Don't Brag about Tomorrow
1 Don't brag about tomorrow!
Each day brings
its own surprises.
2 Don't brag about yourself—
let others praise you.
3 Stones and sand are heavy,
but trouble caused by a fool
is a much heavier load.
4 An angry person is dangerous,
but a jealous person
is even worse.

5 A truly good friend
will openly correct you.
6 You can trust a friend
who corrects you,
but kisses from an enemy
are nothing but lies.
7 If you have had enough to eat,
honey doesn't taste good,
but if you are really hungry,
you will eat anything.

8 When you are far from home,
you feel like a bird
without a nest.
9 The sweet smell of incense
can make you feel good,
but true friendship
is better still.
10 Don't desert an old friend
of your family
or visit your relatives
when you are in trouble.
A friend nearby is better
than relatives far away.

11 My child, show good sense!
Then I will be happy
and able to answer anyone
who criticizes me.
12 Be cautious and hide
when you see danger—
don't be stupid and walk
right into trouble.
13 You deserve to lose your coat
if you loan it to someone
to guarantee payment
for the debt of a stranger.
14 A loud greeting
early in the morning
is the same as a curse.
15 The steady dripping of rain
and the nagging of a wife
are one and the same.
16 It's easier to catch the wind
or hold olive oil in your hand
than to stop a nagging wife.

Proverbs 27 v 17
17 Just as iron sharpens iron,
friends sharpen the minds
of each other.
18 Take care of a tree,
and you will eat its fruit;
look after your master,
and you will be praised.
19 You see your face in a mirror
and your thoughts
in the minds of others.
20 Death and the grave
are never satisfied,
and neither are humans.
21 Gold and silver are tested
in a red-hot furnace,
but we are tested by praise.
22 No matter how hard
you beat a fool,
you can't pound out
the foolishness.

23 You should take good care
of your sheep and goats,
24 because wealth and honor
don't last forever.
25 After the hay is cut
and the new growth appears
and the harvest is over,
26 you can sell lambs and goats
to buy clothes and land.
27 From the milk of the goats,
you can make enough cheese
to feed your family
and all your servants.
Moo doo le ñanta i tentu la, bari i faŋo nte
1 Kana kibiri saama kamma,
kaatu i maŋ a loŋ, saama niŋ meŋ be naa.
2 Moo doo le ñanta i tentu la, bari a maŋ ñaŋ na bo la i faŋo daa,
moo koteŋ ñanta a ke la, bari a maŋ ñaŋ na ke la i faŋo ti.
3 Beroo kuliyaata, bankoo mu dunoo ti,
bari niŋ toolewo ye i ñaawali, wo le kuliyaata ñiŋ fuloo ti.
4 Kamfaa jawuyaata le, jusuboo ka kasaaroo le ke,
bari jumaa le niŋ kiiliyaa si tu noo?
5 Niŋ i ye tooñaa fo moo ye,
wo le fisiyaata kanoo ti meŋ be maaboriŋ.
6 Niŋ i teeroo ye kuu dimindiŋolu ke i la, i si a muña noo,
bari niŋ i jawoo ye i sumbu, i si i hakilitu.
7 Niŋ moo ye domoroo ke fo a konoo faata, liyo buka diyaa a ye,
bari moo konkoriŋo, hani domoroo kuniyaata, a ka diyaa a daa le.
8 Komeŋ kunoo, meŋ caarita a la ñaŋo to,
wo le mu kewo ti, meŋ wudaayita a la suwo kono.
9 Karabaanijiyo niŋ cuuraayoo ka niyo seewondi le,
teeriyaa fanaa diyaa mu ñoo yaamaroo le ti.
10 Kana i koo dii i teeroo la, aniŋ i faamaa teeroo,
aduŋ i kana taa i kotoo la buŋo to, niŋ kooroo boyita i kaŋ.
I siiñoo meŋ be i daala, wo le si i maakoyi noo tariyaake,
ka tambi i kotoo la meŋ be jamfariŋ.
11 N diŋo, ñaameŋ, fo i si seewoo dundi n sondomoo kono,
wo to le n si moo-wo-moo jaabi noo, meŋ lafita ka kuma fo m ma.
12 Hakilimaa ka kuu koyibaloo je le, a ye tankoo ñini,
bari moo sooneeyaariŋ baa ka duŋ a kono le, a ye bataa.
13 Moo la dendikoo taa, niŋ a ye luntaŋo sankayaa i yaa,
aduŋ kana soŋ ka a la dendikoo seyi a ma,
niŋ a ye a ke musu jeenelaa ye.
14 Niŋ moo wulita soomandaa juunoo, a be sari la,
a ko a ka a siiñoo le kontoŋ,
a siiñoo si a fo noo le ko, a ka a danka le.
15 Musu fitinalaa ka munta le ko,
niŋ samaa keta tiloo muumewo la, a maŋ soŋ teyi la.
16 A mutoo ka munta le ko, niŋ i lafita foñoo le muta la,
waraŋ niŋ i lafita tuloo ñafu la i buloo kono.
17 Ko newolu ka ñoo diyaa ñaameŋ,
teeroolu ka ñoo so hakiloo la wo le ñaama.
18 Moo-wo-moo ka sooto yiroo topatoo, a be a diŋo domo la le,
aduŋ dookuulaa meŋ ka a maarii la kuwo hati, a be buuñaa soto la le.
19 Ko i ka i ñaadaa je jiyo kono ñaameŋ,
i ka i sondomoo kono kuwo loŋ wo le ñaama.
20 Kaburoo niŋ laakira buka wasa,
sako ntolu hadamadiŋ hadumeriŋolu.
21 Komeŋ dimbaa ka sanoo niŋ kodiforoo foroyandi ñaameŋ,
moo ka kotobo tenturoo la wo le ñaama.
22 Hani i ye toolewo tuu kuluŋo le kono,
ko i ka ñoo koci ñaameŋ,
i te a la tooleeyaa bondi noo la.
23 I ñanta i la beeyaŋ meseŋolu kalaŋo loŋ na le,
aduŋ i si i hakilitu i la ninsoolu fanaa to,
24 kaatu naafuloo buka tu fo abadaa,
aduŋ mansayaa te tu la fo jamaanoolu ye baŋ.
25 Niŋ i ye ñaamoo kuntu ka a maabo i la beeyaŋolu ye, doo falinta,
aduŋ meŋ bota konkoolu kaŋ, i ye a kafu ñoo ma,
26 i si dendikoo dadaa noo le, ka bo i la saajiitii kunturiŋo to,
i ye i la baa doolu mennu waafi, i si kenoo saŋ niŋ wo kodoo la.
27 Baa toomaalu mennu be tu la jee, i si kali wolu la keekewo dii
i la dimbaayaalu niŋ i la dookuulaa sunkutoolu la.