شريعة الولادة
1 وكلَّمَ الرّبُّ موسى فقالَ: 2 «قُلْ لِبني إِسرائيلَ: إذا حَبِلَتِ ا‏مرأةٌ فوَلَدَت ذَكَرا، تكونُ نَجِسةً سَبعَةَ أيّامٍ كما في أيّامِ طَمْثِها. 3 وفي اليومِ الثَّامنِ يُختَنُ المولودُ‌. 4 وتنتَظِرُ ثلاثةً وثلاثينَ يوما آخرَ لِـيتطهَّرَ دَمُها، لا تُلامِسُ شيئا مِنَ المُقَدَّساتِ ولا تدخُلُ المَقْدِسَ حتّى تَتِمَّ أيّامُ طُهورِها.
5 فإنْ وَلَدت أُنثى، تكونُ نَجِسةً أسبوعينِ كما في أيّامِ طَمْثِها، وتنتَظِرُ سِتَّةً وستّينَ يوما لِـيتطهَّرَ دَمُها. 6 وعِندَما تَتِمُّ أيّامُ طُهورِها، لِذَكَرٍ كان أو أُنثى، تَجيءُ بِـخَروفٍ حَوليٍّ مُحرَقةً، وبِفَرْخِ حمامٍ أو بـيمامةٍ ذبـيحةَ خطيئةٍ إلى بابِ خيمةِ الاجتِماعِ، إلى الكاهنِ، 7 فيُقَرِّبُها أمامَ الرّبِّ ويُكَفِّرُ عنها، فتَطهَرُ مِنْ سَيَلانِ دَمِها. هذِهِ شريعةُ الّتي تَلِدُ ذَكَرا أو أُنثى. 8 وإنْ كانت لا تَملِكُ ثَمَنَ خَروفٍ، فلْتَأخُذْ يَمامَتَينِ أو فرخَي حمامٍ‌، أحدُهُما مُحرَقةٌ والآخرُ ذبـيحةُ خطيئةٍ. فيُكَفِّرُ عنها الكاهنُ، فتَطهُرُ».
The Purification of Women after Childbirth
1 The Lord gave Moses the following regulations 2 for the people of Israel. For seven days after a woman gives birth to a son, she is ritually unclean, as she is during her monthly period. 3 On the eighth day, the child shall be circumcised. 4 Then it will be thirty-three more days until she is ritually clean from her loss of blood; she must not touch anything that is holy or enter the sacred Tent until the time of her purification is completed.
5 For fourteen days after a woman gives birth to a daughter, she is ritually unclean, as she is during her monthly period. Then it will be sixty-six more days until she is ritually clean from her loss of blood.
6 When the time of her purification is completed, whether for a son or daughter, she shall bring to the priest at the entrance of the Tent of the Lord's presence a one-year-old lamb for a burnt offering and a pigeon or a dove for a sin offering. 7 The priest shall present her offering to the Lord and perform the ritual to take away her impurity, and she will be ritually clean. This, then, is what a woman must do after giving birth.
8 If the woman cannot afford a lamb, she shall bring two doves or two pigeons, one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering, and the priest shall perform the ritual to take away her impurity, and she will be ritually clean.