1 Nte Pawulu, Silas aniŋ Timoti be Yeesu la kafoo moolu kontoŋ na, mennu be Tesalonika saatewo kono aniŋ mennu bee mu m̀ Faamaa Alla taa ti, aniŋ Maarii Yeesu Kiristu*. Hiinoo niŋ kayiroo be ali fee.
Tenturoo Tesalonikankoolu la lannoo to
2 Ǹ ka tu Alla tentu la le doroŋ ali bee la kuwo kamma la, niŋ m̀ be duwaa la. 3 Ǹ hakiloolu ka tu bula la ali la m̀ Faamaa Alla ñaatiliŋo la le. M̀ buka ñina ali la dookuwo la lannoo kono, ali la kata kuwolu kanoo kono, aniŋ jiki bambandiŋo, ali ye meŋ soto m̀ Maarii Yeesu Kiristu la kuwo to. 4 M̀ baadiŋolu*, Alla ye mennu kanu, ŋà a loŋ ne ko, Alla le ye ali tomboŋ, 5 baawo kibaari betoo, ǹ ka meŋ kawandi, a maŋ naa ali kaŋ kumoolu doroŋ na, bari semboo niŋ Noora Kuliŋo, wolu niŋ dankeneyaa timmariŋo. Alitolu ye a loŋ ne, m̀ be baluuriŋ ali kono ñaameŋ ali la kuwo kamma la. 6 Bituŋ ali naata ntolu niŋ m̀ Maariyo la kuwo nikiŋ. Ali be tooroo kono ñaa-wo-ñaa, ali ye kumoo muta seewoo kono, seewoo meŋ naata ka bo niŋ Noora Kuliŋo la. 7 Wo naata a tinna le ali keta misaaloo ti Yeesu noomalankoolu bee ye, mennu be Makedoniya aniŋ Akaya tundoolu kaŋ. 8 Ka bo alitolu la Maariyo la kumoo naata futa dulaalu bee to. A maŋ ke Makedoniya niŋ Akaya doroŋ ti, bari moolu ye a loŋ ne daa-wo-daa, ali ye lannoo meŋ soto Alla la kuwo to. Wo to, a maŋ jari ntolu ye feŋ fo wo to, 9 kaatu ì faŋolu le ye kuwolu fo, ali ye m̀ buuñaa ñaameŋ biriŋ ǹ naata ali yaa. Ì ye a fo le, ali ye ali koo dii jalaŋolu la ñaameŋ ka naa Alla kaŋ, ka a batu, meŋ mu Alla baluuriŋo niŋ Alla tooñaa ti. 10 Ì ye a fo le fanaa, alitolu be a Dinkewo la naa batu kaŋ ñaameŋ ka bo saŋo santo. Alla ye ate le wulindi ka bo saayaa kono. Ate le mu Yeesu ti, meŋ ka ǹ kanandi Alla la kamfaa baa ma, meŋ ka naa.
1 From Paul, Silas, and Timothy.
To the church in Thessalonica, the people of God the Father and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray that God will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!
2 We thank God for you and always mention you in our prayers. Each time we pray, 3 we tell God our Father about your faith and loving work and about your firm hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Thessalonians' Faith and Example
4 My dear friends, God loves you, and we know he has chosen you to be his people. 5 When we told you the good news, it was with the power and assurance that come from the Holy Spirit, and not simply with words. You knew what kind of people we were and how we helped you. 6 So, when you accepted the message, you followed our example and the example of the Lord. You suffered, but the Holy Spirit made you glad.
7 You became an example for all the Lord's followers in Macedonia and Achaia. 8 And because of you, the Lord's message has spread everywhere in those regions. Now the news of your faith in God is known all over the world, and we don't have to say a thing about it. 9 Everyone is talking about how you welcomed us and how you turned away from idols to serve the true and living God. 10 They also tell how you are waiting for his Son Jesus to come from heaven. God raised him from death, and on the day of judgment Jesus will save us from God's anger.