Sulemani ye ñaameŋo daani
(1 Mansoolu 3:1-15)
1 Dawuda dinkewo Sulemani ye a la mansayaa londi bambandinke le. Yaawe* a la Alla tarata a fee, aduŋ a ye semboo dii a la le famfaŋ.
2 Sulemani ye Banisirayila jamaa moolu bendi, kelediŋ wuli kafu kuntiyolu aniŋ keme kafu kuntiyolu, kiitindirilaalu, kaabiila ñaatonkoolu ka taa fo Banisirayila ñaatonkoolu bee. 3 Sulemani niŋ ñiŋ kafoo bee taata ñoo la batudulaa tintiŋo* to meŋ be Kibeyoni, kaatu Alla la Bendulaa Tiriliisi Senuŋo* be jee le to, Musa Yaawe la dookuulaa ye meŋ loo nuŋ keñewuloo* kono. 4 Bari Alla la Kambeŋ Kunewo*, Dawuda ye wo bondi naŋ Kiriyati-Yeyarimu le, ka a naati naŋ dulaa to Yerusalaamu, a ye tiriliisoo* wanka a ye daameŋ to. 5 Sadaajanidulaa*, Besaleli Uri dinkewo, Huri mamariŋo ye meŋ dadaa jaawaloo la, fanaa be nuŋ Kibeyoni le Yaawe la Tiriliisi Senuŋo ñaatiliŋo la. Mansa Sulemani niŋ moolu bee ye Yaawe batu jee. 6 Bendulaa Tiriliisi Senuŋo ñaatiliŋo la, Sulemani ye jani sadaa wuli kiliŋ ne bo sadaajanidulaa kaŋ ka Yaawe batu.
7 Wo suutoo la Yaawe fintita Sulemani kaŋ, a ko a ye ko, “Feŋ-wo-feŋ daani i lafita ŋa meŋ dii i la.”
8 Bituŋ Sulemani ko Alla ye ko, “I ye kanu bambaloo le yitandi m faamaa Dawuda la, i ye n sindi a la mansasiiraŋo kaŋ. 9 Hee Yaawe Alla, i la laahidoo m faamaa Dawuda ye, ye timma saayiŋ, kaatu i ye n ke mansa ti moolu le kunna mennu be siyaariŋ ko bankumunkoo. 10 Wo to ñaameŋo niŋ fahaamuroo dii n na, i la dookuulaa, ka i la moolu ñaatonkayaa, kaatu niŋ wo nte, jumaa le si i la ñiŋ moo jamaalu mara noo?”
11 Alla ko a ye ko, “Bayiri i ye ñiŋ ne ŋaniya, i maŋ naafuloo, fankoo, horomoo, waraŋ siimaayaa daani i faŋo ye, waraŋ i jawoolu la faa, bari ñaameŋo niŋ fahaamuroo, i ye wo le daani, fo i si n na moolu mara noo, ŋa i ke mansa ti mennu kunna, 12 saayiŋ m be ñaameŋo niŋ fahaamuroo dii la i la le. M be fankoo, naafuloo, aniŋ horomoo fanaa dii la i la, mansa nene maŋ meŋ ñoŋo soto, aduŋ mansa nene te a soto la.”
Mansa Sulemani la semboo niŋ fankoo
(1 Mansoolu 10:26-29)
13 Bituŋ Sulemani bota naŋ Kibeyoni batudulaa tintiŋo to, Bendulaa Tiriliisi Senuŋo ñaatiliŋo la, a muruta Yerusalaamu, a ye Banisirayila mara. 14 Sulemani ye keleraŋ sareetoolu* niŋ suwoolu kafu ñoo ma, a ye keleraŋ sareeti wuli kiliŋ sareeti keme naani le soto, aniŋ suu wuli taŋ niŋ fula. A ye ñinnu doolu maabo saatewolu le to, a ka keleraŋ sareetoolu maabo daameŋ, a ye doolu tu a faŋo fee Yerusalaamu. 15 A ye kodiforoo niŋ sanoo fuumandi Yerusalaamu le komeŋ beroo, aduŋ sedari* babaroo fuumata le komeŋ sikamu sooto yiroolu mennu be Sefela* konkotundoo* to. 16 Ì ye Sulemani la suwoolu bondi naŋ Misira le aniŋ Kuwe. Mansa la safaarilaalu ye ì saŋ naŋ Kuwe le. 17 Ì ka keleraŋ sareeti kiliŋ-wo-kiliŋ saŋ naŋ Misira kodiforo kuntu keme wooro le la, bituŋ suu kiliŋ-wo-kiliŋ, ì ka wo saŋ kodiforo kuntu keme niŋ taŋ luulu le la. Aduŋ ì ka ì waafi Hitinkoolu niŋ Aramunkoolu la mansoolu fanaa ma le.
The Lord Makes Solomon Wise
(1 Kings 3.1-15)
1 King Solomon, the son of David, was now in complete control of his kingdom, because the Lord God had blessed him and made him a powerful king.
2-5 At that time, the sacred tent that Moses the servant of the Lord had made in the desert was still kept at Gibeon, and in front of the tent was the bronze altar that Bezalel had made.
One day, Solomon told the people of Israel, the army commanders, the officials, and the family leaders, to go with him to the place of worship at Gibeon, even though his father King David had already moved the sacred chest from Kiriath-Jearim to the tent that he had set up for it in Jerusalem. Solomon and the others went to Gibeon to worship the Lord, 6 and there at the bronze altar, Solomon offered a thousand animals as sacrifices to please the Lord.
7 God appeared to Solomon that night in a dream and said, “Solomon, ask for anything you want, and I will give it to you.”
8 Solomon answered:
Lord God, you were always loyal to my father David, and now you have made me king of Israel. 9 I am supposed to rule these people, but there are as many of them as there are specks of dust on the ground. So keep the promise you made to my father 10 and make me wise. Give me the knowledge I'll need to be the king of this great nation of yours.
11 God replied:
Solomon, you could have asked me to make you rich or famous or to let you live a long time. Or you could have asked for your enemies to be destroyed. Instead, you asked for wisdom and knowledge to rule my people. 12 So I will make you wise and intelligent. But I will also make you richer and more famous than any king before or after you.
13 Solomon then left Gibeon and returned to Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel.
Solomon's Wealth
(1 Kings 10.26-29)
14 Solomon had a force of 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses that he kept in Jerusalem and other towns.
15 While Solomon was king of Israel, there was silver and gold everywhere in Jerusalem, and cedar was as common as ordinary sycamore trees in the foothills.
16-17 Solomon's merchants bought his horses and chariots in the regions of Musri and Kue. They paid 600 pieces of silver for a chariot and 150 pieces of silver for a horse. They also sold horses and chariots to the Hittite and Syrian kings.