Ǹ na baluwo Alla ye
1 Wo kamma la, baawo Kiristu* toorata a balajaatoo kono le, alitolu fanaa si i muña wolu la, kaatu moo meŋ toorata a balajaatoo kono, wo maarii fatata junuboo la le. 2 Wo to, ka bo saayiŋ na, waatoo meŋ tuta ali la baluwo to duniyaa kono jaŋ, ali kana tu baluuriŋ kotenke balajaatoo la hame kuu jawoolu la, bari ali si Alla la lafoo nooma. 3 Waatoo meŋ tambita, wo si kaañaŋ alitolu fee kuwolu to, Alla lombaloolu ka baara mennu la. Wo kuwolu le mu malubaliyaa ti, hame kuu jawoolu, siiroo, bumbaayoo, bidaŋo, aniŋ jalambatoo, meŋ niŋ hani luwaa faŋo maŋ taa ñoo la. 4 Ì jaakalita alitolu la kuwo la le ko, saayiŋ ali maŋ kafu ì ma kotenke wo baluuñaa jawoo kono, ì be tunendiŋ meŋ kono. Wo le ye a tinna ì ka kuma jawoolu fo ali ma. 5 Bari ali kana ñina ko, labaŋo la ì be ì faŋolu kontibo la ate le ñaatiliŋo la, meŋ be pareeriŋ ka kendoolu niŋ furewolu kiitindi. 6 Ñiŋ daliiloo le ye a tinna, kibaari betoo kawandita hani moolu fanaa ye, mennu faata fokabaŋ. Ì la saayaa keta kiitiyo le ti, meŋ ka ke hadamadiŋolu baloo la, bari ì naata baluu nooroo kono le, ko Alla be ñaameŋ.
Alla la soorifeŋolu ñanta dookundi la ì ñaama le
7 Ñiŋ duniyaa feŋolu bee ka naa baŋ ne. Wo kamma la, ali ali faŋ muta kuu, ali ye tara ali ñaa la ka duwaa a ñaama. 8 Aduŋ meŋ kummaayaata kuwolu bee ti, ali ñoo kanu, ali ye tu looriŋ wo kaŋ, baawo kanoo le ka a tinna, yamfoo ka ke junube jamaa la. 9 Ali ali ŋaniyoo yele, ali ye ñoo jiyaa, aduŋ ali kana a ke ŋunuŋunoo kono.
10 Alla ye soorifeŋo dii alitolu meŋ-wo-meŋ na le, ka bo a la soorifeŋ jamaa kono, mennu maŋ kiliŋ. Ali ì dookundi ì ñaama, baawo ali mu Alla la dookuulaalu le ti, a ye a la soorifeŋolu karafa mennu ma. 11 Moo meŋ ka kawandoo ke, a si a ke ko, a ka Alla faŋo la kumoolu le kawandi. Meŋ ka maakoyiri dookuwo ke, a si a ke niŋ semboo bee la, Alla ye meŋ dii a la, fo Alla si horoma kuu-wo-kuu to, ka bo niŋ Yeesu Kiristu la. Semboo niŋ waroo aniŋ maraloo bee be ate le ye, fo abadaa. Amiin.
Wakiilindiroo Yeesu noomalankoolu ye tooroo kono
12 N kanuntewolu, ali kana jaakali toora koleŋo la, meŋ be ali kotobo kaŋ ko dimbaa. A kana ke feŋ ti ali fee, meŋ maneeta. 13 Bari wo noo to, ali si seewoo, kaatu ali be ali niyo le soto kaŋ Kiristu la tooroo kono. Bituŋ ali si i yillaa kontaanoo niŋ jusulaa baa la, niŋ a la kallankeeyaa* lankenemata. 14 Niŋ moolu ye ali neŋ Kiristu too kamma la, ali barakata le, kaatu Alla la Nooroo be ali kaŋ ne, meŋ kallankeeyaata. 15 Bari ali moo-wo-moo la tooroo sababoo kana ke moofaa ti, suuñaaroo, kuu kuruŋ kewo, waraŋ naafikiyaa. 16 Hani niŋ moo toorata ali kono, kaatu a mu Kiristu noomalankoo le ti, a maarii kana malu, bari a si Alla horomandi niŋ wo too la.
17 Waatoo siita le ka kiitiyo dati Alla la dimbaayaalu la. Wo to, niŋ a datita ntolu la, muŋ ne be ke la wo moolu labaŋo ti, mennu maŋ Alla la kibaari betoo yaamaroolu muta?
18 “Niŋ moo tilindiŋo la kiisoo maŋ ke kuu feemaa ti,
wo to moo kuruŋo niŋ junubekelaa taa be ke la ñaadii le?”
19 Wo to, moolu mennu ka toora Alla la lafoo kaŋ, ì si tu baara betoo kaŋ, ì ye ì niyolu karafa ì Daamansoo la, meŋ foroyaata.
Being Faithful to God
1 Christ suffered here on earth. Now you must be ready to suffer as he did, because suffering shows that you have stopped sinning. 2 It means you have turned from your own desires and want to obey God for the rest of your life. 3 You have already lived long enough like people who don't know God. You were immoral and followed your evil desires. You went around drinking and partying and carrying on. In fact, you even worshiped disgusting idols. 4 Now your former friends wonder why you have stopped running around with them, and they curse you for it. 5 But they will have to answer to God, who judges the living and the dead. 6 The good news has even been preached to the dead, so that after they have been judged for what they have done in this life, their spirits will live with God.
7 Everything will soon come to an end. So be serious and be sensible enough to pray.
8 Most important of all, you must sincerely love each other, because love wipes away many sins.
9 Welcome people into your home and don't grumble about it.
10 Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well. 11 If you have the gift of speaking, preach God's message. If you have the gift of helping others, do it with the strength that God supplies. Everything should be done in a way that will bring honor to God because of Jesus Christ, who is glorious and powerful forever. Amen.
Suffering for Being a Christian
12 Dear friends, don't be surprised or shocked that you are going through testing that is like walking through fire. 13 Be glad for the chance to suffer as Christ suffered. It will prepare you for even greater happiness when he makes his glorious return.
14 Count it a blessing when you suffer for being a Christian. This shows that God's glorious Spirit is with you. 15 But you deserve to suffer if you are a murderer, a thief, a crook, or a busybody. 16 Don't be ashamed to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God that you belong to him. 17 God has already begun judging his own people. And if his judgment begins with us, imagine how terrible it will be for those who refuse to obey his message. The Scriptures say,

18 “If good people barely escape,
what will happen to sinners
and to others
who don't respect God?”

19 If you suffer for obeying God, you must have complete faith in your faithful Creator and keep on doing right.