1 Wo to le Mansa Akiripa ko Pawulu ye ko, “Saayiŋ i ye siloo soto le ka i faŋo la kuwo fo.” Bituŋ Pawulu ye taamanseeroo ke a buloo la, a diyaamuta ka a faŋ tankandi ko, 2 “Mansa Akiripa, ŋa a je le ko, a keta n ye faladiyaa le ti bii, ka m faŋ tankandi i ñaatiliŋo la kuwolu bee to, Yahuudoolu ye n tuumi mennu la, 3 kaatu ite mu londitii baa le ti Yahuudoolu la aadoolu niŋ ñoosaboolu to. Wo kamma la, ŋa i daani ka n lamoyi muñoo kono.
4 “Yahuudoolu bee ye a loŋ ne, m baluuta ñaameŋ, kabiriŋ n na dindiŋyaa waatoo la n na tundoo kaŋ, aniŋ Yerusalaamu. 5 Itolu faŋo si n na kuwo seedeyaa noo le, niŋ ì lafita a ke la ko, nte be Farisewolu* la kafoo le kono. Ì ye a loŋ ne ko, ŋa ǹ na diinoo muta niŋ soobeeyaa le la, meŋ mu ǹ na kafoo la siloo ti meŋ maŋ ñoŋo soto. 6 Saayiŋ, n loota jaŋ kotoboroo la, kaatu n jikita laahidoo le la, Alla ye meŋ dii m̀ mumuñolu la. 7 Wo mu laahidoo le ti, ǹ na lasili taŋ niŋ fuloo jikita ka meŋ na timmoo je, biriŋ ì ka Alla batu soobeeyaa kono suutoo niŋ tiloo la. Mansa, ǹ na ñiŋ jikoo le ye a tinna Yahuudoolu ye n tuumi. 8 Muŋ ne ye a tinna ali maŋ laa noo ko, Alla si furewolu wulindi noo le?
9 “Tooñaa, nte faŋo ye a miira le nuŋ ko, n ñanta kuu jamaa le ke la ka balaŋ Yeesu Nasaretinkoo too ma. 10 Ŋa wo ke Yerusalaamu kono le, aduŋ ŋa kaŋo soto piriisi* ñaatonkoolu bulu le ka ñiŋ moo senuŋ jamaa soroŋ bunjawoo kono. Niŋ ì la faa kuwo kacaata, n ka soŋ ì la saayaa ma le. 11 Jamaa-jamaa n ka toora kuwolu laa ì kaŋ ne Yahuudi diina bendulaalu* to taariŋ, n ka a kata ka ì diyaakuyaa ke ka kuma jawoo fo ka balaŋ Yeesu ma. N ka tu kamfaariŋ ì kamma baake, aduŋ ŋa ì toora hani wandi saatewolu kono.
Pawulu ye a la tuuboo la kuwo fo
(Kiilaalu 9:1-19Kiilaalu 22:6-16)
12 “Wo to le ŋa taamasiloo taa ka taa Damasiku saatewo to, ŋa kaŋo niŋ yaamaroo soto ka bo piriisi ñaatonkoolu bulu. 13 Bituŋ Mansa, tilikuntee waatoo la, m be siloo kaŋ tumoo meŋ na, ŋa maloo je ka bo saŋo santo. Wo maloo tambita tiloo faŋo la le, a be malamala kaŋ, a ye n niŋ n taañoolu murubeŋ. 14 M̀ bee boyita bankoo to. Bituŋ ŋa kumakaŋo moyi, meŋ ko n ye Hiburu kaŋo to ko, ‘Sawulu, Sawulu, muŋ ne ye a tinna i ka nte toorandi? A be koleyaa la i fee le ka ŋaniŋo damfu.’ 15 Bituŋ n ko, ‘Maariyo, jumaa le mu ite ti?’ Maariyo ye n jaabi ko, ‘Nte mu Yeesu le ti, i ka meŋ toora. 16 Wuli, i ye loo i siŋolu kaŋ. M fintita i kaŋ ñiŋ daliiloo le kamma, ka i tomboŋ ka i ke dookuulaa ti, aniŋ seedoo kuwolu to, i ye mennu je, aniŋ m be mennu yitandi la i la. 17 M be i kanandi la i la moolu bulu le, aniŋ mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti, m be i kii la mennu kaŋ. 18 I si ì ñaalu yelendi fo ì si bo diboo kono ka naa maloo kono, ka bo Seetaanoo* la maraloo kono ka naa Alla kaŋ. Wo to le ì be junube yamfoo soto la, aniŋ niyo moolu kono, mennu naata seneyaa kaatu ì laata nte la.’
19 “Wo kamma la, Mansa Akiripa, m maŋ balaŋ jeroo la, meŋ naata n kaŋ ka bo Arijana. 20 Folooto, ŋa kawandoo ke wo moolu le ye, mennu be Damasiku jee, bituŋ Yerusalaamu, Yudeya, aniŋ moolu fanaa ye, mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti. N ko ì ye ko, ì si ì koo dii ì la junuboolu la ka naa Alla kaŋ, aduŋ ì si ì la tuuboo yitandi ì la kebaaroolu kono. 21 Yahuudoolu ye m muta ñiŋ daliiloo le kamma Alla Batudulaa kono, ì ye a kata ka m faa. 22 Bari Alla la maakoyiroo tarata n kaŋ ne fo ñiŋ luŋo la. Wo le ye a tinna n loota jaŋ bii ka a seedeyaa moolu bee ye, biriŋ moondiŋ fo moo baa. Aduŋ m maŋ feŋ fo, fo Musa niŋ annabiyomu doolu ye meŋ fo ko, a be ke la le. 23 Wo le mu ñiŋ ti ko, Alimasiihu* ñanta toora la le, aduŋ ate le be ke la foloo ti ka wuli saayaa kono. Wo kamma la, a be maloo la kuwo kankulaa la Yahuudoolu ye le, aniŋ moo koteŋolu.”
24 Kabiriŋ a be ñiŋ kumoolu fo kaŋ ka a faŋo tankandi, Festus sarita a kaŋ santo ko, “Pawulu, ite ñaamaata le. I la karaŋ baa ye i ñaamandi le.” 25 Bari Pawulu ko a ye ko, “Ǹ na alifaa baa Festus, n ñaa maŋ maa, bari n ka tooñaa niŋ kuma koyoo le fo. 26 Mansakewo ye ñiŋ kuwolu loŋ ne. N si kuwolu bee fo a ye ko ì be ñaameŋ, kaatu a koyita m ma le ko, hani kiliŋ wolu kono maŋ nukuŋ a ma. Ñiŋ kuwolu maŋ ke kulloo kono. 27 Ite Mansa Akiripa, fo i laata annabiyomoolu la le baŋ? Ŋa a loŋ ne ko, i laata ì la le.”
28 Wo to le Mansa Akiripa ko Pawulu ye ko, “Fo i ye a miira le, i be nte sondi noo la tariyaake wo le ñaama ka n ke Kiristu* noomalankoo ti?” 29 Bituŋ Pawulu ye a jaabi ko, “Fo tariyaake waraŋ meerinke baŋ, n ka Alla daani le ko, a kana ke ite dammaa ti, bari alitolu bee mennu ye m moyi bii si ke ko nte be ñaameŋ, bari a kana ke niŋ neejoloolu la.”
30 Bituŋ mansakewo wulita, aniŋ kumandaŋo, Berinise niŋ doolu bee mennu be siiriŋ ì fee. 31 Kabiriŋ ì bota jee, ì ko ñoo ye ko, “Ñiŋ kewo maŋ feŋ ke, meŋ jarita saayaa la, waraŋ ka a soroŋ bunjawoo to.” 32 Wo to le Akiripa ko Festus ye ko, “Ñiŋ kewo si bula noo le, niŋ a maŋ Rooma bankoo la mansa* la a kiitindoo daani.”
Paul's Defense before Agrippa
1 Agrippa told Paul, “You may now speak for yourself.”
Paul stretched out his hand and said:
2 King Agrippa, I am glad for this chance to defend myself before you today on all these charges my own people have brought against me. 3 You know a lot about our religious customs and the beliefs that divide us. So I ask you to listen patiently to me.
4-5 All the Jews have known me since I was a child. They know what kind of life I have lived in my own country and in Jerusalem. And if they were willing, they could tell you I was a Pharisee, a member of a group that is stricter than any other. 6 Now I am on trial because I believe the promise God made to our people long ago.
7 Day and night our twelve tribes have earnestly served God, waiting for his promised blessings. King Agrippa, because of this hope, some of our leaders have brought charges against me. 8 Why should any of you doubt that God raises the dead to life?
9 I once thought that I should do everything I could to oppose Jesus from Nazareth. 10 I did this first in Jerusalem, and with the authority of the chief priests I put many of God's people in jail. I even voted for them to be killed. 11 I often had them punished in our synagogues, and I tried to make them give up their faith. In fact, I was so angry with them, that I went looking for them in foreign cities.
12 King Agrippa, one day I was on my way to Damascus with the authority and permission of the chief priests. 13 About noon I saw a light brighter than the sun. It flashed from heaven on me and on everyone traveling with me. 14 We all fell to the ground. Then I heard a voice say to me in Aramaic, “Saul, Saul, why are you so cruel to me? It's foolish to fight against me!”
15 “Who are you?” I asked.
Then the Lord answered, “I am Jesus! I am the one you are so cruel to. 16 Now stand up. I have appeared to you, because I have chosen you to be my servant. You are to tell others what you have learned about me and what I will show you later.”
17 The Lord also said, “I will protect you from the Jews and from the Gentiles that I am sending you to. 18 I want you to open their eyes, so they will turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Then their sins will be forgiven, and by faith in me they will become part of God's holy people.”
19 King Agrippa, I obeyed this vision from heaven. 20 First I preached to the people in Damascus, and then I went to Jerusalem and all over Judea. Finally, I went to the Gentiles and said, “Stop sinning and turn to God! Then prove what you have done by the way you live.”
21 That is why some men grabbed me in the temple and tried to kill me. 22 But all this time God has helped me, and I have preached both to the rich and to the poor. I have told them only what the prophets and Moses said would happen. 23 I told them how the Messiah would suffer and be the first to be raised from death, so he could bring light to his own people and to the Gentiles.
24 Before Paul finished defending himself, Festus shouted, “Paul, you're crazy! Too much learning has driven you out of your mind.”
25 But Paul replied, “Honorable Festus, I am not crazy. What I am saying is true, and it makes sense. 26 None of these things happened off in a corner somewhere. I am sure that King Agrippa knows what I am talking about. That's why I can speak so plainly to him.”
27 Then Paul said to Agrippa, “Do you believe what the prophets said? I know you do.”
28 Agrippa asked Paul, “In such a short time do you think you can talk me into being a Christian?”
29 Paul answered, “Whether it takes a short time or a long time, I wish you and everyone else who hears me today would become just like me! Except, of course, for these chains.”
30 Then King Agrippa, Governor Festus, Bernice, and everyone who was with them got up. 31 But before they left, they said, “This man isn't guilty of anything. He doesn't deserve to die or to be put in jail.”
32 Agrippa told Festus, “Paul could have been set free, if he had not asked to be tried by the Roman Emperor.”