these things.