Watch What You Say and Do
1 The Lord hates anyone
who cheats,
but he likes everyone
who is honest.
2 Too much pride
can put you to shame.
It's wiser to be humble.
3 If you do the right thing,
honesty will be your guide.
But if you are crooked,
you will be trapped
by your own dishonesty.

4 When God is angry,
money won't help you.
Obeying God is the only way
to be saved from death.
5 If you are truly good,
you will do right;
if you are wicked,
you will be destroyed
by your own sin.
6 Honesty can keep you safe,
but if you can't be trusted,
you trap yourself.
7 When the wicked die,
their hopes die with them.
8 Trouble goes right past
the Lord's people
and strikes the wicked.

9 Dishonest people use gossip
to destroy their neighbors;
good people are protected
by their own good sense.
10 When honest people prosper
and the wicked disappear,
the whole city celebrates.
11 Good people bring prosperity
to their city,
but deceitful liars
can destroy a city.

12 It's stupid to say bad things
about your neighbors.
If you are sensible,
you will keep quiet.
13 A gossip tells everything,
but a true friend
will keep a secret.
14 A city without wise leaders
will end up in ruin;
a city with many wise leaders
will be kept safe.

15 It's a dangerous thing
to guarantee payment
for someone's debts.
Don't do it!
16 A gracious woman
will be respected,
but a ruthless man
will only get rich.
17 Kindness is rewarded—
but if you are cruel,
you hurt yourself.
18 Meanness gets you nowhere,
but goodness is rewarded.
19 Always do the right thing,
and you will live;
keep on doing wrong,
and you will die.

20 The Lord hates sneaky people,
but he likes everyone
who lives right.
21 You can be sure of this:
All crooks will be punished,
but God's people won't.
22 A beautiful woman
who acts foolishly
is like a gold ring
on the snout of a pig.
23 Good people want what is best,
but troublemakers
hope to stir up trouble.

24 Sometimes you can become rich
by being generous
or poor by being greedy.
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
25 Generosity will be rewarded:
Give a cup of water,
and you will receive
a cup of water in return.
26 Charge too much for grain,
and you will be cursed;
sell it at a fair price,
and you will be praised.
27 Try hard to do right,
and you will win friends;
go looking for trouble,
and you will find it.
28 Trust in your wealth,
and you will be a failure,
but God's people will prosper
like healthy plants.

29 Fools who cause trouble
in the family
won't inherit a thing.
They will end up as slaves
of someone with good sense.
30 Live right, and you will eat
from the life-giving tree.
And if you act wisely,
others will follow.
31 If good people are rewarded
here on this earth,
all who are cruel and mean
will surely be punished.
Soorilaa baa la naafuloo ka tu siyaariŋ ne
1 Tilimbaliyaa peesaroo mu Yaawe* tanoo le ti,
bari sumandiroo meŋ tilinta, wo ka a seewoo le.
2 Niŋ i ye i faŋ wara, maloo ka naa le,
bari fammajiyo, ñaameŋo ka soto wo le kono.
3 Moo tilindiŋolu la beteyaa le ka ì kanta,
bari jamfaamoolu la jamfaa maañaa le ka ì kasaara.
4 Naafuloo te nafaa soto la Alla la kamfaa luŋo,
bari tiliŋo si moo tanka noo saayaa ma le.
5 Moo meŋ maŋ sootaari soto, la tiliŋo le ka sila kendoo yitandi a la,
bari moo kuruŋo ka bula a faŋo la jawuyaa le kono.
6 Tiliŋ maañaa le ka moo kendoo tanka,
bari tilimbaloo la hame kuu jawoo ka ke a faŋo ye kutindiŋo le ti.
7 Niŋ moo kuruŋo faata, a la jikoo ka tiñaa le,
aduŋ a hame kuwo ka ke a ye kenseŋo le ti.
8 Moo tilindiŋo ka tanka kataa ma le,
wo kataa ye naa muruŋ moo kuruŋo kaŋ.
9 Alla lombaloo ka a siiñoo tiñaa a daakumoo le la,
bari londoo, wo le ka moo tilindiŋo kanandi.
10 Saatee moolu ka seewoo le, niŋ moo tilindiŋo la kuwolu beteyaata,
aduŋ maadiyaa fanaa le ka tara keriŋ, niŋ moo kuruŋo kasaarata.
11 Ka bo niŋ moo kendoolu la neemoo la, wo le ka saatewo yiriwandi,
bari moo kuruŋolu daakumoolu le ka a kasaara.
12 Moo-wo-moo ka moo malundi, buka hakilimaayaa kuu ke,
hakilimaa ka a siiñoo la malu kuwo tu a kono le.
13 Moo daa siyaariŋo ka kulloo waañaaroo le ke,
bari lannamoo ka kulloo maabo le.
14 Niŋ bankoo maŋ yaamarilaa soto, a ka seyi kooma le,
bari niŋ yaamarilaalu siyaata, ñaatotaa buka baayi.
15 Ka luntaŋo sankayaa juloo to, ka bataa le samba naŋ,
bari niŋ i balanta, wo le mu kuu koyiriŋo ti.
16 Musu ŋaniya kendoo ka buuñaa soto le,
bari kee hadumeriŋo ka naafuloo doroŋ ne soto.
17 Moo ŋaniya kendoo ka a faŋo nafaa le,
bari moo ŋaniya jawoo ka mantooroo le naati a faŋo ye.
18 Moo kuruŋo buka a halaaloo soto,
bari meŋ ka kuu betoo baara, a la joo ka ke kuu kendoo le ti.
19 Moo-wo-moo wakiilita ka ke moo tilindiŋo ti, be baluu la le,
bari moo-wo-moo ka bula fitina kuwo nooma, be faa la le.
20 Ŋaniya jawuyaa mu Yaawe tanoo le ti,
bari mennu maŋ sootaari soto, a ka seewoo wolu la kuwolu la le.
21 I si ñiŋ loŋ ko, moo kuruŋo te kana la mantoora kuwo ma,
bari meŋ tilinta, wo be kana la le.
22 Ko sani konnaa ka mulunjawuyaa seewoo nuŋo bala ñaameŋ,
wo le mu musu ñiimaa ti, meŋ maŋ a taañaa loŋ.
23 Moo tilindiŋo ye meŋ ŋaniya, a labaŋo ka ke kuu kendoo le ti,
bari moo kuruŋo hame kuwo, wo labaŋo ka naa ke kamfaa kuwo le ti.
24 Doo ka sooroo ke le waati-wo-waati,
hani wo, a la naafuloo ka tu siyaariŋ,
bari doo buka sooroo ke muumeeke,
a ka naa labaŋ fuwaareyaa la.
25 Sooroo feeyaata meŋ bulu, wo be fankamaayaa la le,
aduŋ moo-wo-moo ye moo so jiyo la, ate fanaa be jiyo soto la le.
26 Moolu ka moo danka le, meŋ ka siimaŋo maabo niŋ a mankita,
bari neemoo be moo le ye, meŋ ka a waafi wo waatoo.
27 Niŋ i ye a kata kendeke ka kuu kendoo ñini,
i be maakoyiroo soto la le,
bari kuu jawoo ka naa moo le kaŋ meŋ ka a ñini.
28 Moo-wo-moo ye a jikoo loo a la naafuloo kaŋ, a be kasaara la le,
bari moo tilindiŋolu be firiŋ na le ko teŋ firoo.
29 Moo meŋ ka mantoora kuwo samba a baadiŋolu kaŋ,
wo te feŋ keetaa la fo foño kenseŋo,
aduŋ toolewo le be ke la moo ñaamendiŋo la joŋo ti.
30 Moo tilindiŋo sotofeŋo mu baluwo yiroo le ti,
bari fitinoo ka moofaa le saabu.
31 Niŋ moo tilindiŋo la baaroo ka joo ñiŋ duniyaa kono,
wo to tooñaa-tooñaa, moo kuruŋo niŋ junubelaa fanaa be ì taa soto la le.