(By David.)
The Lord's Wonderful Love
Happy Father’s Day
1 With all my heart
I praise the Lord,
and with all that I am
I praise his holy name!
2 With all my heart
I praise the Lord!
I will never forget
how kind he has been.

3 The Lord forgives our sins,
heals us when we are sick,
4 and protects us from death.
His kindness and love
are a crown on our heads.
5 Each day that we live,
he provides for our needs
and gives us the strength
of a young eagle.

6 For all who are mistreated,
the Lord brings justice.
7 He taught his Law to Moses
and showed all Israel
what he could do.

8 The Lord is merciful!
He is kind and patient,
and his love never fails.
9 The Lord won't always be angry
and point out our sins;
10 he doesn't punish us
as our sins deserve.

11 How great is God's love for all
who worship him?
Greater than the distance
between heaven and earth!
12 How far has the Lord taken
our sins from us?
Farther than the distance
from east to west!

13 Just as parents are kind
to their children,
the Lord is kind
to all who worship him,
14 because he knows
we are made of dust.
15 We humans are like grass
or wild flowers
that quickly bloom.
16 But a scorching wind blows,
and they quickly wither
to be forever forgotten.

17 The Lord is always kind
to those who worship him,
and he keeps his promises
to their descendants
18 who faithfully obey him.

19 God has set up his kingdom
in heaven, and he rules
the whole creation.
20 All of you mighty angels,
who obey God's commands,
come and praise your Lord!
21 All of you thousands
who serve and obey God,
come and praise your Lord!
22 All of God's creation
and all that he rules,
come and praise your Lord!
With all my heart
I praise the Lord!
Alla tentoo a la beteyaa kaŋ
Dawuda la Jabuuroo.
1 Nte niyo be Yaawe* jayi la le.
Ka bo niŋ n sondomoo bee la,
m be a too senuŋo jayi la le.
2 Nte be Yaawe jayi la le de,
aduŋ n te ñina la a ye kuu betoolu mennu ke.
3 Ate le ka n na junuboolu bee kafari,
aduŋ a ka n na kuuraŋolu bee kendeyandi.
4 A ye n tanka kaburoo ma,
aduŋ a ka tu kanu bambaloo niŋ balafaa le yitandi n na.
5 A ka n wasandi beteyaa doroŋ ne la,
ka n na fondinkeeyaa kutayandi,
komeŋ niŋ duwaforoo ye i wooci.

6 Yaawe le ka kiitiyo teyi moolu bee ye,
mennu be mantooroo kono,
ka ì la boloo dii ì la.
7 A ye kuwolu lankenemayandi Musa ye le,
a lafita mennu ke la,
aduŋ a ye a la kaawakuu baalu yitandi Banisirayilankoolu la le.
8 Yaawe balafaa warata le,
a hiinanteeyaata.
A buka kamfaa juuna,
a la kanu bambaloo maŋ dandulaa soto.
9 A buka tu a la moolu jalayi la,
sako ka tu kamfaariŋ ì kamma fo abadaa.
10 A buka ǹ sanka ko a ñanta ñaameŋ,
hani wo a ka ǹ jarabi ǹ na junuboolu kaŋ ne,
aniŋ ǹ na hakoolu.
11 Saŋ fatoolu be warariŋ santo bankoo kunto ñaameŋ,
a la kanu bambaloo be warariŋ moolu ye wo le ñaama,
mennu ye a kuliyaa.
12 Tilibo niŋ tilijii be jamfariŋ ñoo la ñaameŋ
a ye ǹ na junuboolu jamfandi ǹ na wo le ñaama.

13 Wuluufaa konotoo ka diyaa a diŋolu fee ñaameŋ,
Yaawe konotoo ka diyaa moolu fee wo le ñaama,
mennu ye a kuliyaa.
14 A ye a loŋ ne ǹ daata ñaameŋ,
a ye a loŋ ne ko ntolu mu bankumunkoo le ti.
15 Hadamadiŋo la baluwo ka munta le ko ñaamoo.
A ka soroŋ ne komeŋ wulakono firoo,
16 niŋ foñoo ye a fee, a ye taa,
aduŋ moo te a noo je la fereŋ.

17 Bari Yaawe la kanu bambaloo ka tu moolu ye le,
mennu ye a kuliyaa,
fo abadaa.
A ka tu beteyaariŋ jamaani-wo-jamaani moolu fee le,
18 mennu ye a la kambeŋo muta,
ì ka tu tilindiŋ a la yaamaroolu kaŋ.

19 Yaawe ye a la mansasiiraŋo londi Arijana kono le,
aduŋ ate le mu daafeŋolu bee la Mansa ti.
20 Alitolu malaayika sembemaa baalu,
mennu ka i lamoyi a la kumoo la,
ka a la yaamaroolu bee taamandi,
ali Yaawe jayi.
21 Alitolu alihawaa kono sembemaalu,
a la dookuulaalu, mennu ka a la lafoo ke,
ali Yaawe jayi.
22 Yaawe la daafeŋolu bee si a jayi daa-wo-daa,
a la mansabaayaa kono.
Nte niyo be Yaawe jayi la le.