داود يستولي على ربة
(2صم 11‏:1؛ 2صم 12‏:26‏-31)
1 وفي رَبـيعِ السَّنةِ المُقبِلَةِ، وقتَ خُروجِ المُلوكِ عادةً إلى الحربِ، قادَ يوآبُ الجيشَ وغَزا أرضَ بَني عَمُّونَ وحاصرَ عاصِمَتَهُم رَبَّةَ. وأمَّا داوُدُ فبَقيَ في أورُشليمَ. فهاجَمَ يُوآبُ رَبَّةَ وهدَمَها. 2 وأخَذَ داوُدُ التَّاجَ عَنْ رأسِ الإلهِ مَلكومَ‌، فوَجَدَ وَزْنَهُ ثَلاثَةَ عشَرَ رَطلا مِنَ الذَّهبِ. وكانَ فيهِ حجَرٌ كريمٌ، فوَضَعَهُ داوُدُ في تاجِهِ، وغَنِمَ مِنَ المدينةِ غَنائِمَ كثيرةً جِدًّا. 3 وأخرَجَ سُكَّانَها أيضا وأمَرَهُم بالعمَلِ بالمَناشيرِ ونوارِجِ الحديدِ والفُؤوسِ. وهكذا فعَلَ بِـجميعِ مُدُنِ بَني عَمُّونَ، ثُمَّ رجَعَ معَ الجيشِ إلى أورُشليمَ.
الحرب على الفلسطيـين
(2صم 21‏:18‏-22)
4 ونشبَت بَعدَ ذلِكَ حربٌ في جازَرَ‌ معَ الفِلسطيِّينَ، فقَتَلَ فيها سِبكايُ الحوشيُّ رفائيًّا‌ ا‏سمُهُ سَفَّايُ فا‏نْهَزَمَ الفِلسطيُّونَ. 5 ثُمَّ نشبَت أيضا حربٌ معَ الفِلسطيِّينَ، فقَتَلَ ألحانانُ بنُ بَعورَ أخا جُلياتَ‌ الجِتِّيّ‌ وا‏سمُهُ لَحْمي وكانَت قَناةُ رُمحِهِ كنَولِ الحائِكِ. 6 وفي حربٍ أُخرى في جَتَّ، كانَ فيها رَجُلٌ جبَّارٌ طويلُ القامةِ، لَه سِتُّ أصابِـعَ في كُلِّ يَدٍ ورِجْلٍ، 7 فلمَّا أهانَ بَني إِسرائيلَ قتَلَهُ يوناثانُ بنُ شِمْعا أخي داوُدَ. 8 هؤلاءِ الثَّلاثةُ الّذينَ سقَطوا بِيَدِ داوُدَ وأيدي رِجالِه كانوا مِنْ بَني هَرْفَةَ في جَتَّ.
David Captures Rabbah
(2 Samuel 12.26-31)
1 The following spring, at the time of the year when kings usually go to war, Joab led out the army and invaded the land of Ammon; King David, however, stayed in Jerusalem. They besieged the city of Rabbah, attacked it, and destroyed it. 2 The Ammonite idol Molech had a gold crown which weighed about seventy-five pounds. In it there was a jewel, which David took and put in his own crown. He also took a large amount of loot from the city. 3 He took the people of the city and put them to work with saws, iron hoes, and axes. He did the same to the people of all the other towns of Ammon. Then he and his men returned to Jerusalem.
Battles against Philistine Giants
(2 Samuel 21.15-22)
4 Later on, war broke out again with the Philistines at Gezer. This was when Sibbecai from Hushah killed a giant named Sippai, and the Philistines were defeated.
5 There was another battle with the Philistines, and Elhanan son of Jair killed Lahmi, the brother of Goliath from Gath, whose spear had a shaft as thick as the bar on a weaver's loom.
6 Another battle took place at Gath, where there was a giant with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. He was a descendant of the ancient giants. 7 He defied the Israelites, and Jonathan, the son of David's brother Shammah, killed him.
8 These three, who were killed by David and his men, were descendants of the giants at Gath.