A Passover Song
1 When the people of Israel left Egypt,
when Jacob's descendants left that foreign land,
2 Judah became the Lord's holy people,
Israel became his own possession.

3 The Red Sea looked and ran away;
the Jordan River stopped flowing.
4 The mountains skipped like goats;
the hills jumped around like lambs.

5 What happened, Sea, to make you run away?
And you, O Jordan, why did you stop flowing?
6 You mountains, why did you skip like goats?
You hills, why did you jump around like lambs?

7 Tremble, earth, at the Lord's coming,
at the presence of the God of Jacob,
8 who changes rocks into pools of water
and solid cliffs into flowing springs.
Ps 77:12-21Ps 78:12-16. Ha 3:3-13.
1 Quand Israël sortit d’Égypte,
Quand la maison de Jacob s’éloigna d’un peuple barbare,
2 Juda devint son sanctuaire,
Israël fut son domaine.
3 La mer le vit et s’enfuit,
Le Jourdain retourna en arrière;
4 Les montagnes sautèrent comme des béliers,
Les collines comme des agneaux.
5 Qu’as-tu, mer, pour t’enfuir,
Jourdain, pour retourner en arrière?
6 Qu’avez-vous, montagnes, pour sauter comme des béliers,
Et vous, collines, comme des agneaux?
7 Tremble devant le Seigneur, ô terre!
Devant le Dieu de Jacob,
8 Qui change le rocher en étang,
Le roc en source d’eaux.