Pawulu be Korinti saatewo kono
1 Wo koolaa Pawulu bota Atene, a naata Korinti saatewo to. 2 A ye Yahuudi doo tara jee, meŋ too mu Akila ti, a niŋ a la musoo Pirisilla. A wuluuta Pontus le, bari a maŋ mee, a niŋ a la musoo bota naŋ Italiya, kaatu Rooma bankoo la Mansa* Kalawudiyus ye yaamaroo dii jee le ko, Yahuudoolu bee ye finti. Bituŋ Pawulu taata ì juubee. 3 A niŋ ì ye mece siifaa kiliŋ ne soto meŋ mu tiriliisi* dadaa ti. Wo kamma la, a sabatita ì fee, a niŋ ì ye dookuwo ke ñoo kaŋ.
4 Loobula Luŋ-wo-Loobula Luŋ, Pawulu ka tara Yahuudi diina bendulaa* kono le. A niŋ ì ka kacaa, aduŋ a ka a kata le ka Yahuudoolu niŋ Jirisinkoolu sondi. 5 Kabiriŋ Silas niŋ Timoti futata jee ka bo Makedoniya, Pawulu ye kawandoo doroŋ ne ke, a ka seedeyaa ke Yeesu la kuwo to ko, ate le mu Alimasiihu* ti. 6 Bari Yahuudoolu ye a soosoo ka a tooñee. Wo kamma la, Pawulu ye a la waramboo firisa ka ke taamanseeroo ti ì ye. A ko ì ye ko, “Ali faŋolu yeloo si tu ali kuŋolu kaŋ! Nte seneyaata ñiŋ kuwo to le. Ka bo saayiŋ na, m be taa moolu le yaa, mennu maŋ ke Yahuudoolu ti.”
7 Bituŋ a bota jee, a taata kee doo la buŋo to, meŋ too mu Titiyus Yustus ti, Alla batulaa le mu. A la buŋo be diina bendulaa le bala. 8 Kirisipus meŋ mu diina bendulaa maralilaa ti, wo laata Maariyo la le, a niŋ a la suukononkoolu bee. Aduŋ Korintinkoolu jamaa mennu ye Alla la kumoo moyi, ì laata le, aniŋ ì batiseeta.
9 Suuto kiliŋ Maariyo diyaamuta Pawulu ye jeroo kono ko, “Kana sila, diyaamu! I kana i deyi, 10 kaatu nte be i fee le. Moo te i boyinkaŋ noo la ka i toorandi. Ŋa moo jamaa le soto ñiŋ saatewo kono.” 11 Wo kamma la Pawulu sabatita jee fo sanji kiliŋ niŋ talaa ka ì karandi Alla la kumoo la.
Pawulu mutata
12 Kalliyo mu Akaya maralibankoo la kumandaŋo ti waatoo meŋ na, Yahuudoolu naata kambeŋ, ì ye Pawulu muta, ì ye a samba kiitiidulaa to. 13 Ì ye a tuumi ko, “Ñiŋ kewo ka moolu karandi Alla batuñaa le la, luwaa maŋ soŋ meŋ na.” 14 Kabiriŋ Pawulu pareeta ka diyaamu doroŋ, Kalliyo ko a tuumilaalu ye ko, “Alitolu Yahuudoolu! Niŋ a ye a tara luwaa tiñaa le mu, waraŋ kuruŋyaa, a be jari la n ye le ka ali lamoyi. 15 Bari niŋ ñininkaaroolu le mu, mennu be dendiŋ kumoolu waraŋ toolu la, aniŋ ali la luwaa, ali si wo juubee ali faŋ fee. Nte te ke la wo kuu siifaalu kiitiikuntulaa ti.” 16 Bituŋ a ye ì bayi ka bo kiitiidulaa to.
17 Bituŋ kafoo ñapita Yahuudi diina bendulaa maralilaa Sostenes kaŋ wo le ñaama, ì ye a buutee kiitiidulaa ñaatiliŋo la. Kalliyo ye a ñaa kaasi ì la, a maŋ a muta feŋ ti.
Pawulu be Yerusalaamu niŋ Antiyoki
18 Wo koolaa Pawulu sabatita jee fo tili jamaa. Bituŋ a sarata baadiŋolu* la, a teyita ka taa Siriya tundoo kaŋ, Pirisilla niŋ Akila ye a dandaŋ. Janniŋ ì ka taa, Pawulu ye a kuŋo lii Kenkereya saatewo kono ko Yahuudoolu la aadoo be ñaameŋ, kaatu a ye tawoo le taa nuŋ.
19 Biriŋ ì naata Efesus saatewo kono, Pawulu ye Pirisilla niŋ Akila bula jee. Bari ate faŋo dunta Yahuudi diina bendulaa kono, a niŋ ì kacaata daameŋ. 20 Biriŋ wolu ye a daani ka sabati jee fo waati jaŋ, a maŋ soŋ, 21 bari a sarata ì la ko, “M be muru la ali kaŋ naŋ ne kotenke, niŋ Alla sonta.” Bituŋ a dunta kuluŋo la ka bo Efesus.
22 Kabiriŋ a futata Sisareya, a taata Yerusalaamu ka Yeesu la kafoo moolu kontoŋ. Bituŋ a taata Antiyoki saatewo to. 23 Kabiriŋ a sabatita jee fo waati, a bota jee ka taa dulaalu to taariŋ Kalatiya niŋ Firikiya tundoolu kaŋ, aduŋ a ye Yeesu la kafoo moolu bee bambandi.
Apollos be Efesus niŋ Akaya tundoo kaŋ
24 Yahuudoo doo, meŋ too mu Apollos ti, naata Efesus saatewo to. A wuluuta Alesanderiya saatewo le to. Moo le mu, meŋ ye diyaamoo noo baake, aduŋ a ye Alla la kumoo loŋ baake le fanaa. 25 A ye Maariyo la siloo karaŋ kendeke le, aduŋ a fatiyaata Alla la Nooroo kono. A ka diyaamu Yeesu le la kuwo la, aduŋ a ka karandiroo ke kuuke le, bari a ye Yaayaa la batisoo doroŋ ne loŋ. 26 A ye a dati ka diyaamu fatiyaa kono Yahuudi diina bendulaa kono. Biriŋ Akila niŋ Pirisilla ye a moyi, ì ye a samba ì fee, ì ye Alla la siloo fataŋ-fansi a ye a ñaama.
27 Biriŋ Apollos lafita tambi la Akaya tundoo kaŋ, baadiŋolu ye a wakiilindi. Ì ye leetaroo safee Yeesu la kafoo moolu ye jee ko, ì si a jiyandi. Kabiriŋ Apollos futata jee, Alla la hiinoo tarata a fee, aduŋ a ye baadiŋolu maakoyi baake le. 28 A niŋ sembe baa le ye Yahuudoolu soosoo kenebaa to ka a yitandi ì la, Kitaabu Senuŋolu kono ko, Yeesu le mu Alimasiihu ti.
Paul in Corinth
1 Paul left Athens and went to Corinth, 2 where he met Aquila, a Jewish man from Pontus. Not long before this, Aquila had come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Emperor Claudius had ordered the Jewish people to leave Rome. Paul went to see Aquila and Priscilla 3 and found out they were tent makers. Paul was also a tent maker, so he stayed with them, and they worked together.
4 Every Sabbath, Paul went to the synagogue. He spoke to Jews and Gentiles and tried to win them over. 5 But after Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, he spent all his time preaching to the Jews about Jesus the Messiah. 6 Finally, they turned against him and insulted him. So he shook the dust from his clothes and told them, “Whatever happens to you will be your own fault! I am not to blame. From now on I am going to preach to the Gentiles.”
7 Paul then moved into the house of a man named Titius Justus, who worshiped God and lived next door to the synagogue. 8 Crispus was the leader of the synagogue. He and everyone in his family put their faith in the Lord. Many others in Corinth also heard the message, and all the people who had faith in the Lord were baptized.
9 One night, Paul had a vision, and in it the Lord said, “Don't be afraid to keep on preaching. Don't stop! 10 I am with you, and you won't be harmed. Many people in this city belong to me.” 11 Paul stayed on in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching God's message to the people.
12 While Gallio was governor of Achaia, some of the Jewish leaders got together and grabbed Paul. They brought him into court 13 and said, “This man is trying to make our people worship God in a way that is against our Law!”
14 Even before Paul could speak, Gallio said, “If you were charging this man with a crime or some other wrong, I would have to listen to you. 15 But since this concerns only words, names, and your own law, you will have to take care of it yourselves. I refuse to judge such matters.” 16 Then he sent them out of the court. 17 The crowd grabbed Sosthenes, the Jewish leader, and beat him up in front of the court. But none of this mattered to Gallio.
Paul Returns to Antioch in Syria
18 After Paul had stayed for a while with the Lord's followers in Corinth, he told them goodbye and sailed on to Syria with Aquila and Priscilla. But before he left, he had his head shaved at Cenchreae because he had made a promise to God.
19 The three of them arrived in Ephesus, where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila. He then went into the synagogue to talk with the people there. 20 They asked him to stay longer, but he refused. 21 He told them goodbye and said, “If God lets me, I will come back.”
22 Paul sailed to Caesarea, where he greeted the church. Then he went on to Antioch. 23 After staying there for a while, he left and visited several places in Galatia and Phrygia. He helped the followers there to become stronger in their faith.
Apollos in Ephesus
24 A Jewish man named Apollos came to Ephesus. Apollos had been born in the city of Alexandria. He was a very good speaker and knew a lot about the Scriptures. 25 He also knew much about the Lord's Way, and he spoke about it with great excitement. What he taught about Jesus was right, but all he knew was John's message about baptism.
26 Apollos started speaking bravely in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him to their home and helped him understand God's Way even better.
27 Apollos decided to travel through Achaia. So the Lord's followers wrote letters, encouraging the followers there to welcome him. After Apollos arrived in Achaia, he was a great help to everyone who had put their faith in the Lord Jesus because of God's gift of undeserved grace. 28 He got into fierce arguments with the Jewish people, and in public he used the Scriptures to prove that Jesus is the Messiah.