(A psalm and a song by David for the music leader.)
God Will Win the Battle
1 Do something, God!
Scatter your hateful enemies.
Make them turn and run.
2 Scatter them like smoke!
When you come near,
make them melt
like wax in a fire.
3 But let your people be happy
and celebrate because of you.

4 Our God, you are the one
who rides on the clouds,
and we praise you.
Your name is the Lord,
and we celebrate
as we worship you.

5 Our God, from your sacred home
you take care of orphans
and protect widows.
Psalm 68 v6
6 You find families
for those who are lonely.
You set prisoners free
and let them prosper,
but all who rebel will live
in a scorching desert.

7 You set your people free,
and you led them
through the desert.
8 God of Israel,
the earth trembled,
and rain poured down.
You alone are the God
who rules from Mount Sinai.
9 When your land was thirsty,
you sent showers
to refresh it.
10 Your people settled there,
and you were generous
to everyone in need.

11 You gave the command, Lord,
and a chorus of women told
what had happened:
12 “Kings and their armies
retreated and ran,
and everything they left
is now being divided.
13 And for those who stayed back
to guard the sheep,
there are metal doves
with silver-coated wings
and shiny gold feathers.”

14 God All-Powerful, you scattered
the kings like snow falling
on Mount Zalmon.

15 Our Lord and our God,
Bashan is a mighty mountain
covered with peaks.
16 Why is it jealous of Zion,
the mountain you chose
as your home forever?

17 When you, Lord God, appeared
to your people at Sinai,
you came with thousands
of mighty chariots.
18 When you climbed
the high mountain,
you took prisoners with you
and were given gifts.
Your enemies didn't want you
to live there,
but they gave you gifts.

19 We praise you, Lord God!
You treat us with kindness
day after day,
and you rescue us.
20 You always protect us
and save us from death.

21 Our Lord and our God,
your terrible enemies
are ready for war,
but you will crush
their skulls.
22 You promised to bring them
from Bashan
and from the deepest sea.
23 Then we could wash our feet
in their blood,
and our dogs could chew
on their bones.

24 We have seen crowds marching
to your place of worship,
our God and King.
25 Singers come first,
and then the musicians,
surrounded by young women
playing tambourines.
26 They come shouting,
“People of Israel,
praise the Lord God!”
27 The small tribe of Benjamin
leads the way,
followed by the leaders
from Judah.
Then come the leaders
from Zebulun and Naphtali.

28 Our God, show your strength!
Show us once again.
29 Then kings will bring gifts
to your temple
in Jerusalem.

30 Punish that animal
that lives in the swamp!
Punish that nation
whose leaders and people
are like wild bulls.
Make them come crawling
with gifts of silver.
Scatter those nations
that enjoy making war.
31 Force the Egyptians to bring
gifts of bronze;
make the Ethiopians hurry
to offer presents.

32 Now sing praises to God!
Every kingdom on earth,
sing to the Lord!
33 Praise the one who rides
across the ancient skies;
listen as he speaks
with a mighty voice.

34 Tell about God's power!
He is honored in Israel,
and he rules the skies.
35 The God of Israel is fearsome
in his temple,
and he makes us strong.
Let's praise our God!
Alla la moolu ye ì jawoolu noo
Meŋ be suukuulaa ñaatonkayaa la: Dawuda la Jabuura suukuwo le mu.
1 Allamaa Alla ye wuli,
a ye a jawoolu janjandi.
Allamaa a konnantewolu ye i bori a ñaato.
2 Ko foñoo ka siisiyo tindi taariŋ ñaameŋ,
Allamaa a ye ì bayi wo ñaama.
Ko dimbaa maloo ka kaañoo yeluŋ ñaameŋ,
Allamaa moo kuruŋolu ye kasaara Alla ñaatiliŋo la wo ñaama.
3 Bari Allamaa moo tilindiŋolu ye jusulaa
aniŋ ka seewoo Alla ñaatiliŋo la.
Allamaa ì ye kontaani burayi.

4 Ali suukuwolu laa Alla ye,
ali jayiri suukuwolu laa a too la.
Ali suukuwo wulindi a ye,
ate meŋ ka tara tawaloolu kaŋ ka ì borindi.
A too mu Yaawe* le ti,
ali seewoo a ñaatiliŋo la.
5 Alla be a taradulaa senuŋo kono le,
ate le mu aliyatiimoolu faamaa ti,
aniŋ furuyaamusoolu la kiitiiteyilaa.
6 Alla le ka kiideetoo dimbaayandi.
Ate le ka mutamoolu firiŋ,
a ye ì yiriwandi burayi.
Bari balannaalu, wolu be tara la siiriŋ banku jaariŋo le kaŋ.

7 Kooni Alla, tuma meŋ i tambita i la moolu ñaato,
tuma meŋ i taamata ì fee keñewuloo* kono,
8 bankoo jarajarata le,
saŋ fatoolu ye samaajiyo jurumi,
ite Sinayi Konkoo la Alla naatoo naŋ,
ite Alla, Banisirayila la Alla ñaatiliŋo la.

9 Hee Alla, i ye samaajii fuumariŋo le jindi.
I ye i la moolu la keetaabankoo murundi firiŋo kono le
kabiriŋ a be koririŋ.
10 I la moolu ye jee ke ì siidulaa ti le.
Hee Alla, i la beteyaa kaŋ,
i ye diiroo ke fentaŋolu la le.

11 Maariyo la yaamaroo kaŋ,
musu jamaalu ye kibaaroo samba ko:
12 “Mansoolu be bori kaŋ ne,
ì niŋ ì la kelediŋ kafoolu be bori kaŋ ne!”
Musoolu be buusi feŋolu talaa kaŋ suu le.
13 Alitolu doolu ye ali faŋolu yeebu kuu
saajii koorewolu kono ñaa-wo-ñaa,
Banisirayila puraamaa ñarandita kodiforoo le la,
a dampaŋolu ñarandita saniforoo la.
14 Tuma meŋ Alla Tallaa ye mansoolu janjandi bankoo kaŋ,
a ka munta niŋ komboo feeneeta Salimoni Konkoo kaŋ.

15 Hee Basani Konkoo, landafarasa konko.
Hee Basani Konkoo, i niŋ i turu jaŋolu.
16 Hee Konko, i niŋ i turu jaŋolu,
muŋ ne ye a tinna
i ka Siyoni* Konkoo fele kiiliyaa kaŋ,
Alla lafita daameŋ ye ke a taradulaa ti,
Yaawe be tara la daameŋ to fo abadaa?

17 Maariyo bota naŋ Siyoni Konkoo to,
a niŋ a la keleraŋ sareeti* wuli dambaloolu,
ka duŋ a Batudulaa Senuŋo kono.
18 Ite Maariyo, i taata konko jaŋo santo le.
I taatoo ye mutamoolu samba.
I ye moolu la buuñaa soorifeŋolu muta le,
hani mennu balanta i la sabatoo la jee.
19 Tentoo be Maariyo ye,
meŋ buloo ka tara ǹ koto luŋ-wo-luŋ.
Alla le ka ntolu kiisa.
20 Ntolu la Alla mu Alla le ti
meŋ ka kiisandiroo ke.
Ate Yaawe, m̀ Maariyo le ka ntolu kanandi saayaa ma.

21 A be koyiriŋ ne ko,
Alla be a jawoolu kuŋolu teyi la le,
wo kuŋ ñandiŋolu,
mennu ka tu ì la junube siloolu kaŋ.
22 Maariyo ko, “M be n jawoolu murundi la le
ka bo Basani.
M be ì murundi la le
ka bo fankaasoo duumoolu to.
23 Bituŋ ali si ali siŋolu kuu yeloo kono,
hani ali la wuloolu faŋolu si ì niyo soto jee.”

24 Kooni Alla, moolu taamata ñoo nooma le,
ka i la kuwo juura,
ka taama ñoo nooma n na Alla, n na Mansa ye,
ka duŋ i Batudulaa kono.

25 Suukuulaalaalu be ñaato,
kumafeŋ kosilaalu be kooma,
sunkutoolu be teema,
ì be tambuuroolu kosi kaŋ,
ka suukuwo laa ko,
26 “Ali Alla tentu ali la jamaa beŋo to.
Alitolu Banisirayila bonsuŋo moolu,
ali Yaawe tentu.”
27 Benjamini fele ñaato,
lasiloo meŋ dooyaata ì bee ti,
wolu koolaa Yahuuda maralilaalu niŋ ì la kafoolu,
ka taa Sebuluni lasiloo niŋ Nafutali lasiloo maralilaalu.

28 Kooni Alla, i la semboo yitandi,
i ye semboo meŋ taamandi ntolu ye,
29 ka bo i Batudulaa to Yerusalaamu,
mansoolu ye soorifeŋolu dii i la daameŋ.
30 Ñiŋ bantala banku* jawoolu jarabi.
Ñiŋ daafeŋolu mennu be sabatiriŋ seyiŋolu kono,
ñiŋ tuuraalu mennu be ninsiriŋ sembentaŋolu kono.
Mennu ka ǹ kaniŋ naamoo la, ì dori duuma.
Banku moolu janjandi
mennu ka kontaani keloo la.
31 Misira bankoo ye jaawaloo samba naŋ,
Kusi* bankoo ye i tariyaa
ka naa a bulufeŋo tiliŋ Alla la.

32 Alitolu duniyaa mansamarali bankoolu,
ali suukuwo laa Alla ye,
ali jayiri suukuwolu laa Maariyo ye.
33 Ali a laa ate ye, meŋ ka taama saŋ fatoolu kaŋ,
mennu daata biriŋ foloodulaa to.
A moyi baŋ, a ye a kumakaŋo bumbundi le,
a la kumakaŋ sembemaa.
34 Ali sembe waroo fo Alla doroŋ ma.
Ate le mu Mansa horomariŋo ti Banisirayila kunna.
Minaayoolu ka a la semboo yitandi le.
35 Kooni Alla, i ñaasilaŋo warata i batudulaa kono le.
Banisirayila la Alla le ka semboo niŋ fankoo dii a la moolu la.
Tentoo be Alla ye.