مواليد يساكر
1 وبَنو يَسَّاكرَ أربَعةٌ: تُولاعُ وفوةُ وياشوبُ وشِمْرونُ. 2 وبَنو تولاعَ: عُزِّي ورفايا ويريئيلُ ويَحمايُ ويَبسامُ وشَموئيلُ، وكانوا رؤساءَ بـيوتِ آبائِهِم ومُقاتِلينَ أشدَّاءَ. وكانَ عدَدُهُم في أيّامِ داوُدَ ا‏ثنينِ وعِشرينَ ألفا وستَّ مِئَةٍ. 3 وا‏بنُ عُزِّي: يَزرَحْيا، وبَنو يَزرَحْيا أربَعةٌ: ميخائيلُ وعُوبَديا ويوئيلُ ويَشِّيَّا، وكانوا كُلُّهُم رؤساءَ بـيوتِ آبائِهِم. 4 وأكثروا مِنَ الزَّوجاتِ والبَنينَ، فكانَ لهُم مِنْ مَواليدِهِم سِتَّةٌ وثَلاثونَ ألفَ مُقاتلٍ. 5 وأنسِباؤُهُم جميعا، مِنْ كُلِّ عشائِرِ يَسَّاكَر، سبعةٌ وثمانونَ ألفَ مُقاتلٍ جَبارٍ.
مواليد بنيامين وجاد
6 وبَنو بنيامينَ ثَلاثَةٌ، وهُم بالَعُ وباكَرُ ويَديعئيلُ. 7 وبَنو بالَعَ خمسةٌ وهُم: أصبونُ وعُزِّي وعَزِّيئيلُ ويَريموثُ وعيري، وكُلُّهُم رؤساءُ عائلاتِهِم وجَبابِرَةٌ أشدَّاءُ. وكانَ عددُ أنسبائِهِم ا‏ثنينِ وعشرينَ ألفا وأربَعةً وثَلاثينَ. 8 وبَنو باكرَ تِسعةٌ وهُم: زَميرةُ ويوعاشُ وأليعزَرُ وأليوعينايُ وعُمري ويَريموثُ وأبـيَّا وعناتوتُ وعلامَثُ. 9 وكانوا كُلُّهُم رؤساءَ عائلاتِهِم وجبابِرَةً أشدَّاءَ، ويَنتَسِبُ إليهِم عشرونَ ألفا ومئتانِ. 10 وا‏بنُ يَديعئيلَ بَلهانُ، وبَنو بَلهانَ سبعةٌ وهُم: يَعيشُ وبنيامينُ وأهودُ وكنعَنَةُ وزيتانُ وترشيشُ وأخيشاحَرُ. 11 كُلُّ هؤلاءِ كانوا رؤساءَ عائلاتِهِم وجبابرَةً أشدَّاءَ، ويَنتَسِبُ إليهِم سبعةَ عشَرَ ألفا ومئتا مُحاربٍ. 12 وا‏بنا عيرَ‌: شُفِّيمُ وحُفِّيمُ، وا‏بنُ أحيرَ حوشيمُ.
مواليد نفتالي
13 وبَنو نَفتالي أربَعةٌ، وهُم يَحصيئيلُ وجوني ويصَرُ وشَلُّومُ، مِنْ نَسلِ بِلهَةَ‌ جاريةِ يَعقوبَ.
مواليد منسى
14 وا‏بنا منَسَّى مِنْ جاريتِهِ الآراميَّةِ: إشريئيلُ وماكيرُ أبو جلعادَ. 15 وا‏تَّخَذَ ماكيرُ زوجةً لِكُلٍّ مِنْ حُفِّيمَ وشُفِّيمَ. ا‏سمُ أُختِهما مَعكةُ، وا‏سمُ ا‏بنِهِ الثَّاني صَلْفَحادُ. وكانَ لصَلْفَحادَ بناتٌ لا بَنينَ. 16 ووَلَدت مَعكةُ ا‏مرأةُ ماكيرَ ولَدَينِ وسَمَّتْهُما فرَشَ وشارشَ، وا‏بنا فرَشَ، أولامُ وراقَمُ. 17 وا‏بنُ أولامَ: بَدانُ. هؤلاءِ بنو جلعادَ بنِ ماكيرَ بنِ منَسَّى. 18 وولَدت أختُ جلعادَ همُّولكةُ إيشَهودَ وأبـيعزرَ ومَحلَةَ. 19 وبَنو شميداعَ‌ أربَعةٌ، وهُمُ: أخيانُ وشكيمُ ولِقْحي وأنيعامُ.
مواليد أفرايم
20 وا‏بنُ أفرايمَ: شوتالَحُ. وشوتالَحُ ولَدَ برَدَ، وبرَدُ ولَدَ تحثَ، وتحثُ ولَدَ ألعادَةَ، وألعادَةُ ولَدَ تحثَ، 21 وتحثُ ولَدَ زابادَ وزابادُ ولَدَ شوتالَحَ، وشوتالَحُ ولَدَ عزرَ وألعادَ. فقَتَلَهُم رجالُ جتَّ لأنَّ بَني أفرايمَ نزَلوا ليأخذوا ماشيتَهُم. 22 فناحَ أفرايمُ أبوهُم أيّاما كثيرة، وجاءَ إخوتُهُ ليُعزُّوهُ. 23 ونامَ أفرايم معَ ا‏مرأتِهِ. فحَبِلَت وولَدَت ا‏بنا سمَّاهُ بَريعةَ لأنَّ نَكبَةً نزَلَت في بَيتِهِ. 24 وكانَ لأفرايمَ ا‏بنَةٌ ا‏سمُها شيرَةُ، وهيَ بَنَتْ بَيتَ حُورونَ السُّفلى والعُليا وأزينَ شيرَةَ. 25 وكانَ لَه‌ أيضا ا‏بنٌ ا‏سمُهُ رَفَحُ، وبَنوهُ: تاحَنُ بنُ تَلَحَ بنِ رَشَفَ، 26 وأليشَمَعُ بنُ عَميهودَ بنِ لَعدانَ، 27 ويشوعُ بنُ نُونٍ. 28 وأملاكُهُم ومساكِنهُم كانَت بـيتَ بابلَ وتوابِــعَها، وشرقا نَعَرانَ، وغربا جازَرَ وشكيمَ وتوابِــعَهُما، إلى عَيَّةَ وتوابِــعَها. 29 ولِبَني منَسَّى بَيتُ شانَ وتوابِــعُها، وتَعنَكُ وتوابِــعُها، ومِجِدُّو وتوابِــعُها، ودُورُ وتوابِــعُها، هُناكَ كانَت مساكِنُ بَني يوسفَ بنِ يعقوبَ.
مواليد أشير
30 وبَنو أشيرَ: يَمنَةُ ويِشوَةُ ويِشوي وبَريعةُ، وسارَحُ أختُهُم. 31 وا‏بنا بَريعَةَ: حابِرُ وملكِئيلُ، وهوَ أبو بِرْزاوثَ. 32 وحابِرُ ولَدَ يَفليطَ وشوميرَ وحوثامَ وشُوعَا أُختُهُم. 33 وبَنو يَفليطَ: فاسكُ وبِمْهالُ وعَشوَةُ. 34 وبَنو شامَرَ: آخي ورُهجَةُ ويَحَبَّةُ وأرامُ. 35 وبَنو هيلامَ أخيهِ: صوفَحُ ويَمناعُ وشالَشُ وعامالُ. 36 وبَنو صوفَحَ: سوحُ وحَرنفَرُ وشوعالُ وبـيري ويَمرَةُ 37 وباصِرُ وهُودُ وشَمَّا وشِلْشَةُ ويِثرانُ وبئيرا. 38 وبَنو يَثَرَ: يَفُنَّةُ وفِسفَةُ وأرا. 39 وبَنو عُلاَّ: آراحُ وحَنيئيلُ ورصيا‌. 40 كُلُّ هؤلاءِ بَنو أشيرَ. وكانوا رُؤساءَ بـيوتِ آبائِهِم وجَبابِرةً أشدَّاءَ مَشهورينَ وقادةً بارِزينَ، والّذينَ يَنتَسبونَ إليهِم عدَدُهُم سِتَّةٌ وعشرونَ ألفَ مُحاربٍ.
The Descendants of Issachar
1 Issachar had four sons: Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron.
2 Tola had six sons: Uzzi, Rephaiah, Jeriel, Jahmai, Ibsam, and Shemuel. They were heads of families of the clan of Tola and were famous soldiers. At the time of King David their descendants numbered 22,600.
3 Uzzi had one son, Izrahiah. Izrahiah and his four sons, Michael, Obadiah, Joel, and Isshiah, were all heads of families. 4 They had so many wives and children that their descendants were able to provide 36,000 men for military duty.
5 The official records of all the families of the tribe of Issachar listed 87,000 men eligible for military duty.
The Descendants of Benjamin and Dan
6 Benjamin had three sons: Bela, Becher, and Jediael.
7 Bela had five sons: Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth, and Iri. They were heads of families in the clan and were all famous soldiers. Their descendants included 22,034 men eligible for military duty.
8 Becher had nine sons: Zemirah, Joash, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Jeremoth, Abijah, Anathoth, and Alemeth. 9 The official record of their descendants by families listed 20,200 men eligible for military duty.
10 Jediael had one son, Bilhan, and Bilhan had seven sons: Jeush, Benjamin, Ehud, Chenaanah, Zethan, Tarshish, and Ahishahar. 11 They were heads of families in the clan and were all famous soldiers. Their descendants included 17,200 men eligible for military duty. 12 Shuppim and Huppim also belonged to this tribe.
Dan had one son, Hushim.
The Descendants of Naphtali
13 Naphtali had four sons: Jahziel, Guni, Jezer, and Shallum. (They were descendants of Bilhah. )
The Descendants of Manasseh
14 By his Aramean concubine, Manasseh had two sons, Asriel and Machir. Machir was the father of Gilead. 15 Machir found a wife for Huppim and one for Shuppim. His sister's name was Maacah. Machir's second son was Zelophehad, and he had only daughters.
16 Maacah, Machir's wife, gave birth to two sons, whom they named Peresh and Sheresh. Peresh had two sons, Ulam and Rakem, 17 and Ulam had a son named Bedan. These are all descendants of Gilead, the son of Machir and grandson of Manasseh.
18 Gilead's sister Hammolecheth had three sons: Ishod, Abiezer, and Mahlah. ( 19 Shemida had four sons: Ahian, Shechem, Likhi, and Aniam.)
The Descendants of Ephraim
20 These are the descendants of Ephraim from generation to generation: Shuthelah, Bered, Tahath, Eleadah, Tahath, 21 Zabad, Shuthelah. Ephraim had two other sons besides Shuthelah: Ezer and Elead, who were killed when they tried to steal the livestock belonging to the native inhabitants of Gath. 22 Their father Ephraim mourned for them for many days, and his relatives came to comfort him. 23 Then he had intercourse with his wife again, and she became pregnant and had a son. They named him Beriah, because of the trouble that had come to their family.
24 Ephraim had a daughter named Sheerah. She built the towns of Upper and Lower Beth Horon, and Uzzen Sheerah.
25 Ephraim also had a son named Rephah, whose descendants were as follows: Resheph, Telah, Tahan, 26 Ladan, Ammihud, Elishama, 27 Nun, Joshua.
28 The territory which they took and settled included Bethel and the towns around it, as far east as Naaran and as far west as Gezer and the towns around it. It also included the cities of Shechem and Ayyah, and the towns around them.
29 The descendants of Manasseh controlled the cities of Beth Shan, Taanach, Megiddo, and Dor, and the towns around them.
All these are the places where the descendants of Joseph son of Jacob lived.
The Descendants of Asher
30 These are the descendants of Asher. He had four sons: Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah; and one daughter, Serah.
31 Beriah had two sons, Heber and Malchiel. (Malchiel founded the city of Birzaith.)
32 Heber had three sons: Japhlet, Shomer, and Hotham; and one daughter, Shua.
33 Japhlet also had three sons: Pasach, Bimhal, and Ashvath.
34 His brother Shomer had three sons: Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram.
35 His brother Hotham had four sons: Zophah, Imna, Shelesh, and Amal.
36 The descendants of Zophah were Suah, Harnepher, Shual, Beri, Imrah, 37 Bezer, Hod, Shamma, Shilshah, Ithran, and Beera.
38 The descendants of Jether were Jephunneh, Pispa, and Ara, 39 and the descendants of Ulla were Arah, Hanniel, and Rizia.
40 All of these were descendants of Asher. They were heads of families, famous fighting men, outstanding leaders. Asher's descendants included 26,000 men eligible for military duty.