1 Pilate gave orders for Jesus to be beaten with a whip. 2 The soldiers made a crown out of thorn branches and put it on Jesus. Then they put a purple robe on him. 3 They came up to him and said, “Hey, you king of the Jews!” They also hit him with their fists.
4 Once again Pilate went out. This time he said, “I will have Jesus brought out to you again. Then you can see for yourselves that I have not found him guilty.”
5 Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said, “Here is the man!”
6 When the chief priests and the temple police saw him, they yelled, “Nail him to a cross! Nail him to a cross!”
Pilate told them, “You take him and nail him to a cross! I don't find him guilty of anything.”
7 The crowd replied, “He claimed to be the Son of God! Our law says that he must be put to death.”
8 When Pilate heard this, he was terrified. 9 He went back inside and asked Jesus, “Where are you from?” But Jesus did not answer.
10 “Why won't you answer my question?” Pilate asked. “Don't you know I have the power to let you go free or to nail you to a cross?”
11 Jesus replied, “If God had not given you the power, you couldn't do anything at all to me. But the one who handed me over to you did something even worse.”
12 Then Pilate wanted to set Jesus free. But the crowd again yelled, “If you set this man free, you are no friend of the Emperor! Anyone who claims to be a king is an enemy of the Emperor.”
13 When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out. Then he sat down on the judge's bench at the place known as “The Stone Pavement.” In Aramaic this pavement is called “Gabbatha.” 14 It was about noon on the day before Passover, and Pilate said to the crowd, “Look at your king!”
15 “Kill him! Kill him!” they yelled. “Nail him to a cross!”
“So you want me to nail your king to a cross?” Pilate asked.
The chief priests replied, “The Emperor is our king!” 16 Then Pilate handed Jesus over to be nailed to a cross.
Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross
(Matthew 27.32-44Mark 15.21-32Luke 23.26-43)
Jesus was taken away, 17 and he carried his cross to a place known as “The Skull.” In Aramaic this place is called “Golgotha.” 18 There Jesus was nailed to the cross, and on each side of him a man was also nailed to a cross.
19 Pilate ordered the charge against Jesus to be written on a board and put above the cross. It read, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” 20 The words were written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
The place where Jesus was taken wasn't far from the city, and many of the people read the charge against him. 21 So the chief priests went to Pilate and said, “Why did you write that he is King of the Jews? You should have written, ‘He claimed to be King of the Jews.’ ”
22 But Pilate told them, “What is written will not be changed!”
23 After the soldiers had nailed Jesus to the cross, they divided up his clothes into four parts, one for each of them. But his outer garment was made from a single piece of cloth, and it did not have any seams. 24 The soldiers said to each other, “Let's not rip it apart. We will gamble to see who gets it.” This happened so the Scriptures would come true, which say,

“They divided up my clothes
and gambled
for my garments.”

The soldiers then did what they had decided.
25 Jesus' mother stood beside his cross with her sister and Mary the wife of Clopas. Mary Magdalene was standing there too. 26 When Jesus saw his mother and his favorite disciple with her, he said to his mother, “This man is now your son.” 27 Then he said to the disciple, “She is now your mother.” From then on, that disciple took her into his own home.
The Death of Jesus
(Matthew 27.45-56Mark 15.33-41Luke 23.44-49)
28 Jesus knew that he had now finished his work. And in order to make the Scriptures come true, he said, “I am thirsty!” 29 A jar of cheap wine was there. Someone then soaked a sponge with the wine and held it up to Jesus' mouth on the stem of a hyssop plant. 30 After Jesus drank the wine, he said, “Everything is done!” He bowed his head and died.
A Spear Is Stuck in Jesus' Side
31 The next day would be both a Sabbath and the Passover. It was a special day for the Jewish people, and they did not want the bodies to stay on the crosses during this day. So they asked Pilate to break the men's legs and take their bodies down. 32 The soldiers first broke the legs of the other two men who were nailed there. 33 But when they came to Jesus, they saw he was already dead, and they did not break his legs.
34 One of the soldiers stuck his spear into Jesus' side, and blood and water came out. 35 We know this is true, because it was told by someone who saw it happen. Now you can have faith too. 36 All this happened so that the Scriptures would come true, which say, “No bone of his body will be broken” 37 and “They will see the one in whose side they stuck a spear.”
Jesus Is Buried
(Matthew 27.57-61Mark 15.42-47Luke 23.50-56)
38 Joseph from Arimathea was one of Jesus' disciples. He had kept it secret though, because he was afraid of the Jewish leaders. But now he asked Pilate to let him have Jesus' body. Pilate gave him permission, and Joseph took it down from the cross.
39 Nicodemus also came with about 30 kilograms of spices made from myrrh and aloes. This was the same Nicodemus who had visited Jesus one night. 40 The two men wrapped the body in a linen cloth, together with the spices, which was how the Jewish people buried their dead. 41 In the place where Jesus had been nailed to a cross, there was a garden with a tomb that had never been used. 42 The tomb was nearby, and since it was the time to prepare for the Sabbath, they were in a hurry to put Jesus' body there.
1 أخَذَ بِـيلاطُسُ يَسوعَ وأمَرَ بِجَلْدِهِ. 2 وضفَرَ الجنودُ إكليلاً مِنْ شَوكٍ ووضَعوهُ على رأسِهِ، وألبَسوهُ ثَوبًا أُورجُوانيّا، 3 وأحاطُوا بِه يَلطِمونَهُ ويَقولونَ: «السّلامُ علَيكَ يا مَلِكَ اليَهودِ!»
4 وعادَ بِـيلاطُسُ إلى الجُموعِ وقالَ لهُم: «ها أنا أُخرِجُهُ إلَيكُم لِتَعرِفوا أنّي ما وجَدتُ سَببًا لِلحُكمِ علَيهِ». 5 فخَرَجَ يَسوعُ وعلَيهِ إكليلُ الشّوكِ والثّوبُ الأُورجُوانيّ، فقالَ لهُم بِـيلاطُسُ: «ها هوَ الرّجُلُ!»
6 فلمّا شاهَدَهُ رُؤساءُ الكَهنَةِ والحرَسُ صاحوا: «اَصلِبْهُ! اَصلِبْهُ!» فقالَ لهُم بِـيلاطُسُ: «خُذوهُ أنتُم واَصلِبوهُ، فأنا لا أجِدُ سَببًا لِلحُكمِ علَيهِ». 7 فأجابَهُ اليَهودُ: «لنا شريعةٌ، وهذِهِ الشّريعةُ تَقضي علَيهِ بالموتِ لأنّهُ زَعَمَ أنّهُ اَبنُ اللهِ». 8 فلمّا سمِعَ بِـيلاطُسُ كلامَهُم هذا اَشتَدّ خوفُهُ. 9 فدخَلَ القَصرَ وقالَ ليَسوعَ: «مِنْ أينَ أنتَ؟» فما أجابَهُ يَسوعُ بِشيءٍ. 10 فقالَ لَه بِـيلاطُسُ: «ألاَ تُجيبُني؟ ألاَ تَعرِفُ أنّ لي سُلطةً أنْ أُخلِـيَ سبـيلَكَ، وسُلطةً أنْ أصلِبَكَ؟» 11 فأجابَه يَسوعُ: «ما كانَ لكَ سُلطةٌ علَيّ، لَولا أنّكَ نِلتَها مِنَ اللهِ. أمّا الذي أسلَمَني إلَيكَ، فخَطيئَــتُهُ أعظَمُ مِنْ خَطيئَتِكَ».
12 فحاوَلَ بِـيلاطُسُ بَعدَ هذا أنْ يُخليَ سَبـيلَهُ، ولكِنّ اليَهودَ صاحوا: «إنْ أخلَيتَ سَبـيلَهُ، فما أنتَ مِنْ أصدقاءِ القيصَرِ، لأنّ مَنْ يَدّعي المُلكَ يكونُ عَدُوّا لِلقيصَرِ!» 13 فلمّا سمِعَ بـيلاطُسُ هذا الكلامَ أخرَجَ يَسوعَ وجلَسَ على كُرْسِيّ القَضاءِ في مَوضِعٍ يُسمّى «البَلاطَ»، وبالعِبريّةِ جَبّاثا. 14 وكانَ ذلِكَ يومَ الجُمعَةِ، يومَ التّهيئَةِ لِلفِصحِ، والوقتُ نحوَ الظّهرِ. فقالَ لِليَهودِ: «ها هوَ مَلِكُكُم!» 15 فصاحوا: «اَقتُلْهُ! اَقتُلْهُ! اَصلِبْهُ!» فقالَ لهُم بِـيلاطُسُ: «أأصلِبُ مَلِكَكُم؟» فأجابَ رُؤساءُ الكَهنَةِ: «لا مَلِكَ علَينا إلاّ القَيصَرُ!» 16 فأسلَمَهُ إلَيهِم لِـيَصلِبوه.
يسوع على الصليب
(متى 27‏:32‏-44، مرقس 15‏:21‏-32، لوقا 23‏:26‏-43)
فأخذوا يَسوعَ 17 فخرَجَ وهوَ يَحمِلُ صَليبَهُ إلى مكانٍ يُسَمّى الجُمجُمَةَ، وبالعبرِيّةِ جُلْجُثَةَ. 18 فصَلبوهُ هُناكَ وصَلَبوا معَهُ رَجُلَينِ، كُلّ واحدٍ مِنهُما في جِهَةٍ، وبَينَهُما يَسوعُ. 19 وعَلّقَ بِـيلاطُسُ على الصّليبِ لوحَةً مكتوبًا فيها: «يَسوعُ النّاصِريّ مَلِكُ اليَهودِ». 20 فقَرأ كثيرٌ مِنَ اليَهودِ هذِهِ الكِتابَةَ، لأنّ المكانَ الذي صَلَبوا فيهِ يَسوعَ كانَ قَريبًا مِنَ المدينةِ. وكانَتِ الكِتابَةُ بالعِبريّةِ واللاتينيّةِ واليُونانِـيّةِ. 21 فقالَ رُؤساءُ كَهنَةِ اليَهودِ لبِـيلاطُسَ: «لا تكتُبْ: مَلِكُ اليَهودِ، بل اَكتُبْ: هذا الرّجُلُ قالَ: أنا مَلِكُ اليَهودِ!»
22 فأجابَهُم بِـيلاطُسُ: «ما كَتَبتُهُ، كَتَبتُهُ». 23 ولمّا صَلَبَ الجُنودُ يَسوعَ أخَذوا ثيابَهُ وقَسَموها أربَعَ حِصَصٍ، لكُلّ جُنديّ حِصّةٌ. وأخذوا قَميصَهُ أيضًا وكانَ قِطعَةً واحدةً لا خِياطةَ بِها، مَنسوجَةً كُلّها مِنْ أعلى إلى أسفلُ. 24 فقالَ بَعضُهُم لِبَعضٍ: «لا نَشُقّ هذا القَميصَ، بل نَقتَرعُ علَيهِ، فنَرى لِمَنْ يكونُ». فتَمّ قَولُ الكِتابِ: «تقاسَموا ثيابـي، وعلى قَميصي اَقتَرَعوا». وهذا ما فعَلَهُ الجُنودُ.
25 وهُناكَ، عِندَ صليبِ يَسوعَ، وقَفَت أُمّهُ، وأُختُ أُمّهِ مَريَمُ زَوجَةُ كِلوبا، ومَريَمُ المَجدَليّةُ. 26 ورأى يَسوعُ أُمّهُ وإلى جانِبها التّلميذُ الحبـيبُ إلَيهِ، فقالَ لأُمّهِ: «يا اَمرأةُ، هذا اَبنُكِ». 27 وقالَ لِلتلميذِ: «هذِهِ أُمّكَ». فأخَذَها التّلميذُ إلى بَيتِه مِنْ تِلكَ السّاعَةِ.
موت يسوع
(متى 27‏:45‏-56، مرقس 15‏:33‏-41، لوقا 23‏:44‏-49)
28 ورأى يَسوعُ أنّ كُلّ شيءٍ تَمّ، فقالَ: «أنا عَطشانُ»، لِـيَتِمّ الكِتابُ. 29 وكانَ هُناكَ وِعاءٌ مَملوءٌ بالخَلّ، فغَمَسوا فيهِ إسفنجَةً ووضَعوها على الزُوفى ورَفَعوها إلى فَمِه. 30 فلمّا ذاقَ يَسوعُ الخَلّ قالَ: «تَمّ كُلّ شيءٍ». وحَنى رأسَهُ وأسلَمَ الرّوحَ.
طعن جنب يسوع
31 وكانَ ذلِكَ يومَ التّهيئَةِ لِلسبتِ، فطلَبَ اليَهودُ مِنْ بِـيلاطُسَ أنْ يأمُرَ بِكَسرِ سِيقانِ المَصلوبـينَ وإنزالِ جُثَثِهِم عَنِ الصّليبِ لِئَلاّ تَبقى يومَ السّبتِ، وخُصوصًا أنّ ذلِكَ السّبتَ يومٌ عظيمٌ. 32 فجاءَ الجُنودُ وكَسَروا ساقَي الأوّلِ والآخِرِ المَصلوبَينِ معَ يَسوعَ. 33 ولمّا وصَلوا إلى يَسوعَ وجَدوهُ مَيتًا، فما كَسروا ساقَيهِ. 34 ولكِنّ أحدَ الجُنودِ طَعَنَهُ بِحَربَةٍ في جَنبِهِ، فخَرَجَ مِنهُ دَمٌ وماءٌ. 35 والذي رأى هذا يَشهَدُ بِه وشهادَتُهُ صَحيحَةٌ، ويَعرِفُ أنّهُ يَقولُ الحقّ حتى تُؤمِنوا مِثلَه. 36 وحدَثَ هذا ليَتِمّ قَولُ الكتابِ: «لَنْ يَنكسِرَ لَه عَظْمٌ». 37 وجاءَ في آيةٍ أُخرى: «سيَنظُرونَ إلى الذي طَعَنوه».
دفن يسوع
(متى 27‏:57‏-61، مرقس 15‏:42‏-47، لوقا 23‏:50‏-56)
38 وبَعدَ هذا جاءَ يوسُفُ الرّامي، وكانَ تلميذًا ليَسوعَ في السّرّ خَوفًا مِنَ اليَهودِ، وطلَبَ مِنْ بِـيلاطُسَ أنْ يأخُذَ جسَدَ يَسوعَ، فسمَحَ لَه. فَجاءَ وأخَذَ جسَدَ يَسوعَ. 39 وجاءَ نيقوديموسُ، وهوَ الذي ذهَبَ إلى يَسوعَ ليلاً مِنْ قَبلُ، وكانَ معَهُ خَليطٌ مِنَ المُرّ والعُودِ وَزْنُهُ نحوَ مِئةِ دِرهَمٍ. 40 فحَمَلا جسَدَ يَسوعَ وسكَبا علَيهِ الطيبَ ولفّاهُ في كَفَنٍ، على عادَةِ اليَهودِ في دَفنِ مَوتاهُم. 41 وكانَ في الموضِعِ الذي صَلَبوا فيهِ يَسوعَ بُستانٌ، وفي البُستانِ قَبرٌ جَديدٌ ما دُفِنَ فيهِ أحَدٌ. 42 فوَضَعا يَسوعَ فيهِ لأنّهُ كانَ قريبًا وكانَ اليومُ يومَ التّهيئَةِ عِندَ اليَهودِ.