Kiitindiroo kibaaroo Samariya musoolu la kuwo to
1 Ali ñiŋ kumakaŋo moyi alitolu Samariya musoolu, alitolu mennu be nunkuriŋ ko Basani tundoo ninsoolu, alitolu mennu ye fuwaaroolu toora, ali ye fentaŋolu batandi, alitolu mennu ka doloo kaniŋ ali keeñolu bulu.
2 Maarii Yaawe* kalita a faŋo too senuŋo la, a ko, “Luŋo be naa ali kaŋ, meŋ te baayi la muk. Luŋo meŋ, ì be juloo duŋ na ali nuŋolu la, ì ye ali tambindi. Ali bee si ke ko niŋ ñewo be dooliŋo daa. 3 Ì si ali fintindi saatewo kono niŋ funtaŋolu la saatee tata sansaŋo la, ali be sutiyaariŋ daameŋ na. Ì si ali bayi fo Herimoni* Konkoo maafaŋo la.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
Banisirayilankoolu maŋ soŋ ka muru Alla kaŋ
4 “Alitolu Banisirayilankoolu, niŋ ali lafita, ali naa Beteli batudulaa to ka junube kuwo ke. Ali ye taa Kilikali batudulaa, ka ali la junube kuukewo lafaa. Ali ye ali la beeyaŋ sadaalu* bo soomandaa-wo-soomandaa, aniŋ jakoo tili saba-wo-tili saba. 5 Ali ye ali la mbuuru leweñimaa fanaa jani ka ke Alla tenturulaŋ sadaa ti. Ali ye ali la fankadaŋ sadaa laa a kaŋ ka kibiri a la, fo moolu bee ye a moyi. Kaatu ali ka lafi a la wo le ñaama.” Maarii Yaawe le ye a fo.
6 Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko, “Nte le ye konkoo duŋ ali la saatee baalu niŋ saateeriŋolu kono, fo ali kana feŋ soto ali be meŋ domo la. Bari hani wo bee, ali maŋ soŋ muru la n kaŋ. 7 Ŋa ali bali samaa fanaa la, biriŋ sanjaanoo dasata kari saba. N ka samaa ke saatee doo to, ŋa saatee doo bali. Samaa ka ke kunku doo to, doo buka a soto, a ye jaa. 8 Moolu timili-tamalita saatee niŋ saatee teema jiiñinoo la, bari ì buka jiyo soto ka i miŋ ì sawoo la. Bari hani wo bee, ali maŋ soŋ muru la n kaŋ.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
9 “Ŋa ali la siimaŋ feŋolu kuurandi ka toli aniŋ ka jaa. Kuntiŋolu ye ali la naakito feŋolu kasaara, aniŋ ali la wayini* yiri kankaŋolu, sooto yiroolu aniŋ olifu* yiroolu. Bari hani wo bee, ali maŋ soŋ muru la n kaŋ.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
10 “Ŋa alibalaa kuuraŋo jindi ali kaŋ, ko ŋa a jindi Misirankoolu kaŋ ñaameŋ. Ŋa ali la fondinkewolu faa niŋ hawusaroo* la, ŋa ali la suwoolu duŋ mutoo kono. Ŋa ali nuŋ huwolu fandi furewolu nooroo la ali la daakaalu to. Hani wo bee, ali maŋ soŋ muru la n kaŋ.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
11 “Ŋa kasaaroo tiliŋ ali la, ko ŋa Sodomu niŋ Komora kasaara ñaameŋ. Moolu mennu kanata ali kono, ì la kuwo keta le komeŋ niŋ i ye taalamaa kuntoo wafu naŋ dimbaa kono. Bari hani wo bee, ali maŋ soŋ muru la n kaŋ.” Yaawe le ye a fo.
12 “Wo kamma la m be jaraboo le laa la ali kaŋ. M be wo le ke la, wo to alitolu Banisirayilankoolu, ali i paree nte, ali la Alla beŋñooyaa la.”

13 Mansoo meŋ ye konkoolu daa aniŋ foñoo,
ate Mansoo le ye a la miira kuwolu lankenemayandi hadamadiŋolu ye.
Ate le ka falindiri ke suutoo niŋ tiloo la.
Ate le marata konko jaŋ baalu bee ma duniyaa kono.
Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo*, wo le mu a too ti.
The Women of Samaria
The Lord said:

1 You women of Samaria
are fat cows!
You mistreat and abuse
the poor and needy,
then you say to your husbands,
“Bring us more drinks!”
2 I, the Lord God, have sworn
by my own name
that your time is coming.
Not one of you will be left—
you will be taken away
by sharp hooks.
3 You will be dragged through holes
in your city walls,
and you will be thrown
toward Harmon.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Israel Refuses To Obey
The Lord said:

4 Come to Bethel and Gilgal.
Sin all you want!
Offer sacrifices the next morning
and bring a tenth of your crops
on the third day.
5 Bring offerings to show me
how thankful you are.
Gladly bring more offerings
than I have demanded.
You really love to do this.
I, the Lord God, have spoken!
How the Lord Warned Israel
6 I, the Lord, took away the food
from every town and village,
but still you rejected me.
7 Three months before harvest,
I kept back the rain.
Sometimes I would let it fall
on one town or field
but not on another,
and pastures dried up.
8 People from two or three towns
would go to a town
that still had water,
but it wasn't enough.
Even then you rejected me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

9 I dried up your grain fields;
your gardens and vineyards
turned brown.
Locusts ate your fig trees
and olive orchards,
but even then you rejected me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

10 I did terrible things to you,
just as I did to Egypt—
I killed your young men in war;
I let your horses be stolen,
and I made your camp stink
with dead bodies.
Even then you rejected me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

11 I destroyed many of you,
just as I did the cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah.
You were a burning stick
I rescued from the fire.
But even then you rejected me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

12 Now, Israel, I myself
will deal with you.
Get ready to face your God!

13 I created the mountains
and the wind.
I let humans know
what I am thinking.
I bring darkness at dawn
and step over hills.
I am the Lord God All-Powerful!