Dawuda ye Raba saatewo muta
(2 Samuweli 12:26-31)
1 Tilikandoo kono, waatoo meŋ na mansoolu ka taa keloo la, Yowabu le ye kelediŋolu ñaatonkayaa keloo ñiŋ to. Ì ye Ammoni bankoo kasaara, ì ye ì la saatee baa Raba fanaa murubeŋ. Bari Dawuda faŋo tuta Yerusalaamu le. Yowabu ye Raba kele, a ye a kasaara. 2 Dawuda ye sani naafoo taa, meŋ be Moleki Ammoninkoolu la jalaŋo kuŋo to, meŋ kaañanta kilo taŋ saba niŋ luulu fee, bere ñiimaa be a bala. A ye a ke a faŋo kuŋo to. A ye feŋ jamaa le taa saatewo kono. 3 Aduŋ a ye moolu fintindi saatewo kono, a ye ì dookundi niŋ seeroolu, dabandiŋolu aniŋ teeraŋolu la. Dawuda ye ñiŋ kuu kiliŋo le ke Ammoninkoolu la saatewolu bee la. Bituŋ a niŋ a la kelediŋolu muruta Yerusalaamu.
Filisitinkoolu kelendoo
(2 Samuweli 21:15-22)
4 Ñiŋ kuwo koolaa, keloo wulita Filisitinkoolu niŋ Banisirayilankoolu teema Keseri saatewo to. Bituŋ Sibekayi Husankoo ye Sipayi faa meŋ mu Rafa koomalankoo ti, aduŋ Filisitinkoolu ye ì faŋo seyi Banisirayilankoolu ma.
5 Ì niŋ Filisitinkoolu keleta kotenke, Elihanani Yayiri dinkewo ye Laami, Koliyati Kitinkoo baadiŋo faa, meŋ na soora faloo la waroo ka munta ko kuruntoo.
6 Aduŋ kele doo meŋ keta Kati saatewo to kotenke, kee mendiŋ baa doo le be jee, meŋ bulu-wo-bulu ye bulukondiŋ wooro soto, aduŋ a siŋ-wo-siŋ ye sinkondiŋ wooro le soto, a bee kaañanta muwaŋ niŋ naani le fee. Aduŋ fanaa a mu Rafa koomalankoo le ti. 7 Kabiriŋ a ye Banisirayilankoolu hadaañi, Yonatani ye a faa, meŋ mu Dawuda kotoomaa Simeya dinkewo ti.
8 Ñiŋ moo saboo le keta Rafa koomalankoolu ti, mennu be Kati, aduŋ Dawuda niŋ a la kewolu le ye ì bee faa.
The End of the War with Ammon
(2 Samuel 11.12 12.26-31)
1 The next spring, the time when kings go to war, Joab marched out in command of the Israelite army and destroyed towns all over the country of Ammon. He attacked the capital city of Rabbah and left it in ruins. But David stayed in Jerusalem.
2 Later, David himself went to Rabbah, where he took the crown from the statue of their god Milcom. The crown was made of about 34 kilograms of gold, and there was a valuable jewel on it. David put the jewel on his crown, then carried off everything else of value. 3 He forced the people of Rabbah to work with saws, iron picks, and axes. He also did the same thing with the people in all the other Ammonite towns.
David then led Israel's army back to Jerusalem.
The Descendants of the Rephaim
(2 Samuel 21.15-22)
4 Some time later, Israel fought a battle against the Philistines at Gezer. During this battle, Sibbecai from Hushah killed Sippai, a descendant of the Rephaim, and the Philistines were defeated.
5 In another battle against the Philistines, Elhanan the son of Jair killed Lahmi the brother of Goliath from Gath, whose spear shaft was like a weaver's beam.
6 Another one of the Philistine soldiers who was a descendant of the Rephaim was as big as a giant and had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. During a battle at Gath, 7 he made fun of Israel, so David's nephew Jonathan killed him.
8 David and his soldiers killed these three men from Gath who were descendants of the Rephaim.