The People of Judah Will Die
1 The Lord said to me:
Even if Moses and Samuel were here, praying with you, I wouldn't change my mind. So send the people of Judah away. 2 And when they ask where they are going, tell them that I, the Lord, have said:
Some of you are going to die
of horrible diseases.
Others are going to die in war
or from starvation.
The rest will be led away
to a foreign country.
3 I will punish you
in four different ways:
You will be killed in war
and your bodies dragged off
by dogs,
your flesh will be eaten by birds,
and your bones will be chewed on
by wild animals.
4 This punishment will happen
because of the horrible things
your King Manasseh did.
And you will be disgusting
to all nations on earth.
5 People of Jerusalem,
who will feel sorry for you?
Will anyone bother
to ask if you are well?
6 My people, you abandoned me
and walked away.
I am tired of showing mercy;
that's why I'll destroy you
7 by scattering you like straw
blown by the wind.
I will punish you with sorrow
and death,
because you refuse
to change your ways.
8 There will be more widows
in Judah
than grains of sand on a beach.
A surprise attack at noon!
And the mothers in Jerusalem
mourn for their children.
9 A mother is in deep despair
and struggles for breath.
Her daylight has turned
to darkness—
she has suffered the loss
of her seven sons.
I will kill anyone who survives.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
Jeremiah Complains
10 I wish I had never been born!
I'm always in trouble
with everyone in Judah.
I never lend or borrow money,
but everyone curses me
just the same.
11 Then the Lord replied,
“I promise to protect you,
and when disaster comes,
even your enemies
will beg you for help.”
The Enemy Cannot Be Defeated
The Lord told me to say:
12 People of Judah,
just as you can't break iron
mixed with bronze,
you can't defeat the enemies
that will attack
from the north.
13 I will give them
everything you own,
because you have sinned
everywhere in your country.
14 My anger is a fire
that cannot be put out,
so I will make you slaves
of your enemies
in a foreign land.
Jeremiah Complains Again
15 You can see how I suffer
insult after insult,
all because of you, Lord.
Don't be so patient
with my enemies;
take revenge on them
before they kill me.
16 When you spoke to me,
I was glad to obey,
because I belong to you,
the Lord All-Powerful.
17 I don't go to parties
and have a good time.
Instead, I keep to myself,
because you have filled me
with your anger.
18 I am badly injured
and in constant pain.
Are you going to disappoint me,
like a stream that goes dry
in the heat of summer?
The Lord Replies
19 Then the Lord told me:
Stop talking like a fool!
If you turn back to me
and speak my message,
I will let you be my prophet
once again.
I hope the people of Judah
will accept what you say.
But you can ignore their threats,
* 20 because I am making you strong,
like a bronze wall.
They are evil and violent,
but when they attack,
21 I will be there to rescue you.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
Yahuuda moolu te tanka la kasaaroo ma
1 Bituŋ Yaawe* ko n ye ko, “Hani niŋ Annabilayi Musa niŋ Annabilayi Samuweli le loota n ñaatiliŋo la ka n daani ñiŋ moolu la kuwo la, n te balafaa la ì ye. Ì bayi ì ye bo n ñaa koto, ì ye taa jana! 2 Niŋ ì ye i ñininkaa ko, ‘M̀ be taa mintoo le?’ a fo ì ye, nte Yaawe ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
Mennu taa mu alibalaa kuuraŋo ti,
wolu niŋ alibalaa kuuraŋo le mu,
mennu taa mu ka faa hawusaroo* la,
wolu niŋ hawusaroo le mu,
mennu taa mu ka faa konkoo la,
wolu niŋ konkoo le mu,
mennu taa mu ka taa mutoo kono,
wolu niŋ mutoo le mu.”
3 Yaawe le ye ñiŋ bankee ko: “M be kasaara kuu naani le naati la ì kaŋ. Wolu le mu ka ì faa hawusaroo la, wuloolu ye ì furewolu kuruntu, duwoolu ye ì domo, wulakono daafeŋolu ye ì too labaŋ. 4 M be ì la kuwo ke la duniyaa mansamarali bankoolu bee ye masilaŋo le ti, Hesekiya dinkewo Manase kekuwo kaŋ, biriŋ a keta Yahuuda mansa ti Yerusalaamu saatewo kono.”
5 Yaawe ko:
“Jumaa le be balafaa la alitolu Yerusalaamu moolu ye,
waraŋ jumaa le be ali la kuwo kumboo la?
Jumaa le be hani jenke la kara la
ka ali la kuwo hati?
6 Alitolu le ye i bo nte to,
ali tuta ali koo dii la n na.
Wo le ye a tinna m buloo laata ali kaŋ
ka ali kasaara,
kaatu m bataata sabari la le.
7 Ŋa Yahuuda moolu fee n na feerilaŋo le la,
saatee dundaŋ daalu to bankoo kaŋ taariŋ.
Ŋa bonoo niitooroo, aniŋ kasaaroo le boyi n na moolu kaŋ,
kaatu ì maŋ bo ì la sila kuruŋolu kaŋ.
8 M be ì la furuyaamusoolu yaatewo siyandi la le,
ka tambi baa daala keñoo la.
Tilibula baa, m be tiñaarilaa le naati la,
ŋa ì la fondinkewolu kerekere faa,
ì baañolu ye ŋayibe.
M be niikuyaa niŋ kijafaroo boyi la ì kaŋ ne kataba kiliŋ.
9 Musu meŋ jiidita diŋ woorowula la,
wolu la faa si a ketundi,
niijiyo ye koleyaa a ma.
A la tilibula baa si ke a ye diboo ti.
A si malu, aduŋ dooyaaroo si laa a kaŋ.
Ì toomaalu mennu tuta baluuriŋ,
m be ì jawoolu le bula la ì ye ì faa niŋ hawusaroo la.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
Yeremiya la woosiyo aniŋ Alla la jaabiroo
10 Hee, nte Yeremiya,
m baa la n wuluwo keta n ye bataa le ti!
N keta moo le ti, ì ka tu meŋ na kuwo ñoosaba la,
aniŋ ka n kele bankoo bee kaŋ.
M maŋ moo donto, moo maŋ n donto,
hani wo, moo bee ka n danka.
11 Yaawe ko:
“A be koyiriŋ ne ko,
m be i tankandi la daliila kende le kamma.
A be koyiriŋ ne ko,
m be a ke la le i jawoolu ye i maaneenee,
maasiiboo niŋ mantooroo waatoo la.
12 “Moo te newo kati noo la,
sako newo niŋ jaawaloo,
mennu bota maraa kara maafaŋ bankoo kaŋ.”
13 Yaawe ko n ye le ko:
“M be ali la naafuloo niŋ ali la sotofeŋolu dii la le
ka ke ñapinkaŋ feŋo ti.
Ñiŋ ne be ke la ali la julujoo ti,
ali la junuboolu kamma la,
ali ye mennu ke bankoo fannaalu bee la.
14 M be ali joŋyandi la ali jawoolu ye le,
bankoo kaŋ ali maŋ daameŋ to loŋ,
kaatu n na kamfaa be ke la ali kaŋ ne
ko dimbaa meŋ te faa la fo fawu.”
15 Bituŋ n kumata ko,
Hee Yaawe, ite ye a loŋ ne meŋ keta n na,
i hakiloo ye bula n na,
i ye n na kuwo hati,
i ye juloo joo n ye n jawoolu to.
Kana tara muñariŋ ì ye,
ka n tu ì bulu ì ye n niyo taa.
I ye a loŋ ne ko,
ì ka n neŋ ite le la kuwo la.
16 Ŋa i la kumoo kiliŋ-kiliŋ tomboŋ ne,
ŋa a ke ko n na domoroo,
aduŋ i la kumakaŋolu keta n ye seewoo le ti,
aniŋ jusulaa.
Hee Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo*,
i tooyaa le be n kunna.
17 M buka sii tulunnaalu la kafoo kono,
sako n si jusulaa.
N ka tara m faŋ ye le,
kaatu m be ite le bulu marariŋ,
aduŋ n ka faa i ye jusukandoo la le,
moolu la kuwo to.
18 Muŋ ne ye n na diminnaa ke kuu bambaloo ti,
n na baramoo tuta jaarabali,
a maŋ soŋ kendeyaa la?
Fo ite be ke la nte fee le ko woyoo
meŋ ka moolu neenee,
komeŋ jiyo meŋ ka bo moolu koto?
19 Wo le to Yaawe ye ñiŋ fo ko:
“Niŋ i tuubiseyita, m be i seyindi la i ñaama le,
aduŋ i be dookuwo ke la n ye le.
Niŋ i ka kuma kesoo le fo,
a maŋ ke kuma kenseŋo ti,
i be ke la n na diyaamulaa le ti.
Moolu le be muru la ite kaŋ,
bari ite te muru la itolu kaŋ.
20 M be i ke la ñiŋ moolu ye le komeŋ tata sansaŋo
meŋ dadaata newo la.
Ì be i kele la le, bari ì te kuu noo la i ma,
kaatu m be tara la i fee le,
ka i kiisa aniŋ ka i tanka.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
21 “M be i tankandi la moo kuruŋolu bulu le,
ŋa i bondi tilimbaloolu la mutoo kono.”